Amir  Yusuf

Never expect too much, but always hope for the best.

Hello everyone! Here's a brief info about myself; I'm an adventurous person who's turning 21 this year and studying on something I don't really like (which is IT) and I'm single (for now). I've never been in a relationship for 20 years (it's sad, I know). It's not because I'm a jerk or not good looking, it's because I never want to try it out!!

Honestly, I'm quite a picky person in choosing who I want to be in a long term, good relationship with. But as a meddling teen who seeks fun like most of time, I never had the urge to be in a relationship because I know I would have to sacrifice my leisure time and normal daily routines. But that's not what I want to talk about actually..

Okay, I met a girl on Instagram on June 2015, I tried getting her number and I got it! (Yay :D) So we texted almost every night, shared our interests and so much more. Night after night, I got interested in her because we have a LOT of common interests such as we love the colour blue, we support the same football club, and so much more. After taking her out on 3 wonderful dates, we finally got together in a relationship. I was so so so excited because it's my first girlfriend and a pretty one too.

So after two months of being together, we had to go through a long distance relationship. She was skeptical and I was confident we could go through it. I've put so much expectations in our relationship.

Months and months had passed, fights after fights, we finally broke up on just after 9 months of being together. I asked myself "I never expected this to happen, but why did it happen?". I was so down and thankfully I have my friends to cheer me up. Why did it happen?

Now, all I have to do is learn from the pass and move on. But what have I learned from my first ever, high-expected serious relationship are; when you get the chance to be with someone, then take it! Never expect too much, but always hope for the best. Sometimes it'll work out but sometimes it won't. But it never stops there, go on living your life to the fullest if you can. Gain experience in love, then you'll be better at loving someone and you'll know what to do and what not to do. Please please please, just take the chance, because I didn't, and I regret it SO much. Be a better person and live a happy life because you only have one.

Thanks for your time reading on my obviously long love story, and I would be really happy if it helped you in some way. I love you all! PEACE!
Amir Yusuf