02: 5 days before the PSLE…
03: (0800) I can do it
04: (1100) Forget it
05: (1800) I’m back
06: (1801) So hard…. How to solve?!
07: (1900) I'm tired….. I'm going to bed.
08. 4 days before the PSLE….
09: (1000) zzzz sleeping
10: (1100) zzzz sleeping
11: (1300) AH! Good morning!
12: (1330) hmm …..
13: (1400) …. [should I study] 14: (1730) Ah….
15: (1900) Okay. Let’s Start!
16: (1901) Never mind. I gonna sleep.
17: (1930) Goodnight!
18: 3 days….. 2 days….. 1 day before PSLE
19: (0900) zzzzz sleeping
20: (1000) sleeping
21: (1200) sleeping
22: (1330) Ah! Good morning!
23: (1400) hmm
24: (1401) the PSLE is tomorrow
25: (1403) better start revising
26: (1900) 27: PSLE day….
28: [You may start!] Hmm….
29: [Put down your pen!] Done 1 question….
30: The next day…..
31: [You got 0]
32: nooo
33: [cries cries]
34: Remember! Never give up!
35: Being resilient allows you to do better.