As part of our on-ground and school outreach, we encourage the public, as well as students and teachers in schools, to pen down their own stories of appreciation on postcards. For many, the postcards are a great way to write a personalised heartfelt message to a loved one who has played a part in shaping them. Here are the postcards we have collected over the years that speak of their love, resilience, determination, hopes and dreams.

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Emma Yap
Wherever there is a human in need, there is an opportunity for kindness and to make a difference. If I have a friend that is financially weak, I will never hesitate to lend a helping hand. I will pack extra food for her so that she can save money for rainy days. If she has any younger siblings, I can donate my toys that are in good condition to them, this way they have toys. Emma Yap
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Jessica Kho
I want to set a good role model for my students and to influence them positively so that they too will be positive in their life and their work! Be positive and most importantly influence people positively! Jessica Kho
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Inka Nut
Keep on going do not give up! Inka Nut
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Jada Lim
I have no great talents nor have I done anything great but I loved and I loved with all of my soul. Jada Lim
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Sara Kam
The topic shines through me, my weirdness and crazy mind brings out the best of me. My friendliness may come off wrong to some people but I don’t mind as I would like to embrace my inner-self. Though I'm not that keen on embracing myself as I would get self-conscious and insecure, but rather than staying in my shell forever, I did be more open and explore new experiences. I think that is all for me to share, sayonara! Sara Kam
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Naomi Ng
Spread a little kindness everywhere you go Let that little kindness from your heart gently flow. Reach out with kindness to all those in need Smile at others with kindness Spread the kindness seed. Naomi Ng
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Angie Lau
I will be kind to those who have financial difficulties and appreciate them.
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Carys Chua
Courage doesn’t always roar sometimes it is the little voice at the end of the day that says I will try again tomorrow. Carys Chua
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By grace, she will make it and she will succeed. Rannah
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Ms Leow and Ms Razia
Do not be afraid of what can go wrong, things don’t always turn out the way we planned, or the way we think they should be, there are infinite possibilities which open up choices for us to embrace. We have to get through all bad times and eventually look out for better ones to be he best! Aim for progress not perfection! Everything seems impossible until it is done, so go take that first step, the next step and next and next. Ms Leow and Ms Razia
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The best of me: Trying my best and being me is the best o m I couldn’t think of a more better me. I am who I am, I am who is I. But I come become better by being more organised, neat, healthy, hygenic and better me. Sophie
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Deana Farisya
If everyone wants a positive mind, we must always never judge people even if they are poor or not the same as you. We must be brave in every obstacle even if it’s hard, we must also be courageous and support people in need. We must now compare too with other people even if their rich, poor or maybe special. These people have abilities and feelings too. Deana Farisya
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Give and share! I would give away all my good condition clothes to my friends or children’s home or give it to the less fortunate people. Thanyisha
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Natania Ooi
Perseverance. Don’t give up, think of the bright side! Always feel free to talk to close ones! Natania Ooi
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Charlotte Ng
As long as you are still trying you have not failed. We are born to make mistakes not to fake perfection. We can donate to the poor and under privileged. Charlotte Ng
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Joelle Lim
I will always do my best in everything will try to do anything to make my parents proud and more. I will do the best I can. Joelle Lim
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Shernice Sim
Don’t compare We don’t have to be like everyone. Just be yourself. No one is perfect. Just think positive. Shernice Sim
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Be brave, face your problems, face your fears. Be bold. It takes risks to make mistakes. Let go so stand up for yourself. Sarah
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Leia Tan
Success is not about how much money you earn, it is about the difference you make in people lives. I think we should all go by this quote as I feel like even if we are not loaded and rich, just even a dollar will make a difference I'm making someone else’s life better. The simplest act can make a huge difference. Leia Tan
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If I know someone who is less fortunate I will be friends with them and help them in their studies, sometimes they could feel left out, humiliated of being less fortunate than others or lonely but by having a friend, they would be less lonely and have someone to confide in. Jeanelle
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Caliana Soh
Be generous and share things with others. Be kind towards people around in society Donate things like old clothes and book to charity Always encourage one another in everything by doing good acts, Singapore will have a gracious society. Caliana Soh
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Kristen Kua
Don’t be selfish instead go out of your way and help others. Kristen Kua
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Sara tan
Accept the change Sara tan
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Pebbyl Ang
If my friend was living in poverty, I would tell that friend and make sure she or he remember in their heart hat if you are born in poverty it doesn’t mean you are poverty, so always dream big! Pebbyl Ang
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Ariel Cheah
We should lend a listening ear to the friends around us who need it. They might just need someone to talk to about difficult situations. We should also readily share our things with our friends or neighbours who cannot afford so many things like us. Even a simple packed lunch or a bag of clothes means a lot to the. Check in regularly on them. Lastly, be mindful of our words and of what we say, once words are spoken it cannot be taken back and some words might hurt them. Be brave and courageous enough to stand up for them. It is not enough to be friendly you have to be friend that counts. Ariel Cheah
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Tara Irynna
If I were to help someone with a difficulty or with difficulties, I would give her/him some advice on how to face their obstacles. It may be simple but something simple goes a long way. I would teach them how to cope with their difficulties. Tara Irynna
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Michelle Ng
I will donate my old clothes and toys that I won’t play anymore, also if I see elderly selling tissue paper, I will buy from those who are really in need because those who are physically able to walk need not sell tissue and can be cleaners or go to work. I know that sharing is caring and I will do my best to help the poor. Michelle Ng
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Magan John
If I am capable of helping the person I would try my best, I could: Donate money from my piggybank or I could ask my parents for money if they are willing to give. Donate clothes and toys that I no longer can wear or no longer play with. If he or she is bad at a subject, I can stay with him or her after school to help with the subject. My friend is demotivated, I can try to cheer him/her up to always think positive! A little kindness can go a long way, not only are you making that person feel happy, you are making yourself feel happy to! It is to spread the love. Magan John
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Tan Yun Wei
Learn adapt succeed, it all depends on the best if you. Tan Yun Wei
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Anna Chang
You are stronger today than you were yesterday. Anna Chang
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Nicole Lim
Message to the poor: Be proud of your personality and don’t care about what other people say. Message to the wealthy: Give instead of take. Donate instead of spend. Nicole Lim
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Tai You Shan
When nothing goes right go left. Tai You Shan
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Dreams are not things you thin see in your sleep but are things that keep you awake. Be happy Neyati
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Joanne Tan
I would donate the things that I do not need anymore which are still in good condition. I would also help them if they have difficulties with their studies or if they need someone to talk to. Just like the Chinese saying 赠人玫瑰,手留余香。 Joanne Tan
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Fear is a reaction, courage is decision. You are strong enough to face it all even if it doesn’t feel like it now. Natalie
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Noelle Marie Heng
No one is perfect, be yourself, believe yourself, trust yourself, don’t compare yourself with others. The grass is not always greener on the other side. Find the courage to be the best of you. Noelle Marie Heng
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Ms Jasmine Cheong
A better world for our children. Reuse, recycle, reduce and refuse plastic. Ms Jasmine Cheong
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Annie Yan
I want the future to be fair. The rich can help the poor. The rich also can donate his/her old books, clothes, toys etc. Annie Yan
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Remember to be kind, take your chance to work hard, all the chance is to have integrity and love. The best is to have the best of you, please be helpful and respect to all people. Sophia
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MC45 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try one more time. Shannon
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Sulwen Wu
I would give them some clothes that cannot fit me anymore, instead of throwing them away. Sulwen Wu
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I would like to donate things like school books, stationary, food, utensils, clothes, and not money because some of them will use the money to buy alcohol or other things. I've been searching for ways to heal myself, and I found that kindness is the best way Alysha
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Melissa Chong
Do one thing every day that scares you. 逆水行舟 Melissa Chong
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Do it your own way, be bold, be brave! Bernice
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You are stronger than you are, you are greater than you say, you are smarter than you think. Diya
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I will be their friend and I will b kind and respectful to them, always stay positive, everyone loves you! Believe in yourself good job! Try your best, be kind to everyone, you can do it, you are amazing! Abby
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Genevieve Goh
Just be yourself. Do your best, be happy, you can do it, trust yourself, be compassionate, never give up. Genevieve Goh
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Lim You Shan
Hi, don’t let others look down on you, have courage and be yourself. Lim You Shan
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Respect the needy. We should respect them because they are humans to Don’t talk bad about them behind their backs. Rebecca
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Charmaine Chong
Do not give up! Charmaine Chong
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Do the right thing even when no one’s watching Insist of helping others Encourage others to help Don’t ignore when help Is needed. Yuina
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To be the best of me, I have to Work hard, help others, learn from my mistakes, be curious, share my courage, face my problems and fears, be brave, stand up for myself, be bold, accept people, situations and outcomes. Jenitta
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Tan Le xuan
Don’t care whatever people say to you, just be yourself. Positivity is your great super power. Be brave and don’t let negative thought affect you. Tan Le xuan
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Give my old goods, but in new appearance. When you can't find the sunshine be the sunshine. Harsha
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Krysten Alisha
Show care! I’ve always seen elderly woman or men selling tissue packets of busking to earn money because of pity every now and then I would give my remaining money to them out of pity. But now I realised what they deserve is not pity but instead they deserve our care, compay and respect. Now I learnt to respect those who live in poverty. Krysten Alisha
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Selina Chew
Study hard, be brave when meeting problems and do not give up when metting problems and do not give up when meeting failure. Stay positive and always be a source of blessing to friends or family. Learn from our mistakes then you can be stronger in life Selina Chew
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Bloom where you’re planted, thrive in your resting place it is the thought that counts. Cassandra
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To bring out the best in me, I would become friends with those who are always alone. By being friends with them, they would know that I will be there if they have to talk about something. I am a good listening ear. I can comfort them or help them to the best of my ability. Yashnita
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Natasha Seah
I would volunteer to help clean my classroom. Since there are sometimes extra time between classes, we can use this time properly. We can help out by picking up litter or tidying up our area. This way, our classrooms would be cleaner and the uncle and aunty, who clean our classroom would not need to work as much! Natasha Seah
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Clara Lim
If I spot someone financially struggling I will…… (how can I help him/her of them?) What I will do for others? I will start by helping in school as I can help them in subjects they are weak in. but I will pass then some cash that I save especially for them weekly. Clara Lim
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Danielle Kalla
Be kind! Whenever I pass by someone who is selling tissue paper or busking for money, I will always help them by buying the items or donating money to them. Treat others the same way you want to be treated. Danielle Kalla
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Odelia Lim
Although $1 or $2 is not much money for us, this small amount of money can help people change their lives. If everyone buys one tissue packet from a person and contributes $1, imagine how much money will be accumulated at the end! I think this is how Singaporeans can do their part, don’t give them money without buying the tissue packets, they do not want your pity. Instead, if you want to help them but do not want the tissue packet, give the tissues to someone who helps them, if you do this, they will accept the money because you have bought the tissue. Odelia Lim
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Amanda Peng
I learn in a school with pupils of different races, religions and believes. There are s many pupils with great talents that sometimes I wish that was me. I soon began to realise that that’s because I have been thinking of what I could be when I should be thinking of what I already am. A unique individual, just like the others, with his or her own beauty. I can feel like how I’m supposed to be me. That to me, is how to be the best of you and me. Amanda Peng
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Emily Tan
I feel that if only everyone donated to the needy everyone can live happily. Even if you donate $1 it still counts. I also hope that corruption does not exist so that what we donate really goes to the needy. This is what I think after the programme. Emily Tan
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Your kindness for others should be as big as the ocean. Never give up and you will be victories. Be helpful! Be grateful! Have a heart of gold. Krithika
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Shermaine Wong
Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid od the branch breaking because its trust is not on the branch but on its own wings. Shermaine Wong
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Tara Loh
Stay Positive! Don’t define yourself by how others treat you, just be yourself and shine brightly. Stay strong and don’t give up. Tara Loh
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Natalie Wee
Beauty begins at the moment you decide to be yourself.
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Stefanie Loh
Boast your weakness. I'm not so fortunate like you. So, what? I’m unique in my own way.
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I would donate my old books for children who did not study since young. I would donate clothing’s that are not damaged. I would also donate old storybooks in good condition for the needy. Yashwiyi
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Toh Xing Yi
Trust your guts! Keep on trying no matter what happens. Don’t be a person that listen to what is not true! Don’t do for pity. Do it from the bottom of your heart. Toh Xing Yi
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Joan Au
Don’t look down on the disadvantage. Joan Au
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Don’t procrastinate Procrastinating causes inconvenience an unhappiness. Being on time build trust and saves time so… Don’t procrastinate. Anoushka
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Amber Chan
How to be the best of me? Tell myself positive phrases Never give up Make the best of everything Be positive I am the best of me today! I will be better tomorrow! Amber Chan
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Hannah Tan
Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles, it takes away todays peace.
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Koh Ruo Er
We can be the best ourselves if we are confident, trying new things often, thinking positively and believing in yourself. Being the best of me means to never give up, and to be grateful for what I have and pursuing my dreams. Koh Ruo Er
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Rio Ang
Don’t compare people or yourself If you have too much stuff, donate it to the needy. Accept yourself, you can't be exactly like someone else. That’s how you be the best of yourself. Rio Ang
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cheryl chan
How to be the best of you, is to always have good thoughts and to always be positive! Cheryl Chan
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Be awesome! Don’t be afraid to express yourself. Overcome your fears Don’t compare yourself with others Be-you-tiful (beautiful) Euna
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Strive for progress not perfection. The harder you work the better you get. Live for the moments you can't put into words. Wake up and be awesome. You can do everything if you believe. Hannah
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Ondrea Loo
Know what you have been doing and what you are doing now! (that shows who you are) Bring out the best in you! Stay positive! You should have talents, so bring them out and show through yourself! Ondrea Loo
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Sophie Goh
Be happy and positive.
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Eunice Low
Your thoughtfulness is a gift, I will always treasure… Eunice Low
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Ng Zi Lin
Fight through every problem. Don’t give up. It someone else can do it, why can't you do it too? Be bold. Ng Zi Lin
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Motivation, never give up! Work-life balance. Work hard, work smart and play hard reward yourself for sometimes well! Be the best you can be the best you can be and stop comparing yourself to others. Let’s do this together. Syakirah
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Xin Yi
致 困境中的陌生人: 人生不如意,十之八九,物质也好,情绪也罢,愿你的悲伤只是暂时的,愿你善良而不失锋芒,祝一切安好,谢谢你在身边十几秒内的无形陪伴。 Xin Yi
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To: My Parents Thank you for supporting all my decisions of guidance. Your efforts and hard work are very much appreciated. Justine
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Nur Shaista
Be grateful of all the little things as it builds up to all the accomplishments. Do not give up and do not let others control you. Be a role model and influence others. Don’t compare yourself with others, be your own star! Nur Shaista
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To: My Parents Thank you for your efforts in raising Charline, Athena and i, I know that you have a sacrificed a lot of time and stress on us, and we appreciate it a lot. Kate
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Just be yourself and the world will be a better place! Enjoy life!! Never give up! Rifali
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I will continue to persevere. I will not give up, and I will chase my dream. Nothing is impossible. Nabil
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Dear me, you can learn to be a better person by being social with others. You are being held back because you were taught from a young age that being good and well-behaved is equivalent to keeping quiet, but what good will that do you if you can't even speak a word to your teammates in the future? Go out and live like you mean it. Jarelle
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I would like to thank my parents and teachers for giving me endless support throughout my secondary school life. Thank you. Rosanica
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Jefferson Soh
Always maintain a positive mindset My friend hopes to be a chef in future, so that people will be able to taste good food from different cultures. Thank you to all teachers who have taught us well and motivate us all the time. Jefferson Soh
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To kids out there, I want to say that we should respect our parent, teacher and even yourself. Do a habit of just saying ‘thank you’ to your parents. You may think it is easy to be a mother, a wife to work , earn money at the same time. She is someone who is a thousand times stronger than I am. I know I am can be rude sometimes but just put yourself in their shoes if it gives any impact on you make a chance by just opening your mouth and saying thank you a two word that does not even hurt to say. I am a strong woman because a stronger woman raised me. Anisah
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Hi sister! Hope you are doing good! I know that you have been failing but at least you tried your best. You have to believe that you are great in every way shape or form, next time instead of studying last minute, maybe you should study the day before? I'm not trying to tell you how to live your life but maybe this might help.
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Sher hwyn
You can do it! Sher hwyn
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Yu Jie
Nothing is impossible, you can do it! Believe in yourself
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Hi to everyone out there, what do you think about yourself? Do you hate yourself? Do you doubt your abilities? Don’t, nothing is impossible, you should love yourself, that is what you should be thinking, though it isn’t easy. Life is never easy, no one survives it all on their own. Friends and families are with you, your phone is also with you too. Your life isn’t a mistake it’s a miracle. You can do much more things than you think you can do much more things than you think you can do. Always face ahead. There are times that your days are sad and lonely and the rain just don’t stop but you shouldn’t feel sad because rain and storms are stick with you, the rain just makes you happy it let you know that you are not crying alone. Always stay happy, you are awesome. Carisa
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Ashlynn Tan
Dear self, after all these years you still haven’t really accomplished anything. How upsetting. But I guess it’s okay, I mean you are still young so I hope you do better and be someone useful. I hate you and love you at the same time. I hope you can stop comparing yourself to others, try to be bold although you are afraid of lizards. Just live well and don’t allow regrets to occur all the time. Find strength in pain, find courage to love. Most importantly, be yourself and never change because of others. If they are true to you, they ought to accept you for who you are. Study hard and be happy in whatever you do. Be patient because it is said to be the key to success. No matter how tough or difficult things get, never depend on others because only you can overcome all your problems and emotions. Time heals you, don’t worry. Ashlynn Tan
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We think we are made of numbers, percentage on tests, pounds on a scale, likes on a photo, price tags on clothes but we’re not. We are made of love and happiness and the way we laugh. We have more substance than numbers. We are more! Adrienne
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When you teach, you learn twice Don’t put a façade for everyone. Be yourself, and the right people will like you. Failure is not when you fall down, but is when you are unwilling to pick yourself up. Ammar
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Yong Jing Ting
I would like to thank the school for giving me the opportunities to volunteer in Singapore. By volunteering, we can make our society a better place for all. Yong Jing Ting
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Dear Angelina: Thank you for being my best, chio, smart af, tall and cute af friend! Always help me when I need help, don’t be a too upset when I need help, don’t be too upset when the result didn’t meet your expectation. So, like one day you gonna win me okay? So, all the best for exams Stay calm and be smart! Angelina
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The best of you, comes from you. Don’t let others get in the way, listen to yourself. Find the flame inside of you, let grow as big as the sun. So that no rainstorm can put it out. Take a walk inside your mind and find that flame, find the best of you. Dafinah
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Constantly reflect, as a human being we all would want to bring out the best in ourselves but we do not know how. Personally, I feel that we should always reflect on ourselves. For example, have I learnt anything new? Did I do anything beneficial for myself/someone else etc? what can I do to improve myself in the future? With reflecting on yourself, you can bring out the best in you!
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Belle Sim
Dear teacher, Thank you for putting so much effort to make sure we do well in our exams, thinking of many ways to keep us interested in the lesson. Although you felt disappointed every time we fail your tests, you did not give up on us. Belle Sim
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Lai Ray
Thank you for your dedication and support. Will strive to be at my very best every day. Lai Ray
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Angel Chun
Thank you, teachers for teaching me the right values of life. You’ll always try to correct me when I'm wrong and somehow always be there when I need you. Angel Chun
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Sharmaine Liew
What are your hopes and aspirations that can help make the world a better place? My first hope is for everyone to be treated the same instead of people judging each other because of looks and wealth. My second hope is to stop or minimise as much people as possible from smoking and cutting or burning down trees. My last hope is for everyone to be more considerate and people to care for one another even more.
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Thank you, my family, For bringing me all my life and supporting me throughout my good and bad times. I love you and will treasure you forever.
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I thank my parents or being there for me at my hardest point of life. Sarah
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You are special! Believe in yourself! Nadya
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Patience is the key to success, we will be able to success if we have this value. Patience. To me, it is very important because it teaches me to persevere when I faced a challenging obstacle. It is never, it had never been too late to change. You can even change today, in fact, now! You don’t have to be the smartest and always be the first person to win the race. No matter what challenge you are facing, you can always overcome it. Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable. Don’t forget to always smile!
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How to be a better person My hopes to make the future a better place is that everyone should learn how to be kind and caring towards each other. We should always respect one another’s values and ideas. I would like to thank my parents for all the good stuff that they have done for me such as taking very good care of me. Ananya
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Faith Auni
I will always try and give my best I everything that I do even when I am feeling down or having personal problems. I prioritise myself before others. Think about something positive and I would not let others negative remarks affect myself entirely. Faith Auni
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Dear self, stop dwelling over the past. Nobody can change it. Live your life to the best you can and enjoy. Spend time with the ones you love, don’t worry about others, study hard and work hard. Go towards your goal, work towards it. You will succeed one day for you will be better. Those who genuinely care about for you will stay by your side, you are through a lot and you’ve learnt a lot. You are strong and you will get stronger. Do what you love and keep on working towards your goal. Poly or jc, doctor or nurse, or something else make sure you are happy, make sure you are also grateful for whatever that you have.
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Li Pei Wen
I would like to thank both my father and my mother they always teach me to be responsible and not to be rude. They would always scold me when I do something wrong, but after that they will explain and tell me why I should not do that. Sometimes I don’t know why I am not in a good mood, when my mother talk to me I will answer her in a rude, but after that I regret, I talk to her polite way. I am always thankful for what is given to me, I don’t really know how to express, so I will do something to show how much I care and love about them. Li Pei Wen
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No matter how difficult life may be, never give up! You went through a lot so why stop now? Don’t be someone else when you can be yourself, the best of you! Aaliyah
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Do not regret You only live once so don’t regret Start doing what’s right now It is never too late to change for the better Start using recyclable materials Yasmin
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Farina Aqira
Have the courage to face your problems. Don’t ever run away from your problems. The more you run, the more it will come to you, if a problem crops up, settle it in a calm and matured manner, don’t jump into conclusions. Farina Aqira
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Faith Koh
Throughout my life, I've faced many challenges and adventures to come this far. My journey is like a hike on a mountain, the path that I hiked on to be my past, the path ahead to be my future, the rocky paths and steep edges to be the challenges I faced or yet to face and the summit of the mountain which is my dream and life goal. Looking back the effort it took me to be who I am now was tiring and tedious. But I could not have done it alone. Choosing to face the obstacle alone almost led me to falling off the mountain and into the world below as I could not handle the challenge. Fortunately, someone saved me from falling. As a teacher, councillor and parent, my mother has watched over me, my every step and helping me in my studies. The amount of effort she put in to make sure I can live a happy life cannot be expressed in words or actions. I can never repay all that she has done or my sister and I but I can forever mother has done for me so that I can continue hiking the mountain and someday reach the summit. Faith Koh
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Rachel Tay
Dear Ms Ng, thank you for helping me with my problems even when I never went to you for help. I usually stay quiet and wait for the answers but you have taught me to open up and ask for help, no matter what the problem may be. You have also taught me to speak up whenever I have an answer to a problem. Thank you for all your kind words and help. Rachel Tay
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The good things we achieved in life is nothing without the bad things in life. All of us can improve ourselves by learning from our mistakes. We should not give up so easily and think that one mistakes will bring us down. Hakim
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CSS42 Study hard and live life to the fullest. Dina
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Kiasen Diane
My hopes and dreams for Singapore/the world that people start recycling more, people would stop smoking and people would stop adding on to our air pollution. WE LOVE EARTH! Kiasen Diane
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What are your hopes and dreams that can help to make the world a better place, my hope is the world will stay clean, do not have pollution air, no any rubbish throw under the sea or ocean. No more burning forest. My dreams is I hope everyone don’t throw rubbish at ocean, must know how to throw which place and planting many trees in the world. Save the animals from sea and forest. Do not use plastic bags and straws. This is the only home we have…. Rosa
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Push yourself because no one is going to do it for u, be yourself and be courageous. Aless
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Jing Yi
You have what it takes to become the best that you can be… don’t doubt yourself! When you can't find the sunshine, be the sunshine. Jing yi
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Mary Claire
Be the best version of yourself that you can be, because that is the only thing all of us can do We’re gonna be alright, take it easy but take it. Just know that there is ups and downs and there’s drop. Mary Claire
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Great things take time to happen, be patient. My cousin always tells me this when I am having problems Injuries take time to heal and time is the best medicine for heartbreaks, this is true everything takes time. You can't just do something and expect to achieve something instantly. Success requires constant effort, time and commitments. So sometimes, it is a good thing to wait, just a bit longer for good things to happen. Mahatthir
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Tan Hong Kai
Thank you, be the change you wish to see in the world, chase your dreams. Tan Hong Kai
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Treat others how you want to be treated. Be positive! Cheyenne
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Ching Wei Jun
所谓天生我才必有用。天即使关了一扇门他也会为你开另外一扇门。 妈你说过的所有的这些话,让我知道即使人跌倒谷底也要永不放弃,唯有全力以赴,做出最好的自己。你这些话,让我时时刻刻尽力做出最好的自己,谢谢您!若没有您,我不会有今天的自己。
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Lian Zi Qing
Bringing out the best of me is something that I wish to engrain in my mind. Being at my highest self is a dream and by doing more activities that help myself and others would be something I hope to achieve in the near future.
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Eunice Lim
Thank you don’t compare yourself to others. Be yourself. The best version of yourself. Love yourself.
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Chiam Zi Xian
What you can do to be a better version of yourself? I would want to work hard and achieve better results, I want to focus on what is more important, Be generous, Be polite and be open to changes
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I would like to take a chance to thank my parents and tell them how much I appreciate them. Thank you for always putting me as your number 1 priority and taking care of my wellbeing! I’m sorry for always letting you down, I promise to improve myself in future
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I would like to thank my parents for raising me well, for teaching me how to walk and for teaching me to be who I am today. Although I’m not perfect neither are my parents, but, throughout my 14 years of living, I saw the effort they put in on ensuring I’ve eaten, on ensuring i went to school, and lastly ensuring that I’m happy. For that i would like to thank them for being the best parent ever.
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How to be a better version of yourself. I should try looking at the better things in life Appreciate my own efforts. Don’t think so lowly of myself. Help others in need it does not have to be a hug contribution, Maybe pay for their drinks
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Thank you to all the people in my life for all your care, love, concern and acceptance. You have brought out the best of me & helped me through very tough times. All of you ae amazing!
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Wong Yap Hui
To be a better version of myself, I want to be like my elder sister, she has a good brain that an memorize all the subjects and went to republic polytechnic to get a diploma. Diploma is a good choice as it is the top high that can get a job easily. So, I hope in the future life, I will work hard to be the same as my sister. I want to thank my parents that have helped me become better as they know me very well. They understand how I feel whenever I need help. We communicate very well. So, I hope I will make them feel proud and happy.
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Dear self, I hope one day the time will come for me to be a better person, and all I got to do is keep on praying and stay strong. I can look up to people who inspires me a lot like mom, my best friends and advices that on my favourite romantic comedies! But yeah! I’m trying my hardest to stay strong and not let my tears flow again Even though crying can be good for you but no left to cry. So, I hope in the future, I can be better
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The first friend you should be with is yourself. Learn to trust yourself :) Be you and do you Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one dream until you get there It is okay to make mistakes, have bad days and be less perfect. Keep going!
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Help one another, stand up for yourself be the best of you can in your life. Help others to be their best. Be yourself stay happy reach your goals and never give up. Set a goal and start reaching for it
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Jia yu
Stop cyber bullying others, because it is a invisible knife that hurts others badly. The people might not know how hurtful it gives to the victims but the thing ended up committing suicide and all. I will help out people and not help them. About studies, try your nest to focus, then study hard, if there is anything you don’t know, ask your teacher. Just try your best and ask your friends and teachers for help to achieve your result and score well for your next test !
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I really want to be a social worker. But I am a really lazy person & I don’t really go out of my comfort zone often. I tend to let my emotions control and I used to only care about myself. So, the very first thing I could do is helping out with the kitchen chore. I want to go stalk to move people properly. I want to understand people, learn to love myself and others help one another. Therefore, I think these are the most important thing to become a social worker.
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Dream big. Dream far. Try to pursue the dreams so that there are no regrets after all that you’ve tried to do so. Life is indeed short, so why holdback? Give yourself a chance to b yourself:) Give life a better chance to live a little.
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Jordyn Lim
You don’t have to be pretty like her. Be pretty like you. When you are you, You’re the prettiest. Be the best version of you
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Dear me, I really hope that you can improve yourself well. Be more positive, confident and love yourself. You are naturally beautiful talented and amazing. I love you! Sincerely yourself :)
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Jia Pei
I need to be very confident in every decision I’ve made, do not always hesitate in the things that were done. I have to step out of my comfort zone. I have to always take any difficulties and not run away from it as running always does not help at all
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Don’t focus on the negativity so much. Focus on the positivity!
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Dear ME, appreciate the things around you more and the people around you more, because one day you won’t see them… or you won’t be there to see them
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Nur Alysha
Thank you for everything. You are amazing. Stay happy always
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Nur Amelina
Always trust yourself. Take a leap of faith
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Zi Ying
Advice from a sunflower: be bright, sunny and positive. Spread seeds of happiness. Rise, shine and hold your head high.
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I can help improve myself by learning how to respect myself and stop overstressing. I continued to rely on an unstable pillar of support, which is my self-esteem. Everyone is a plant, we grow in many different ways. We can choose to water ourselves too much, or die of thirst
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Be brave be strong
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Trinity Koh
You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think
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JIng Wen
Thx 4 being so supportive and understanding. I <3 you and i would like to let to let you know that you are actually braver and stronger than you think. So… stay strong!
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Bee-leaf in yourself Today will be spectacular you’re a-meow-zing have a sweet to sweeten up your day! As someone who hates the dark, I always want to be in the same room as you. Your smile always lights up the whole room.
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Rachel Toh
“Let your smile change the world.” But don’t let the world change your smile.
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Vivien Wan
Be yourself ... “never allow yourself to be defined by someone else’s opinion of you,” “ be proud of who you are” Be thankful… For the things that I have and practice gratitude. “learn to be thankful for what you already have while you pursue all that you want”
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Be who you want to be, not who you’re told to be
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Radiate positive energy
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Nurul Shakiran
Embrace yourself your differences are what makes your different from others!
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Shanice chan
Be grateful for what you have and think positively! Stay happy! Start each day with a grateful heart.
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Words of encouragement are priceless! Love yourself. There are more people in the world going through similar instances as you or even worse! Be grateful, always. No matter how difficult an obstacle may be, there is always a blessing in disguise.
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The first smile starts with you!! Thank you for being the change in our life.
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Chan Yu Lin
Be happy. Smile. Love yourself! Life still goes on, but I will be better with a smile
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Don’t give up because of one thing that is bad. Keep going, your life doesn’t end here. Pursue your dreams and don’t give up easily. Believe in yourself that you can do it! Stay positive, bright side!
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Siti Nur Nabilah
You can get through this! I believe in you. Don’t ever lose faith, good things will come.
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Siti Rabah
Appreciate where you are in your journey, even if it’s not where you want to be. Every season serves a purpose. Life is like a book some chapters are sad, some chapters are happy and some are exciting, but if you never turn the page, you will never know what he next chapter has in store for you.
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HAPPY TEACHERS DAY! Great inventors and leaders are not born. They are motivated and inspired to do great things by great teachers like you. Thank you!
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Eng Xue Ya
In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity. Nothing in this world is impossible to a willing heart. You can do anything and I Believe in you!
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Hello! I hope that you are doing fine! Even if you are not… Don’t worry things will get better over time. You can do it! You will have my support! Please do talk to someone you are comfortable with ad share with them your problem, unhappiness or even your happiness. It is good to share your thoughts and feelings with someone instead of keeping it to yourself and letting the burden pile up even more. If your results are not good, don’t worry about it. My results are horrible too! Just know that your results do not determine your future. As long as you do not give up, and hold on to your values, you will do fine in life, you have done so well over the years, I am sure you can do well in the future years! Well done! Just know that not everything is your fault, and things will change, give it some time, continue to put in effort and you will see a difference. You have ALL our support!
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Stay strong and never give up. You’ve worked so much harder than anyone else. You deserve every good thing that happens to you. If times are rough don’t let it bring you down and continue living life. The world is more enlightening than you think.
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Have a positive mindset. Always think positive and overcome challenges along the way, hope you can achieve your goals.
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Javier Chiong
Persevere through hard times.
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Dear Mdm Heng, Thank you for the guidance in netball through the past 2 years and I promise to contribute to the CCA in any way I can and work hard during training. Teacher being one is the highest privilege, having one is the best blessing HAPPY TEACHERS DAY!
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Nicole Choi
Do your best. Hi, how are you don’t be too sad that life is not too good for you now, I believe that if you study hard and obtain good grades you will have a better future.
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Ryan Ang
Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
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Don’t be discouraged. Be happy every day, you are just like any normal person living. Although some people look down on you, that is because they don’t treat people good enough. Just think you are the best.
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Afian Wee
Thank you for being positive, staying happy and helping others in need. Stay happy. Never give up!
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Christie Cheng
Dear myself, even though you don’t have the latest iPhone, air pods or computer you have them just not the latest but you should be grateful that you have it. In class, some people are not as fortunate as you like having air pods some people just use normal earpiece and some people of the same age do not even have laptops at home and they have to borrow from school or friends therefore, you should be grateful for everything you have and be contented with it.
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Courtney Tan
Have perseverance. Think positive. Today is today, yesterday we shall not say, tomorrow is a brand-new day. Good luck to your future.
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Shernaz Chew
Everyone is special and so are you. Since you are so special, you are the capability to help people. Not everyone is rich, but they can still live very happily with the best of you.
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Jannette Lee
How do I be the best of me? Just follow these simple steps you see: Greet someone kindly when you see them, they will feel as sweet as honey covered ham. When they do well, say ‘Well Done’ for making someone’s day is fun! Help them when they fall, they might bump into someone’s who’s too tall. Doing all these are really easy, I am sure you will all also feel really happy!
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Thank you for being my friend. You are always by my side when I needed help. You are always my best friend no matter what.
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Dayun Sohn
Share a thing or two, to those who need it. Share friendship, stationery, used text book.
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I will promise to be kind and caring to less fortunate and be grateful that I have a roof above y head and get to have three meals a day. We have to be understanding towards other people. I will be the best of you!
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Koh Ka Sim
You should help those who are poor around you, show kindness to them! Don’t look down on them Donate things such as pencils and erasers for their education. Help them with their school work Most importantly an again, do not look down on them!
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Pearlyn Teng
How to be the best of me? Always try new things, even if it is tough Always think on the bright side, even if it is unpleasant Failures are stepping stones to success, never, ever give up half way!
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Chin Weng Yan
Thank you for being my friends and bringing me up when I did something wrong.
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Help the poor! Give them food so they can satisfy their hunger. Provide them with proper supplies new attire can improve their lives Give them some money so they can buy anything they want Donate items that you rarely use or items that you do not use anymore the easiest way to help the poor.
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Hui Ning
The person who inspire me the most is the friends are me. I am happy to have them because they are the people who encourage me the most. This year, I felt very negative, I felt that I am going to do badly PSLE, I was really until they encourage me. My friends were also negative so we encourage each other and we managed to make big improvement for prelims and we thank you each other’s for our encouragement.
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My hero are my parents, They always encourage me every time when I did not do well. Even if I left less than a month before PSLE, they use all their energy on me. Being grateful, I will try my best. They may think that I am not improving but they know that I am trying, they say I did not use my 100% effort. They did not give up on me, I should not give on them. I promise I try but I did not use all my effort. You always encourage me to continue with my life. My hero will always encourage me to continue with my life. My hero will always be a person who encourage e to never give up. I love you because you never stop being by my side forever. They put 100& effort for me to continue with life.
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Thank you, mom, or taking care of me and helping me with my daily life. She helped me by providing me food, helping me when I'm down and making me laugh. I will do all of this to make anyone happy. Never give up. Life’s better with you. Just try. All the best.
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Lew Si Qi
Dear everybody, if you think that you cannot achieve anything, you’re wrong! You just need to believe in yourself! If you fail, it doesn’t mean that you will be a failure for the rest of your life. You just need to pick yourself up and just try again! It once happened to me. I failed my mathematics. I thought I could not do well again. But my family and peers kept on cheering me up and encouraging me, and when I listened to them I passed.
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Respect. Compassion. Gratitude, forever. Bring the love wherever you go!
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Nur Syamira
This card is dedicated to my siblings and close friend, Ain, for they were the people who listened to me and truly care about me. They are the people who help me keep what I really feel deep inside. Nevertheless, my other friends are always by my side too. I would like them to know hoe thankful I am by writing this letter dedicating to my siblings and friends.
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Natalie Chai
To: My mother I am grateful to have you, mum. You gave birth to me and buy whatever I want, I am not poor compared to the children out on streets because of you. Because of you, I have a happy and wonderful life. Thank You!
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The best of you are those who care, share and help. Everyone plays a part in caring sharing and helping. No matter how young or old you are you can still show kindness to anyone even to those who are younger than you. Be the best you can don’t care of any other things. Just play your part in showing kindness. You can show kindness everywhere at any time and to be the best you can! You can play a part. Be bright.
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Ree An
I feel bad and concern about people around the world whether poor or rich. If I saw someone like that I would definitely give them some money to buy what they need to buy. I will also give them my phone number.
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Ashley Yue Wen Qi
I am going to upstand for myself and help others when they are in need. I won’t compare with other people and I will study hard so I can go to a better class. I am going to face my own problems and fears. I want to be brave and strong. Be yourself! Believe in yourself! Try your best! Do not give up easily!
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Chu Yeong Joo
This year is full of challenges for me, adapting to different changes accepting really is a hard thing to do but I will face it, accept and adapt it in a positive way even though I know it is not easy. Thanks to myself that have overcome most of the challenges and I will survive the year! I can do it!
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Nur Insyirah
To: Mdm Ezlina, You are the person who make me like math and now I will make sure I pass my math. I hope that I will see you next year. I would like to thank you for teaching me when I was in primary five and six. Thank you for teaching me my mistakes and making sure I understand the concept by hard. I like when you give us motivational talks because it makes me realize what I should do. Thank you so much for making me good in math and hope this years P5 students will pass.
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Tiffany Yeo
To: The cleaners in Singapore Thank you for making Singapore so clean. Our country has become cleaner because of you. Without you our world becomes very dirty. Thank You!
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Thank you for cooking for me every day, giving me love. I love you!
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Effie daneal
Dear Ms Chan, Thank you for supporting me an encouraging me, I appreciate all the things that you taught me and thank you for all the effort that you give me to make me understand the question. Best Math Teacher!
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Dear Ms Wong, I wrote this letter to show how much I appreciate you as my mathematics teacher. I can understand whatever you teach in the class, the reason why I am able to pass my prelimary exam for mathematics, it’s you, who gave me the motivation and the encouragement to pass my math for PSLE.
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Thank you for taking care of me like washing my clothes and spending time with me. Bringing me to vacation, like Hong Kong and Malaysia. Lastly, thank you for always spending money on me. Be the best of you!
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Xin Hui
My mother is my hero. She helps me with my homework. She always encourages me to try harder no matter what results I get.
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Thank you, Grace, for helping me be the best I am. Thank you for also being my friend, lending me stuff and standing up for me. I am very thankful to be your BFF, if not for you, I would have been in trouble lots more times than now! Thank you so much for doing all these things for me since primary 1! I am very happy to have you as a BFF.
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Soh MIng Hui
Thanks to everyone around me for tolerating my temper and mistakes. Would not have made it this far without all of you!
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Ernest Tan
RI 55 How can you help a friend in distressed? 1. Talk it out. Share your views on his problems! 2. Spend more time with him/her by doing activities together. 3. Its ok! Things will get better, encourage and comfort them 4. Lend a helping hand
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Kyler Peh
always have hope for the future - Keep your head up, and look forward :D
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“Don’t give up”- everyone ever
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Marc Yeo
Don’t be afraid… To be your true self show your true colours
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Shen Koh
A wise man once said, “those who can give are not poor”, “everyone who can give are rich”. A girl felt that she was poor constantly felt depressed. Her teacher told her that he found joy in giving. Sharing is caring, we should help the less fortunate in society and allow them to see light amidst the darkness. 正所谓“只有富有的人才能给予,能给予就不贫穷。”有个小女孩很自卑,认为穿布鞋的人都家境贫穷,老师告诉她,脚上穿着布鞋,心里装着别人,最让他幸福。的缺,我们应向社区里教贫穷的人伸出暖手,用一份温暖的心帮助他们,让他们再阴影中看到一些曙光。
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Shu JIe
A very wise man once said “ (in Chinese) to be able to give doesn’t require to be poor.”所谓:“能给予就不贫穷。” 为了当做最好的自己,我们应该帮助贫穷的人 so let’s give to the poor to be the best of ourselves.
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The performance was nice and taught me that we should do our best to help those in trouble or times of difficulty and as a receiver, we should not be reluctant to accept help from friends. I also like the multiculturalism in the family. I learnt about the hardships that low-income families face and understood more about their situation. Overall, this experience was enriching and helpful
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Jun Rui
Try, you will get there, you can do it, believe in yourself
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Oscar Zhao
Nothing can destroy iron, but its’s own rust can, likewise, nothing can destroy a person, but his own mindset #thinkpositive #Bepositive
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Prabha Karan
Don’t worry about the past. It has already passed. However, the present & future is in your hands. Tweak your actions, attitude and behaviour for the better; to prosper. No matter what stands in front of you, embrace it and it will lead to greater heights
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To whom receiving this, I wish you good luck in your future endeavours. Please don’t give up. Live to the best you can. C’mon, press on! You can do it! Just do it!
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Dominic Tan
Social discrimination: Race, income, gender, religion We must get rid of the stereotype and accept others for who they are and not be prejudiced when it comes to choosing people to work with/ have fun with. No one is less privileged than others, we must not look down on others.
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Luo Xu Hong
An issue, Reintegrating previous criminals especially drug offenders back into society. Singapore have an extremely high rate of reoffending upon release from prison, while the yellow ribbon project helps, it also raise awareness of this issue and allow Singapore as a whole to develop a more accommodating mindset.
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Dear friends, Listen with your heart, instead of your ears. There is more to see and more to di. These are the moments that count. These are the moments that last. Flowers don’t do much. Use your heart. Strength lies in numbers.
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Brian Lee
I feel that the skit has taught me that we must be empathetic towards the less privileged and remember not to take our blessings for granted. Furthermore, I also realised that these under-privileged people could be anyone, it is just that they choose not to reveal or share their troubles. ATB for those in need
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Goh Zheng Eng
Everyone’s life is beautiful, be happy, don’t compare.
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When you’re down, seemingly all alone, when you feel that you fighting a losing battle, don’t give up. You must realise that your life is not hopeless & that it can always get better, and if you try, it will. So, don’t ever stop fighting. I know you’re constantly being discriminated & that you are constantly being insulted, but don’t let that ever affect any aspect of life. You’re a smart person, don’t think that you’re not, and don’t let others comment on your grades. If you believe in yourself and try your best, you will succeed.
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Stay strong. There are people who will help you on your journey. Even if all hope seems lost, you will make it. Believe in yourself. You are loved by someone. Just don’t give up. If you have to give your all, then do it. Give your all, because one day, you will succeed. You are stronger than you think. You have more potential than you ever knew you had. Don’t give u.
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Akshath Babo
To all people out there who need help: Hi, you see, I only have one message to say to you. Don’t care about what people say about you. Don’t bother about your situation. I know you should care coz it’s your family and all, but, by thinking about it, you are going to be vert distressed. Many thoughts would come to your mind like “Oh why do I deserve this! I feel like dying,” but don’t let those thoughts overwhelm you. Roll with the flow. Just be col and don’t think about your situation. Live well, play well, stay well.
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Your life is not yours unless you acknowledge it on your own terms, on your own conditions. Perhaps it’d suit you to sit down. Contemplate. To know for sure. If it was worth it to win. However, faking ownership does not solve all strife. To overcome it, you must be clever, whatever suits best. Hold your own with life. It is not fair, not always in our favour. Fate is inclined to oppose; not support. With a fork and a spoon, go on and savour. Flavour bold and rich, from life’s finest port. Food diverse, but we are missing the point. Comfortably poised at north’s arrow point.
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Aryan dalvii
Continue to work hard and overcome and obstacles along the way. You may not always succeed, but hope is the one thing that can help you combat all your problems/difficulties!!
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Sometimes a song is all you need. Never got to give you up! Never got to let you down! Never got to turn around and give up!
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See the able, drop the label. Things get hard sometimes and you only remember what’s bad. Take the time to find strength in you and shine. Drop the labels like incapable and find your able.
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Jerame Thio
There is no elevator to success You’ve got to take the stairs
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Koh MIng En Donovan
What can I do to help a friend? Shallow waters filled with tears Poverty, beating, oh so many tears The shatter of a bottle ends the day Daily suffering, served in many ways But amidst the shadows, a light one of hope, glows If stuck in a place you hate to see Imagine where you want to be and if you cannot break the sorrow A helping hand, I will let you borrow Ensuring as such at the very end, That is how I help a friend.
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Ng Shu Yong
Work hard, persevere and strive for the best you can be. So you can shine bright like a diamond
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You are not alone! Help will always be available to you when you need it the most Do not be afraid to ask your classmates or teachers for assistance, I'm sure they will be there to lend a helping hand. Here’s wishing you all the best.
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Lin Gong
Why bother about who is the biggest fish in the pond when you are a whole different animal?
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Wasfi Bin Azad
Be cheerful and happy because we are all there for you! We should not take things for granted and judge people. So as to create a happy environment for all regardless of social and cultural background
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You can achieve, your true potential, just believe!
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It’s all about the perspective. Every day we think about things we want such as new phone or a laptop but we must start to see the world in a different view. There are people struggling to make a living, even in Singapore. We must try to symphatize with them and even when we are not able to do anything for them, we should be grateful for whatever we have now.
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Ethen Pen
We should all ponder about how to become a decent human being, and make the effort to find the courage to be the best version of ourselves. We should not compare as we are our own benchmark. I firmly believe that we should face our problems and face our fears, and accept everybody, every situation and every outcome. Everyone in our society should turn off the negativity and bring in the positive light on everything in life. As Dr Sues said “today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So, get on your way.” Being open is the first rule of bravery and we should share our courage and explore. We should practice gratitude and not complain, showing compassion to everyone we meet from all walks of life. We need to share and spread our positivity, sharing our thoughts and stories when we have the opportunity.
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Jared Tiong
To whoever is on the other end of this card. Don’t give up. Whatever you are doing it is probably working if it isn’t change and try again. The light at the end of the tunnel will always be there, waiting for you, the best is yet to be. Don’t let your surroundings determine who you are. You are yourself, and you decide how you want your life to be. When all hope seems lost, look around and remember that the world is always there to help you and your success. You are your strength, and your world calls again. Persist, resist and never desist. “能给予的就不贫穷“ if you can give others, you are poor.
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Tan Xin Yu
Today you are you that is truer than true. There is no one alive that is you-er than you. Be yourself!
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Ng Jie Ren
Nothing is impossible Dream big Let the true self shine through
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Ong Boon Yang
If I know my friend is in distress I will ask him if he require any assistance and comfort. If the help they require is beyond me, I will advice them to seek help from others who can and help them in any small way I can.
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Danial Harris Wong
Hey, you probably thought being poor makes you alien to everyone around you in school, you probably thought having to work a part time job makes you of lower standards than average students, you probably thought that you are worse off than everyone. Let me tell you that is not the case. You have so much potential to excel, better off than the average student equipped with a phone to distract themselves, tuitions to feed their brain with knowledge and not the desire for knowledge, branded clothes to waste time showing off. Being poor is no disadvantage, being less fortunate doesn’t make you less of anyone.
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Bryson Teng
When the going gets tough the tough get going. Strive on, you can get through whatever you are currently facing! Don’t lose hope!
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Josh Micheal Tay
Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.
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When you see someone in need, help them in whatever way you can. Have respect for people less privileged than you. Sympathise and comfort them and make them feel normal like you. Sharing is caring!
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Selvaraj Madhan
Instead of giving them solely material items like money, food or gifts, I can show them that I care by lending them a listening ear. I could give them advice on their problems while ensuring that I am not insensitive. Not Inferior!
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Muhammad Ali
Don’t just accept fate, change it!
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I learnt from the assembly programme about urban poverty. Personally, I do not know anyone like that but after the assembly, I sympathise for people like this and intend to give them my support financially and morally. Maybe, we could spread more awareness about the poor’s’ ‘struggles so that greater measures can be taken.
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Dear friend, how are you? I hope you are doing fine! I know that you are going through some struggles in your life. I understand that your father is paralysed waist down an d he can't work and earn money for your family. I also do understand that your mother is still trying to find a job but is unable to do so. I just want to say that don’t give up! Keep working hard and just focus on your studies! There is always light at the end of the tunnel. You will come through these struggles very soon.
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Hai Ning
Just be yourself and relax! Believe in yourself, achieve the unexpected and just try your best and chill!
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Jun Hee
Dear distressed friend, do not give up now. Do not forget that you have your parents and friends behind you. If you believe in yourself, you can accomplish your goals. With the right mindset, you can overcome and obstacle. You can do it!
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You can help a friend in distress by talking to them, thus providing emotional support. Sometimes people are in distress because they cannot find someone to share their troubles with, so by acting as a listening ear you can greatly lessen their suffering. At the same time, we should also offer help tactfully. People in need may dislike being looked down on or treated like they constantly need help, so by talking to them respectfully and normally, they are also given moral support and encouragement.
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Raynor kok
How can we help those in need? Mentally, provide mental support to help them pull through their tough times. Socially, help them to integrate into the society as they may feel scared because of their needs. Academically, give them help in their studies so that they do not la behind Financially, give them some money to help them financially.
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Issac Yap
Never judge a book by its cover. Even the richest can be evil and even the poorest can be kind.
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Believe in yourself don’t give up just keep on trying and you will get there. If you’re feeling down, just take a break, turn that frown around and you will be on your way.
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Jai Chau Han
Areas of improvement: Know others feeling better to know how to respond in appropriate manner Not to think that everyone has the same likes and dislikes Best of me: Being punctual for school Putting me best effort to everything I do Knowing that every little effort makes a difference.
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Ishan Khufana
I want to learn how to respect and empathise other people better and in order to do that, I would mind y words that I say and my actions not negatively impact anyone around me by conscientiously being aware of people around me and by reflecting every action that might negatively impact others and how to avoid doing that.
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Keep on persevering and trying your best! Don’t give up! There is always hope!
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Jonathan Lim
Turn off negativity. Let’s all love one another like family and build a better world!
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Hi mum! Thank you for bringing out the best of me throughout my life. Without you, I would not be who I am now. Thank you for helping me tidy up my table, you have been a great mum! I am grateful because without you, I don’t even know if I existed on earth! Thank you!
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Dear mummy and daddy thank you for, Taking care of me Buying food for me when I am hungry. Helping me in studies. Cheering me up when I am sad.
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Thank you, parents, for bringing me to tuition and giving pocket money to me every week day, and cheering me for exams. Thank you mummy for buying me a PS4 snd the things I need for school and cooking my favourite food.
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Thank you! For making me who I'm like today. Thank you for the school and tuition fees, you have work so hard for me, whenever I make mistakes, you always correct me, and give me pocket money every day. I know you’ve done a lot for me! And lastly, thank you very much! Thank you, my mother!
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I appreciate my parents because without their support. I won’t be far in life as I am right now. Also, I thank my parents for being there for me when I needed someone to talk to. I love you.
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Thank for giving birth to me and bringing me to school for my education Thank you for loving me and feeding me. You had brought the best of me and what I am today.
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Jaden Tan
Hi mom, thank you for being the best mom in the world to me, I know this is the best you are giving me an thank you very much. But I'm sorry although you gave me all I still got angry or frustrated at you because of all the assignments you gave me.. Sometimes, I even throw a tantrum at you and it was a regret that I did that knowing that you scolded me, I always forget about this problem. I just want to hope that one day or maybe even until I doe, you will always be happy with me and I will always love you. Thank you, sorry and I love you!
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My parents told me to be scared of anything and whenever I am feeling sad or lonely they will always cheer me up and buy for me my favourite things even when they have not enough money… I am really very thankful for what my parents did for me.
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I appreciate all my family hard work towards me. They support me In my studies, cheer me up when I'm sad, send me to a great school, give me the things that I want, care about my health, they make me laugh every single day and give me advices to think. I would like to say thank you to all my family members, for giving encouraging words and positive thoughts. Thank you!
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Li Zhi Yun
Thank you for taking care of me, I really appreciate it. Even though you scold me, you help me realise my mistakes. You are the best sister ever. Thank you!
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Ou Yang Yu Han
Dear friend, You always fill my life with all the colours of the rainbow. You mean a lot to e, you are truly kind and caring. Best friends are like stars, we don’t always see them but we know that they are there. Thanks a lot, because of you, my life is more special, wonderful and exciting. You always cheered me up when I was down. There are never enough words in the dictionary to describe how grateful I am to have you as a friend.
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Kindness is like kaya or butter on toasted bread. Kindness is also like a cycle, you start it first and you retrieve back, like a boomerang. Spread the kindness around the world, like spreading kaya or butter. Kindness is like respect. You are never too old to start. Be kind to everyone you meet. Help your friends with their math homework filled with decimals and they help you with science homework about hear. Don’t wait! Be the first to start the kindness now!
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Hi Roxanne, thanks for being a fun friend and always helping me. It’s fun having you as a friend. Always a really fun and helpful basketball buddy. Thank you!
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Dear Hazwani, even though we have been friends for 7 months. The 7 months is so special to me because you are one of my first friend that doesn’t betray me for a long period and understand me with my problems that I'm facing. Even though you’re annoying and teasing me you will still be my friend because not all friendship has the same liking!`
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Dear Jhuan, thank you for helping me with my work. You are such a nice, kind, loving and a helpful girl. Thank you for always being there for me when ever I need help.
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Kai En
I am thankful because my mummy always buys me toys and care for me!
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Elaine Ng
Love goodness is kindness. Be kind! Be patient! Be good! Be the best you could!
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Compassion is about being kind to people and mostly our parents being kind is very easy to do I like helping students and I feel very happy after that! I also love helping animals! They are very adorable and it is very heartwarming to do it! And I want to also face my problems like exams. It will be very important for me but I will have to improve. I will also find courage in me and looking forward to helping people and animals.
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Nur Aliyah irdina
Do good, you will get it back. Stay awesome! Work Hard!
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Share your courage, don’t compare you are your own benchmark. Face your problems, face your fears. Don’t complain
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If you don’t know how to do work just try your best and keep Singapore clean.
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Face your problem and face your fears. Be brave first you should know who you really are, and be sharing and caring, let the light in its so clear. Every year we get stronger. Be brave you have to be compassion, learning, respectful, self-disciplined, be responsible and don’t be lazy. Find the courage to be the best of you, apologize to your friends and forgive them. Be a joyful person! Breathe! B bold accept people situation and outcomes.
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It just takes some time, stand up for yourself, face your problems, face your fears. Press On!
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Ways in which I can be kind 1. To give people food if they don’t have 2. To give people clothes that I don’t use. 3. To make people happy if they are sad
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Hector Ng
Dear mummy, thank you for loving me, choosing flowers with me, heart shape, helping me with studies, trying my best, and thank you for helping me for my sharing’s.
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Dear Aqeelah, thank you for being my good friend since we met at primary two. You say I am a cheerful person I hope you have a good life throughout your secondary school
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Mohammad Danial
Ways to be kind: Help one another. Donte something. Help people when they are injured. Help elderlies when crossing roads Be good, do good!
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Hoh Ka Joh
Be great to others do not be a rude person.
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Dear Sis, I love you so much. I just wanted to say thank you for helping me in my work! Teaching me and everything. I know I might get mad with you sometimes but chill. By the way, stay cute, smart and hope you go on to with love.
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Dear Auntie, thank you for always being there for me and helping me in my studies and cheering me up when I am feeling down and always taking care of me. You always treat me like you are my mother. You are the best, thank you so much and always having a bright smile.
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Dear dad, I would like to thank him because he supported me to do better, he also buys me what I need, he was there when I was sad and he also taking care of me when I was young, he helped me a lot with my studies, he also abused me to do better in PSLE. He is the best father that I had, thank you!
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Do good, be good. Practice makes perfect. Face your problems, target your marks.
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To hakim, you have been the best friend I have ever had. I could never ask for more fun from you! Thank you for making me laugh and being funny! Bye, and thank you for being my BFF.
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Sim Ee
To the person whom I'm grateful for, at the age of 10, I had to transfer school as my family and I moved house. After 1 year in that school, when I was P5 I met my best friend. I'm P6 now and she’s still my best friend. I want to thank her for sticking with me. She had been there for me through thick and thin. I want to thank her for bringing joy to me, thank you!
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Siew Le Yoo
She helped me in my education and improved my character. She always tells me to do this, do that. She is just hoping that I will not get lazy when I grew up. She always scolds me whenever I did wrong, she just wants me to be on the correct path. She always teaches me my homework and she always bring me to the doctor when I am sick. She taught me to be caring. She is my mother!
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I offered help to an old lady who carried many heavy plastics bags in her hand. When I helped her carry some of the bags, she was so happy which made me satisfied.
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The person that brought the best out of me was my form teacher from primary 5 to now. In the middle of last year, I started to idolize and hang out with bad company and gradually got influenced by them. I started to act more rebellious and disrespected my peers and seniors. I then started to get myself into a lot more trouble and eventually got my title as chairperson of band taken away. But throughout it all my form teacher constantly made an effort to change my ways and when I started to realise it I felt stupid and decided I would let go of my foolish ways and follow a path to jubilation.
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Zhong Heng
Thank you, daddy and mummy, for earning lots for my brother and I to learn in Singapore, everyday waking me up and sending me to school. Not only that, I am also very appreciative of what you have done to me like every day you cooked food for us as you say that the food outside is unhealthy. Thanks for being so patient with me whenever I get mad by some things I am really proud of you, mummy and daddy, I am very conceited of you.
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Lui Ebell
I am grateful that my parents had brought me up to the person who I am now. I want to thank my parents for sending me from Malaysia to Singapore to study. They had always given me everything I need, making me breakfast and helping me in my studies. I want to thank god for giving me such a nice parent. Not everyone is as lucky as lucky I am to have my parents: “if I know what love is, it is because of you.” I love my parents
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Dear mummy, I appreciate my mother because she had raised me well, feed me well, send me to school, give me pocket money to eat during recess and more. Thank you mummy for taking care of me. I love you mummy!
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Qian Ruo
Dear Qian Yi (my sister), Sometimes you are good, sometimes you are bad to me. Although each argument you started it first in the end we still get back and meet up together. Like today, you become the best you can and I become you most beloved sister. You are better than who you are in the past, aren’t you?
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Dear Victoria, Thank you for being my friend since last year till now. All this while since you are my friend, you always cheer me up even though I'm angry or sad. I also want to thank you for always with me when I don’t have any friends to go with. So I appreciate you.
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Dear Andrea, How are you? The reason why I am writing this to you is because I would like to thank you to what you have done for me. You made me laugh a lot and made me a better person. I did not cry much this year because you told me that crying does not help but solving it helps. Thank you for everything.
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Dear Yu Xuan, How have you been recently? Thank you for always being there for me and never failing to make me laugh. You are my heart, my soul and my valentine! Thank you for always supporting me in whatever I do and being the person who I could trust.
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Muhammad Izzul Irfan
Dear Organiser, Thank you for showing your performance on stage as it helps me know more about what is happening around me. The show shows that we should help one another as it shows compassion to those in need. I hope you will make more of these shows.
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Fiya George
Dear Philyra, I wanted to say thank you for always being there for me. I know that there were sometimes where I misunderstood you but I hope our friendship can go on forever.
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“I am my hope”- Jhope, BTS,2019 I’m really grateful to this group of friends who constantly help me and cheer me up. I am happy to be able to rant to them and voice out my concerns. Thank you for being humorous and being you! :)
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Jin Tian
“愿所有心怀美好的人都可美好过一生” To everyone that I love, Thank you for everything!! Thank you for all your help!! Recently I have been through some hard time, I am really grateful for all the helps today!!
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Huan Yu Zhou
“We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.” - Ronald Reagan
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Xander Goh
Reach for the skies Aim higher than the moon Look past the planets Go beyond the galaxy Your expectations are never your limits
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Love, no matter the form, is always appreciated” Thank you to everyone who has ever helped me! ILY
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Thank you for sticking by me and listening to the problems Good days even when you’re not having such a good day. “Give others what they give you” Never feel bad if you return their false/little care. They don’t deserve what they can’t give you. It’s fair LOL. (i mean it’s true)
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Yu En
Thank you : ) Yu en, Thank you for being such a good friend to me. I am grateful for the times and smiles in the short time we were together, Love U. “The happiest of smiles hide the saddest of tears.”
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How Wun
Dear Leigh, Thank you for helping me in not only my studies but also as a friend. I really appreciate it! I still remembered when you helped me to find the route to go home and how to go to the museum. Good luck for the upcoming exams!
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Every kind act makes a difference
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Pheobe Ong
Be yourself love yourself speak yourself
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Zhang Yu Chen
您好, 谢谢您为我们的学校付出的一切!很感谢您对我们无微不至的照顾与无时无刻对我们的笑容。希望您,身体健康,与您家人&朋友们过上幸福的日子!您,对我们所有的付出 我们会永远记得,如果需要我们的帮助也可以告诉我们。谢谢您! -206班
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Chu Jia Li
To christin lin 202 Make the best out of everything
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Lum Wern Shynn
“I am a part of all that I have met”
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Megan Tan
Treat others the way you want to be treated
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Qian Rui
Thank you! Remember to appreciate the little things that people do for you, even if you find it nothing much, say “thank you” =) Help everyone in need if it is within your capability. Show love and kindness to everyone around you. “A smile is enough to light up someone’s day.”
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Zi Qing
To Yuchen: Thanks for your positivity! Continue to be bright & brighten up someone’s day. Show the best of you to others. Be confident
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Chong Mei Qi
@myself, Thanks for never giving up when facing difficulties in life, be it friendship, family, school etc.… During the darkest times, you can cry and be sad and all. But you always find a way to smile again all the time :) Really try not to care about others opinion of you and you are the brightest you are at this moment. Don’t let others negative comments dim your brightness and live the life you wanted, not the life others expect of you. Please continue to persevere in life and never give up!! You are the best!!
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Ming Hui
Thank you To: Mr Josh Sam Thank you for being really patient with me for math & trying to help me improve.
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Dreams don’t work unless you do Doubt kills all dreams
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Zhu Rong Chen
1. My roommate switched the lights off before we sleep because I don’t dare. 2. To Lihan: expert at being coquettish 3. 赠人玫瑰,手留余香。救人一命,胜造七级浮屠。
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Cheong Min Jie
If you are going through hell, keep going. Stay positive, be happy, be brave, be yourself. The world will adjust. Surround yourself with people who feel like sunshine.
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Kindness starts with “k”, but happiness starts with me!
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Siew Kai Xuan
Kindness is where we care or be nice to someone. It might not be your friends or family but it would mean a lot to others. It is where we show affection, concern to others.
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Liew Yan Keen
When someone does a good deed for you an invitation to pass it forward.
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Thank you for hanging out with me during recess when I had no one You gave me the best of me, so you give you the best of you
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Seow Cher Rou
Not all of us can do great things but everyone can do small things with great love.
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Chua Yi Fei
Dear Jia Li, Thank you for bringing me to the sick bay when I was sick and for telling me to get well soon. Thanks, or carrying my bag when I sprained my ankle and thank you for looking out for me.
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Denise Tan
It takes just one small act of kindness to make someone’s day.
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Glenda Sim
Nothing comes easy! Stay positive and keep going! Nothing is impossible the word itself says “I'm possible”
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Mervyn Ong
When the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind. I want to thank Helios for partnering me with my projects. Keep on fighting on for the CCA, you will get there soon. Yay to kindness.
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Lim Hwee Woon
The happiest moment in life is to I've and receive kindness from the warmest of friends.
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Jia Yi
Thank you for listening to my worries and trying to cheer me up. I really appreciate that I'm usually not alone while dealing with school and everything. I'm grateful.
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Believe in yourself, you can do it! Never give up! Whenever you feel like giving up, try your best. Nothing ever comes easy.
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Glenda Soon
Dear Natalie, Recently I realised I've never thank you for being so patient and understanding towards me, so I feel that I really had to say thank you. Thanks for putting up with me when I'm gloomy and being one of the mood makers. I hope you know I’ll be there for you if you ever need the same love and support.
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Roy Teo Jing Ming
Dear parents, you’ve sacrificed your blood, sweat and tears to guide me on this roller coaster of a life. You’ve taught me that being yourself is being happy, and that I should never compare myself to others because everyone is different. You’ve given me hope, even when I feel hopeless. So, thank you1 Be yourself! Love yourself! Be Happy. No act of kindness is ever wasted, it created a ripple that just comes back to you. Be the Best Of You!
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Hui Jing
I want to thank my seniors who had always been there when I need them.
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Qian Hui
The noblest act Is that of making others happy. Dear Yoanna, Thank you for always putting a smile on my face encouraging me to push on! Love you!
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Nicole Tan
People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.
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To mama: Thanks for being a good mother and friend. I love you because you buy me fruits and snacks and you won’t scold me when I do stupid stuff. You also play with me like we are friends and talk to me like how friends talk to each other, even though we fight about stuff often, you are still always there for me when I need it. Thanks for everything! I love you!
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Tan Ying Xia
Thank you for encouraging me to persevere despite challenges. Be positive!
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Lim En Qi
Dear Parents, Thank you for taking care of me throughout the years, even though I may not have the best grades you still love me for who I am. I love you both and thank you!
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Chen Yi Cheng
Kindness costs nothing but means everything. You can change someone’s day!
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Lee Min en
To: Ms Tang Thankiew for being such a great English teacher. Your teaching made my interest in English grew from 0 to infinity. Your letters for us always help me distress. Whenever I feel super troubled, I’ll just think about what you will do if you are in my situation. I miss you and your lessons so much.
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Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry itself
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Liu Hong Yan
Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the ones that receives them.
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Find the courage to be the best version of you. Kindness starts from you
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Caroline Ong
Thank you, NHGG’04 for being the most amazing and supportive people I know, thank you for everything I love you! 301’19 for being a very welcoming and friendly class and for being such a great environment to learn in. My secondary 2 friends for still sticking by me and being super supportive and fun.
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Lee Ying Xuan
Kindness is the key to success! Thank you squamates for always helping me out. It takes only one step to create a wave of kindness.
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When I think of people who showed kindness to me, I would think of my CCA batchmates. As friends, we would often encourage each other to do our best for CCA and even check on each other when some are not feeling well. To me, they play a very important part in my life. We are very bonded and hence, we often do many things together and spent a lot of time with each other, even on non CCA days. They once showed kindness to me when I was feeling troubled and anxious over a matter. They encouraged me and cheered me up throughout tough times. I was really grateful for them and felt that they really played a big part In putting joy in my life.
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No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted. Thank you to all my friends who went out for lunch, spend time with me. Teaching me math and helping me with my studies.
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Joel Chan
Thank you! You helped me in times of crisis and overcome my difficulties. Thanks, for sending me a message to update me on what happened on Friday while I was sick and unable to go school. You encouraged me and help me with corrections. Your message encouraged me to score higher for English and to aim for greater heights.
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Veanna Goh
To: Coffee, tea Thank you so much for staying together with me and I hope you will continue to for the next many years. You all always make me happy and I really appreciate our friendship. Thanks for accepting my bad and good personalities. Let’s continue to go out more and 环游世界!
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Love and kindness are never wasted. Kindness begins with the understanding that we all struggle. No matter how small, it makes a difference.
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Denette Koh
Dear brother, thank you for always helping me whenever I am down and giving advice. You have been a great help and you are fun to be around with. Although you have gotten busier and we do not spend much time together anymore., I still appreciate the things you have done for me. I wish you the best of luck in your studies! Thank You!
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Yan Yi
A small act of kindness is all it takes to change someone’s day
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Zhong Yi
Dear Stranger, Thank you for helping me purchase food from the store when I was $1, it was a kind deed. You could have not helped me and have $1 to use but you chose to spend on helping me. Thank You!
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Dear mom & dad, Thanks for being so understanding and encouraging all the time. Be great and amazing!
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Kindness starts with you! Be nice! You can put a smile on someone’s face. Help out people in need if possible. Start with smiles.
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Chua Mun Ling
Thank you for bringing me all the laughter during times of stress!
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Spread kindness to everyone wherever you go. It can't be taught but can be shown.
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I would like to thank my parents for raising me and working hard to provide me with everything and taking care of me when I am sick.
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An eye for an eye makes the world blind. So don’t kill nobody.
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Zhang You You
Hello Uncle, thank you for always providing us with delicious foods. Thank you for always being so nice to us! We will always appreciate your hard work! Thank you!
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Dear drink stall uncle, Thank you for being a very friendly, cheerful and thoughtful uncle. Every time I come by your stall to buy some drinks, you will never fail to make me smile and brighten up my day. I also enjoy going to your stall because you always greet me with a smile and that makes me very happy. Thank you for the brownies as well! It was very tasty.
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Lim En Ying
Thank you for always being so cheerful and supportive towards me and for being my pillar of support.
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Dear back door uncle, Thank you for always being so king and making the effort to smile ad wave to us whenever we come to school. Your cheery and energetic attitude helps make my mornings better and more joyful. There are some days you probably felt tired but you always try to smile and wave at us to welcome us on another day of school. Thank you for everything and stay cheerful!
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Dear Nan Hua drink store uncle and aunty: You are really nice and always cheering the students up when they are tired. Your energy level makes us happy so thank you!
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Rane Chua
Thank you for spreading joy to us!
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Amelia Ong
Gratitude. I am very thankful for all my friends and family members. They ignite a flame when I am in darkness and it’s time for me to do the same. Spread love and kindness!
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Jansen Sim
Kindness is when someone is lending stationeries to me when I forget to bring mine, thank you I am grateful for all those who helped me. The sun set on a grateful universe.
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I am grateful for my friends as they were the ones who accompanied me throughout my secondary school life and they would help me whenever I face difficulties. We will eat together, study and play together. I am so lucky to have known my batchmates so well and forge stronger ties with one another during trainings and we will forever stay together as a team. Treat others nicely as though you want them to treat you.
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Humans are like bees, working together to produce the sweetness of honey. Thanks for helping me when in times of need.
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Tiffany Ang
Thank you for being willing to be a stress bin for me even though I've never actually thrown anything into that bin before. Thank you for calling and cheering me up when I was stressed and upset, telling some really cringe cliché quotes, I don’t remember but it goes something like, you don’t drown by staying in the water, you drown by… (I don’t know anymore) but thanks anyway
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I want to thank the auntie who bought me chrysanthemum tea and ask if I'm okay when I had a nosebleed at the bus stop. I was truly touched and really appreciate it.
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Charmain Yeo
A single act of kindness throws roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.
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Shao Xin Yi
Sometimes it takes only kindness and caring to change a person’s life. Thank you for correcting me when I was at the wrong
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Ou Yang Yan Ke
No act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted.
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Ng Kai Yun
Carry out a random kindness with no expectations or reward, safe in knowledge that it would come back, the world would be a better place with people filled with smile.
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Ng Jing Xuan
Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.
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Lycia Yeo
Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
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You can accomplish by kindness what you cannot by force. Thanks for being my friend even though you didn’t have to.
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Xu Huan Yang
Dear whoever you are, thank you for being an amazing person! I wish you good luck on life! Have faith in who you are. Believe you can and you’re halfway there.
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Yong Xin
Thank you for existing in my life.
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Danice Goh Le En
Be happy! Smile. Be bright! Make new friends and be kin. Show respect and make the world a better place! We should give the others who need it most treat each other well! Let us care and share.
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Izz Raziqa
I am very grateful because I have clean water. If Singapore did not have any clean water, many people would die each day and if they drank the mud water they would fall sick easily.
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Gladys Lim
I will do my part to do whatever I can to help them. I will be kind to them and not laugh at them for being poor. I will give them some money or buy them food.
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Shemaine Hong
I can lend a helping hand, be myself, don’t compare, accept others the way they are, beat my own targets, keep improving. Let’s be the best of ourselves together, the best of you.
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Kyleen Loy
I will play with other races and not make fun of them or not play with them or not play with them just because they are poor instead. I will donate some money to them. when I see old people selling tissues I will pay them so that they could have some money to eat.
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Don’t compare yourself with anybody. Compare yourself with yourself. Good friends have better friendship than bad ones. You are special because nobody in the whole world is like you. Do this not because it is easy, but because it is hard.
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Julius Laude
To the unhealthy and not wealthy people, I will try to save up my allowance to donate to charity to you guys. I will also buy some snacks and food for you.
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Chloe Kek
If I see someone less fortunate, I would tell them it does not matter how fortunate you are, you still can make friends and still can achieve your dreams no matter how fortunate you are. It does not matter.
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Tao Wei Juan
Dear J.K. Rowling Thank you for writing harry potter! I like it very much! I am now reading deadly hallows. I read all the books except for half-blood prince. Hope you can write more interesting books!
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Yi Fang
I can be the best version of myself by doing small acts of kindness everyday helping others whenever I can. I will also try my best in everything I do. I a grateful for everything I have.
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I am thankful for my school as they teach us not only for English, math, science and our mother tongue. They teach us how to react when there is a fire ad wen there is a terrorist attack in the school.
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Sophia chua
Grateful: feeling or showing an appreciation for something done or received. I am grateful for having/being able to have 3 meals a day. Having a loving family. Having enough money to buy clothes and being able to wear a set of clothes every day. Grateful for the things we have.
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Be kind. Find the courage to be the best of you. Be helpful. Be yourself.
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Tara Alayana
Be true to yourself. Be you, be the best of you.
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Megan Teo
Everything works in the mind, if you can't tell yourself that you can do it, then you can do it! Do not be afraid to try because….. Everything starts with the first step.
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Sail the sea even when others stay on the shore and also let your inner light shine.
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Ashley Wong
It just takes some time before you find the courage so be brave. Be the best version of yourself. Don’t compare with others, you are you.
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Lim Kang Rong
Being the best means doing your best. For me, i'll see how I could help my classmates that needs help. If I can't solve it myself, i'll ask my teachers for help. No one’s life is perfect, but their lives can be awesome. Brighten the light bulb by brightening yourself.
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Jaden Lee
How to be the best of you! 1: Always be keen on helping others 2: it does not matter where you are 3: Nor how old you are 4: Just be you!
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Believe in yourself no matter what problem comes in your way it will all end up okay. Whatever problem it is you are not alone. There are many people that can support you. Do not feel lonely, we are here for you so be brave. Do not change yourself, just be who you are. People like you because of who you are. There is talent behind each person, there is no one without talent. Nobody is perfect. do not force yourself to be first in everything just try your best. It is better to fail than not learning from your mistakes. No one blames you because you did not get first but the worse mistake is not to try.
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Alyssa Siow
Believe you can and you’re halfway there! Be brave. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. If you don’t appreciate what you have, you might as well not have it. The way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement.
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Keep calm and try to be the best you can be. Believe you can and you’re halfway there
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Angeline Ng
Be your best in what you are doing. Show respect to others. Be positive. Be great.
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Teng Jing Hsuen
How to be the best of you. Be yourself. Find the courage to be the best vision of yourself, be strong, be brave, be bold and caring. Have faith in yourself. Keep calm and be yourself.
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Dream big! You’re a star. Never give up! Be yourself! Even when people look down on you, remember there is always someone who loves you for who you are. #nobody is perfect.
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Wei Xiao Min Joyce
Be yourself. Be bold. Courage makes the best of you shine like a star. I am who I am, I can do what I want judge me if you are perfect! Do not let anyone’s words bring you down! Do what you want ad be yourself!
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I can help my father in his café and he can pay me, then I can use the money to donate to people in poverty. Together we can help people in poverty.
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Andrea Ng
Be the best that you can!
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Goh Yi Xuan
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. Have growth mindset to be the best of me. Nothing Is impossible the word itself says I m possible”
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Tan Li Xi
Think positive, be positive. Have a positive mindset. Be brave. Do some charity work.
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Today is a perfect day to be awesome. Bring out the best of you. Start your day with a smile. Do what you love. Do something great. Smile every day. Do what you love.
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Nazihah BIntee Ramlee
If I was a good person, I will cook curry chicken to share with my neighbour who is poor in money. Sometimes when it's his birthday. I will take him to my favourite theme park Universal Studious (USS). My family and I wish for that old man a good and healthy life. He struggles himself to wake up at 7am for work and having not enough food for him, next time I should bring him to the nursing home. His 84 years old this year, I hope I can bring him to the elderly house.
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Angelina Chew
Be more kind and helpful towards my family and friends. I will help the elderlies when they are in need and when tourists or strangers are in need. I will be brave and courageous when I am solving a problem. Don’t compare so much about people that you forgot yourself and always don’t compare because you have your own benchmark.
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Zi Xin
Face the fears and problems. Turn off the negative thoughts. Be positive have a growth mindset.
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Dear myself, I will face my fears, face my problems and I will climb every mountain and I will be brave and do my best. I will help others that are in need
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Kris Zi LIn
Dear me, I need to be more respectful to my parents, I always need to say ‘thankyou’ to my parents when they help me, I think that I am lousy but I think can improve and be better. When the teachers teach me music, math, Chinese, English, science and PE. I must also say thank you to them as teach me many things. From now onwards, I'm going to be respectful.
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Thank you, teachers, for helping me and making me understand even more. I am also thankful that I have family to take care of me when I am not feeling well or any other things. Thank you!
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Dear teachers, Thank you for being a good teacher I will appreciate you all. You guys are really fun teachers and I enjoy your lessons a lot.
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Alya Ellysha
To: Papa and Mama I just want to say thank you for taking care of me, buying things for me, taking me to school and bringing me out to where I want to go. Thank you and you are the best parents in the world. I love you today and always.
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I am thankful for having friends, school and everything! I am also thankful for god, as Christians he has always been with me.
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Kang Xuey Meng
I am grateful because I have many friends. I am also grateful to myself because I have food to eat, have lots of money and have a family. I also can buy things that I want.
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I am grateful for school, for having family and friends. I am also grateful for house and delicious food and clothes.
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I am grateful for having a loving family, my mum, my dad, my sisters and me. I'm glad I'm not an orphan. I'm also grateful that I have yummy food on my table and I do not starve. I'm grateful for many things.
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I am grateful because I can explore in Singapore. I am grateful for my teacher because my teacher has been teaching a lot. I am grateful for my friend because my friend has been helping me a lot.
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I am grateful for my parents because they always care about me and they always give me three meals a day.
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Rebecca Lim
Kindness is everything, without kindness. We won’t feel grateful, happy and joy. I feel lucky to have a life! I feel grateful to be wealthy. I'm grateful!
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I am grateful for being alive and I am also grateful for having a kind teacher which gives me chances to change my attitude.
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Ying Shun
When I see people who needs help, I will do my best to help them with my savings, I can buy them clothes or even shoes, if I have more money, I will buy them some food so they won’t starve.
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When I see people that are less fortunate who are asking for money or trying to make a living, I can give them some money and tell them to go and buy some food or essentials and not beer or cigarettes. Or if not, I can buy them some jackets or blankets. Don’t complain, don’t compare, be happy!
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Last week, I went to my old house to check how it was. The way to our old house passed by a neighbor who everyone knew. She is our rag-and-bone lady. She lives in a 2-room flat. She goes to the dustbin and takes useful things. She sells them to a country. I really admire her. She works very hard. We were very said when we knew she earns $100 monthly. She was 21 years old when she was married. Her children were born when she was 23. Now, they are all overseas. Her husband died from cancer 3 weeks ago, I admire her determination to live on. I am thinking what I would have did if I was in her shoes. Be grateful for what you have.
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Wendaline Foo
I am thankful for my grandfather for fetching my brother and I home everyday. I am thankful for my mother for always cooking dinner for us.
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Yun Seo Jin
I am thankful for being able to see, hear, talk and think. I am thankful to my parents for providing me with my daily needs.
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Melissa Lim
I am grateful for, My family for taking care of me and bringing me up well. For providing me food and a place to live. Being stable mentally and physically healthy I am thankful for being healthy and alive. My friends for supporting and encouraging me in whatever I do. They keep me company when I'm lonely. Be yourself, always be. Never change no matter what.
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Ng Qi En Kyrene
I'm grateful for my parents for raising me up well. I'm grateful for my mum for studying with me. I'm grateful for my cousins for accompanying me when I'm bored. I'm grateful for the nation for being safe and clean I'm grateful for the nation for being harmonious I'm grateful for having good education I'm grateful for the 3 meals a day and having water to drink. I'm grateful that my friends trust me I'm grateful that my friends to not judge me for who I am And most importantly, I'm grateful that I can wake up every day.
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Aris Tan Le Xuan
I am thankful for being able to gain knowledge every day, for having a house to stay in, for my friends helping me to overcome my difficulties, for being able to live in a safe country, for having no disabilities. I can show my gratitude by doing the little good things in life to cheer people up. Be grateful!
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I am thankful for my siblings for helping me when I am unsure about things like problems with friends, homework and everything in life in general. I also want to thank my little sister for teaching me how to be a good big sister to her since I have 3 siblings, I have to be patient and learn to share. I am proud to be related to them, even though we quarrel sometimes, we get over it, move on. No matter what happens, I will always be thankful towards them.
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Cheng Hei Xuan
Who do you want to be? I think me is enough, there is no need to be someone else. I am grateful that I am myself and special. All of us are unique in your own ways. I am thankful that my parents created me and that I can I've and see the wonders of the world I am thankful that I have education I am thankful that I can travel. I am just thankful for everything; even enemies, so I can learn how to be patient with them and become friends. I am thankful that I have family to love and take care of me. Thank you for everything, be grateful!
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I am thankful for having a twin brother to confide in when I am lonely because he always has ways to cheer me up when I am down.
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Evan Liu
Don’t cut down trees save our world. Go green and recycle. Do not compare. Be friends with everybody. Don’t fight. We all can make a difference in doing our part. Conquer things you never conquered before. Every year passed we get stronger, as one nation we all are stronger together, no one is ever left out. You know there is love all around you. We all can work together and strive for the best for our world Never judge races. Together we can all make our world a better place.
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Gordon Chan
I know how to be myself, my best, I would be bold and be independent. My dream is to be successful for my swimming and my studies. I will never give up at any time! I will climb up every mountain, short or tall. Persevere. I will help those in need! I will share my experience with others who want to listen. I will be my own and I will strive my very best no matter what nothing will past or stop me.
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Yong Jia Run
I'm grateful for the food I eat, the shelter I have. I am also grateful for my life as some people in life don’t have arms and legs or have a miserable life being disabled. I also learnt that you need to appreciate what I have now, I also appreciate my parents.
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I am thankful that I have a house a bed and food. My friends. My family. Because if I do not have them I won’t be able to live anymore. But if I see someone less fortunate, I will donate some money or give it to the charity.
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Xuan Wen
Remember to be who you really are! Be yourself, not follow others. If you are playing with a couple of friends, don’t copy them! Remember to have gratitude! Be thankful of the things you have. If someone have something that you want, don’t annoy your parents unless it’s something you need. Remember to stay positive! Light up your friends face with a smile! If you are unhappy, your friend would also be most likely to be unhappy.
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How to be the best of you! Take pride Be neat and tidy when you come or school Do not give up! Be the best you can be!
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Ryan Yeo
How to be the best of you. There is no such thing as giving up. If you started, there must be an ending. Life is a giant mountain. We can take pride and do our homework properly and als hand-in our homework on time. Personal Responsibility In Demonstrating Excellence
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The best of you! Stands up for yourself! Be brave. Be positive. Turn off the negativity Conquer your mountains Face your problems
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To be the best of me, I can take personal responsibility in demonstrating excellence. I can also not give up and try my best. I won’t compare myself with others for unnecessary things. Lastly, I will press on. This is how I will show the best of me!
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Ignore negativity! Stay positive! Be sure to plan as so you’re sure about it Be your best by doing your best! Overcome your mountain, have no fear in doing your best to score a difficult hundred marks in every subject so try your best, no reason to be scared or shy, just do your best and you will achieve it. And just maybe you are scoring a thousand marks! If you do your best your marks will go like a rocket! So, do your best and it will be for sure!
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Find the courage in your heart. Don’t compare. Do what you can and do it well You are unique in your own way Be brave. Be bold. Face your problems, face your fears Climb every mountain and find the way to be the best of you
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Be Kind, Be Thankful. Be Yourself and Don’t be like others. Life is like a mountain there are ups and downs.
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Jessica Poh
I can be the best of me by: Refusing single used plastic Reusing working tools (eg pens, correction tape) Participate in beach clean-ups Set the air conditioner to 25-degree Celsius or higher Not litter Cycle or walk from place to place more often
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Shao Ming
To be the best of me, I will try my best to help other people when they need help. Of course, I also won’t help in a haphazard way. I will do it well. It is the little things that make a big difference
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Ashlynn Wong
I'm going to climb the tallest mountain. Be bold. I am the power!
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Find the true you! The best of you! Dream big, think big! Don’t be sad of what you don’t have but what you already have. I have a great family, love my family.
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Natalie Lim Zhi Ling
To face your problems, you must be brave. Remember that the people around you can help you. Be strong, be brave, be good! Always remember that you are not alone. How you can face your problems. Get help from an adult. Talk to your school counselor for advice You can talk to your friend about it Think of ways to solve the problem.
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Issac Goh
Rise up and be the best you can be because your world is waiting for you! BE BOLD. BE BRAVE. BE KIND. Be optimistic and not negative. Do the best you can!
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Elizabeth Toh
You don’t need to be better than anyone else; you just need to be better than you used to be. When the choice is to be right or to be kind, always make the choice that brings peace.
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I will try and try even if I don’t succeed. I don’t like to do things I'm supposed to do sometimes. So ill remind myself its only for my own good! During recess, if my friend forgets their recess items, I can help them to take their recess items. I will be positive and won’t complain about the things I don’t have, instead, I will focus on the things I have. I am the best but I can do better.
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Giselle Chong
Do not bully others if you do not want them to bully you. Stand up for what’s right. Stand up for your friends or school. Do not give up!
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Gracia Yeo
Kindness is up to us, help others, talk politely and listen to others opinions. Be yourself, everyone is unique in their own way. Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. Be brave! Be bold! Be kind!
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Ang Yu En
I learnt to respect other people and not to underestimate them and to not be racist. I think kindness towards other is good as I might need help from others too! We also have to not take anything for granted as you never know what might happen. Don’t take things for granted. Money is not everything. Thomas Edison took at least 1000 times to make the lightbulb.
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Rebecca Tan
Since a simple act of kindness is so easy, I can help people by helping them when I have a opportunity to do so. For example, I can save up my savings and give my saving to them. Never give up!
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Dionne Shi
I will help the poor by giving them some money so at least they can still eat, drink and survive Other than giving them money, I also can go on charity work. Sometimes some poor students have no pocket money to eat at recess I will lend them money, just by doing a single action. Help the poor more, the more gracious you will be.
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Chelsie Chua
Be kind! Do not litter. Care for the environment! Don’t waste water! Avoid using plastic! Reuse, Reduce, Recycle!
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Wei Qian
I feel that an act of kindness comes from deep within kindness is not something you show to prove yourself. Kindness comes from the heart. When you see an old man selling tissue, you don’t give them money because you pity them. You give it to them because you know they need it. In conclusion, I think the simplest act of kindness is donating money to charity. It may not do much but it’s the least we can do. Charity is the best quality.
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Chloe Kan
I think that we should help the poor by buying things from them if they’re selling tissue papers. We can make them food and give it to them if we’re neighbors. We can also help them buy what they need like food, stationary and books etc.
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Kayden teo
I am thankful for my talent in playing the piano. I am also grateful for my parents because they are good to me. I am grateful for the things my parents brought for me. I am thankful for my friends that I have today. I am thankful for the house that I have and every good thing.
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Zenn Sim Yong Cen
It does not matter if we have any challenges, it matters how we choose to overcome them. If we have any problems or challenges or difficulties. We should not let them stand in our way of success. We should not be checking how bad our lives are because of these problems but should be thinking about how great life is.
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Trafford Ong
Do not be ashamed of your disadvantages. Instead of focusing on what we don’t have, we should be grateful for what we have. True greatness is not what you have or wear. It is your inner beauty that shines. True kindness comes from true feelings.
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Desirae Tay
Let your true colors shine, shine in the light show your true colors. You are perfect in every way. Find your courage! Light up your every night Find out what is the best of you Face your problems every time Be the one and true you!
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Tan Jun Hwee
Hey you! Yes you! Continue being you, explore yourself freely and be the light. Try boldly! You can do it better!
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Aster Lee
I would like to try different activities and achieve my dreams of becoming someone related to heights. I would also not care about what others say about me and improve myself base on the feedback.
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Nicole Lee
The best of me! Whenever I see the aunties and uncles selling tissue papers on the street, I would feel so sorry for them. So, I would always give them money and buy tissue papers from them, lightening the weight of the tissue papers and brightening up their day. I hope that by doing so, I would make their life better.
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Cheyenne Ong
I appreciate that I am able to have a good life and that I am able to have shelter, water, food and air. To all who need this message: Don’t be discouraged, be brave, it doesn’t matter if you are poor or ill. Don’t give up! Make your own ending to life. Make it happy! Good luck!
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Genevieve Ong
Be kind. Be generous. Be helpful. Be respectful. Be responsible. Be Sincere. Also persevere in every new challenge that awaits you!
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Emma Grace
Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and give thanks continuously. Don’t care about what others think of you. What really matters is what you think of yourself, because the only person you can fix is yourself and we cannot let the comments that others say about us affect us!
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Jodie Zhao
I am not the best of me yet! I need to improve in every way and continue striving towards my goal. Fighting! Don’t give up!
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Hue Teng
Appreciate what you have and always be the best of you!
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Keira Yeo
A comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there so face your fears!
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Jolie Ow
Be humble! Don’t be afraid to show your true self! We are beautiful just the way we are! Remember to be brave and prove others wrong. Help others and be strong. Rich is not the best.
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Chim Yoke Hei
Its better to give then receive, provide than take. Sometimes, we think so much about ourselves we forget about others and only care about ourselves. It’s simple just smile! It will definitely make someone’s day! It’s the least you can do, being kind!
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Jaycus See
Always persevere and never give up! Whenever you face a problem don’t just give up but persevere and keep trying. Giving up will not help in any way, but trying does. Always have a growth mindset!
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Aldina Ng
Do not be afraid to show your true self! Even if you are rich or poor, different people have different talents. Don’t be afraid of showing your talent! Wealth does not solve everything. Be strong, be kind!
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Toh Anna
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those that matter doesn’t mind.
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Zara Ng
If you have failed once try again until you succeed! Do what you can, and do it well. Failure always comes before success. Challenges are what makes life interesting. Overcoming is what makes life meaningful. Be yourself!
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Wong Qi Wen
Don’t be upset that you’re underprivileged see the light at the end of the tunnel. Growth Mindset! Stay worry free! Be positive! Be Happy! Be You!
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Ong Jing Ling
We should always step into someone’s shoe Even if it is a homeless pet, we should also think for them Do not judge by appearances as you may not know you are actually bullying them.
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I persevere to succeed on something like results of exam. Sometime it can cause me stress too, but that does not stop me from getting good results for my exam. I should calm myself down by taking deep breaths and I should exercise more too release stress and make me relax. I should not lose my temper because of stress. I should not lose my temper because of stress. I should spend more time with my friends to solve our problems together. I can also talk to my family members. I can do my hobbies after I am done with my homework. I can get some inspiration before doing my work or else I will have no mood to do my work and I will not be focus or not do well in my work. I should eat more to stay energised and have a positive mindset, I hope I can be a better best of me! 加油! FIGHTING!
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Tan Lee Ann
Being the best of you. Positivity, confidence and persistence are key in life, so never give up on yourself. Don’t forget to tell yourself positive things daily! You must love yourself internally to glow externally. Believe in yourself, go after your dreams and don’t let anyone put you in a box. Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time. In life, you have ups and downs, but you should never give up. Always try to get ahead. You can put me in a cage, on a ladder, in any kind of a match and I will persevere. I will find a way. Anything is possible if you have the mindset, the will and the desire to do it. With faith discipline and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.
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Xin Yee Cheryl
Don’t ever compare yourselves with others! Everyone is different. Be proud of who you are. Be the best of you everyday. You are unique in different ways.
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Shievon Chean
Gratitude is the fairest blossom that springs from the soul.
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Felicia Chua
Trust yourself! Be curious! When you truly don’t care of what anyone thinks of you, you have reached a dangerously awesome level of freedom. Be yourself but be your best self.
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Jenna Liew
If everyone help each other, the world will be peaceful and better.
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Emma Shieh
Take time out. First you should know who you really are…. Be who you are. No one alive is greater than you. Do what you can do and do it well. Face your problems. Face your fears. Find the courage to be the best version of you!
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Jayden Tan
Be yourself! Bring out the best in you, be brave, you may have to fight a battle more than once to win it. Be bold. Be strong. Try your best at everything. Don’t lose faith in yourself, never lose hope. The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need tomorrow!
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Chloe Chan Xin
Just be yourself Be brave Let the light in Keep calm and forget your problems Just be the best and be positive. You are awesome!
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Ariel Tan
The Best Of You!
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Coleen Yow
Dear reader, I am very sorry about your situation so, never stop dreaming. Stay positive!
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Jelena Liang
Stay positive! Let the light in, express yourself! Share your worries! You are the star. Don’t think about negative thoughts. Stand up for yourself. Believe in yourself. Be the one and only. You are rich in every way. Be yourself. Don’t compare. The mountain is waiting for you.
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Janelle tan
No matter what your ability is, effort is what ignites that ability and turns it into accomplishments Stay positive!
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Soh Jia Jia
Have courage to do what is right. When you have a problem, face it with bravery. Be positive. A small act of kindness can make a difference.
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Shane Kam
Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow. Ingratitude produces pride while gratitude produces humanity Some people grumble that roses have thorns, I am grateful that thorns have roses.
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Charlene Ong
Be the reason someone smiles, be the best of you.
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Amberly Sim
Be positive Turn off negativity Be brave Unfold your own myth. Find the courage to be the best of you. Some things are beyond your control. I am part of all that I have met.
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Tan Yu Tong
How can I be the best of me? Firstly, be brave, face your own fears (don’t ignore them!), be bold, try to learn new things in life. Second, switch off negativity, switch on positivity. Thirdly, let go all of your worries, and let good thoughts flow into you… Fourthly, be you, there is no one you-er than you!
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Rebekah Pung
Each time we face our fears. We gain strength, courage and confidence in the doing.
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Ong Yan Qi
The best of you. People may not remember what you did for them or who you are, but they will remember the feeling of it. Treasure what you have Help those in need Actively socialise Nice and polite to others Kindness goes a long way Thank when you have, be grateful and be the best you can be.
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Sonia Chang
Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass… It is about learning to dance in the rain! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting! So… get on your way! Happiness cannot be travelled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude. Be the best of you! Find quiet moments to take stock of our accomplishments and appreciate our lives.
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Ong Yi Hui
Say bye to negativity! Say HI to positivity! Be helpful, Be grateful, Be nice, Be kind!
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Dawn Wee
Be the best of you! Don’t compare, the only person you should compare with is yourself. Don’t be afraid to try. Don’t be someone you are not. Don’t limit your challenges.
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Foo Xin Rui
Mistakes help us grow. Let yourself glow as bright as you can. Let the voice in your heart speak for itself. Always have a smile on your face. Have courage to do what you want. Aim at your target Sparkle like a diamond Try your best Confidence is the key Spread your wings to help you fly. Everyone is unique in their own ways. The Best Of You.
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Melanie Yo
The best of you. Push On Endure Really hard Stand Strong Effort Vanquish pain Empathise Rest second Extreme
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Donation help save lives!
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Angely Wong Yuan Si
Goals: I would like to go to the secondary school and go to poly/college to study performing arts or business. I want to study hard now and get good grades. I hope I can achieve my goals and I will work harder. Appreciation: I would like to thank my teachers, friends and parents for helping and supporting me throughout y primary school journey. Remember Don’t stress, do your best and forget the rest!
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Nurii Ainum
Face your problems, face your fears. Life is meowtiful. Make the smile bright like a diamond.
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My dream is to be a chef. I would like to thank my family and friends especially my parents for being there whenever I needed while I was pursuing my dreams. I would also like to thank my teacher and principals.
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Mdm Zainab
Thank you, to my lovely colleagues for accompanying me in this wonderful teaching journey and thankyou to my students for making me laugh and being cooperative. I am very grateful towards everyone who has helped and supported me during challenging times. Thank you for developing my “can-do” me during challenging times. I have always been lucky to have good colleagues to work with. Start each day with a grateful heart!
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Tan Zheng Long
I would like to thank all my teachers that have taught me over the past 6 years. I still remember all my teachers’ names. One of them taught me when I was p1, she was the most important teacher among all the other teachers that taught me as she taught me all the basics. Another teacher is Ms Tan, she is patient, kind and caring. She patiently taught me one by one all the things that I did not know. Unfortunately, she had to leave the school to teach in a school nearer to her house but the good news is that she created a group for us to keep in touch with her. Once again, I would like to sincerely thank my teachers that had taught me.
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I can sell my art than donate what I get to the charity. Art begins with just a pen and a pencil.
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Dinesh Gnanisha
Stay Positive! Don’t let your dreams down, don’t give up. Keep in high hopes in you! Don’t give up! Keep on trying!
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Dear Primary 1 level teachers, Thank you for being an awesome lot of teachers. You inspire and bring out the best in me. I appreciate your support and kind words
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Peh Yu Tong
A small act kindness can make a huge difference.
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Ella Lim
You and I should be grateful that we have at least a place to stay and food to eat Save electricity so that if you have enough money next time you can afford the bills Do not take things for granted. Live life to the fullest.
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Neighbour would help each other’s like when we need help like borrowing things, borrowing a latter or others my neighbour would try to help as much as they can and during Chinese New Year they will give me angbaos although they are not Chinese. During Deepavali they will buy us snacks too as in Singapore most of us live in HDB so we need to help one another to maintain good relationship between us and I will also try my best to help when my neighbour needs help.
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We try our best to make sure no harm is added into the society with people getting bullied, it is such a unfair circumstances. Instead of just standing there, I would like to say help them and take courage. When I was bullied. I was feeling down. Now it is your time to cheer them up! Upstand best of us is us!
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Loh Jun Loong
01: NEVER GIVE UP 02: 5 days before the PSLE… 03: (0800) I can do it 04: (1100) Forget it 05: (1800) I’m back 06: (1801) So hard…. How to solve?! 07: (1900) I'm tired….. I'm going to bed. 08. 4 days before the PSLE…. 09: (1000) zzzz sleeping 10: (1100) zzzz sleeping 11: (1300) AH! Good morning! 12: (1330) hmm ….. 13: (1400) …. [should I study] 14: (1730) Ah…. 15: (1900) Okay. Let’s Start! 16: (1901) Never mind. I gonna sleep. 17: (1930) Goodnight! 18: 3 days….. 2 days….. 1 day before PSLE 19: (0900) zzzzz sleeping 20: (1000) sleeping 21: (1200) sleeping 22: (1330) Ah! Good morning! 23: (1400) hmm 24: (1401) the PSLE is tomorrow 25: (1403) better start revising 26: (1900) 27: PSLE day…. 28: [You may start!] Hmm…. 29: [Put down your pen!] Done 1 question…. 30: The next day….. 31: [You got 0] 32: nooo 33: [cries cries] 34: Remember! Never give up! 35: Being resilient allows you to do better.
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I will find a job for the poor people. I will donate the some money. I will teach them how to earn money. This is what I do, when I am done I will help my parents, I will safe my pocket money, wash the plate and clean the house while waiting for my parents to come back from work so that she can rest after work. I will then help my brother with his homework and check the bags.
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Let out your positivity and you’ll see more than you think.
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Dionne Chong Hui Ling
Be grateful for what you have because our parents work hard to give us a good life and a good school. We should be thankful for the food, house, book and everything. It is not easy to earn money as it is hard to do the best. We need to study hard.
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Aarav Raj
Being rich doesn’t mean having a lot of money. A few kind acts can make you richer than a zillion-are. Kids have to learn that before becoming a good student you need to be a good human being. Actions speak louder than words, you don’t have forever…. Be kind today!
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I should respect the elderly because sometimes I will show them bad behaviour. I would always play games when my mother asks me to do a little chores but I always focus on my game I think if I stop playing my games, I would be a better person so I can do my chores first then play games.
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Helping people has always been making me happy I try to help people whenever I can. Even though my small actions are not so big. I will just help, cause that’s what makes me happy. I don’t complain if I don’t get what I want, because my happiness comes from what I give, not what I get. I’ll try to help my parents, friends and family to get rid of their negativity. Because in the end, positivity will always win. I believe in it, cause everyone will be their own best medicine.
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Denise Tan
We can support people around us who have troubles. Clean our things and sell them Donate some money If I won a million dollar I could donate half or more of the money Never ever gossip about others for being poor Don’t bully or use vulgarities against poor people, and understand what their going through
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Be proud of yourself for how far you’ve come and never stop pushing yourself to be the best you can be.
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I will not compare others and I must know that. Be grateful to our parents and do not complain about what they have given us. We must respect and know each other
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Winning doesn’t always mean being first, winning means you’re doing better than you’ve done before!
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Mohammad Arash
I appreciate that I have money to buy food in the canteen every day! I appreciate that I can buy school stuff every year while some families have to reuse books yearly. I appreciate that I have parents that care about their children as some are orphans or parents just do not take care of them. I appreciate that I have friends who actually help me in stuff.
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Whatever you face, be brave! Share your courage! Be caring to others! Be helpful to the people around you!
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Appreciate that I have friends who can mentally support me. Appreciate that I have money to eat. Appreciation for Eunice, Mat and a lot more, thank you for cheering me up whenever I'm down. MY mother had been protecting, caring and everything perfect for a mother. Thank you. Ms Ong thank you for being the perfect teacher, thank you so much. Thank you all.
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Stay cool, stay awesome, stay fresh! I appreciate a lot of things. My house, my food, my education, but most of all, my family. Some people can't eat as they don’t have money. Some people lost their families, some people don’t even have a house to live in. I am appreciative as people don’t bully me in school, I am also glad I found friends who are similar to me
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Emily Tan
I am grateful for having a life with happy and supportive family. Even though I might not have a rich family but they support me with lots love. When I am feeling sad or unhappy about something they will comfort me with love. Therefore, I am grateful for the loving family.
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I appreciate going to school everyday with enough money and I am happy about it. I am not embarrassed about not having a lot of money. I am grateful for my parent. They provide me with everything I need.
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Sarah Durairaq
We are the best in life but we can be better by helping those in need. The best of me!
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Friends are like cookies and milk!
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Shallini Raja
North Spring Primary School
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Tok Wei Wen
Think and Be positive Believe in yourself, tomorrow will be better, be the best of you. Think positive, to be positive, be happy always.
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Loh Ying Jia
Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow!
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Be yourself! Stand up and be stronger than this. You are going to get stronger.
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Manicad Renzo
Our Golden Rule Please treat others how you want to be treated and be respectful!
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Ms Yap Chun Zhen
Be thankful for what we have in life. Always reach out to those in need, support them and let them know that they have something of value which can be used for meetin their basic requirements. As a teacher, I constantly look out or students who need help. Helping them to discover their own capabilities and putting them to use at the right place is one of the key responsibilities. Let’s work together for a better future! One Singapore!
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Use the money to donate, don’t buy expensive stuff. Who are we as humans being if we ignore the sufferings of others.
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Aaqil Izhan
You can't change the world but you can change yourself to make the world a better place! Is okay to be poor because you rich in your heart. A smile could make someone’s day. Help people, even when you know they can't help you back. Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give.
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Winona Andenea
Today’s topic…. Tips on being the BEST! Be brave! You can't do things without confidence Experience! Confident already, experience this! Sail! Go through the ocean and face fears! Team! You can't always face things yourself! Be the best cat!
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Life is hard sometimes, but the key to overcome it is the hope at the end of the day, waiting for the best. After a storm comes a rainbow. Wait… Believe…Achieve! If you can't find the sunshine then be the sunshine!
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Zhi Yi
If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way!
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Avantika Sivadas
Be yourself! Love yourself! You are awesome! If you work days like others don’t, you will live days like others don’t. Just be who you are ‘cause you are awesome!
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Capture your moments, your passion. Never give up, be kind, be yourself, be grateful.
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Janae Anika
Lower your expectations, not everybody is what you want them to be. Just accept them or who they are. Be yourself, don’t think that others can control you, Be original. You’re better than you think! Do not doubt yourself. Just because they say you are not good, that does not define if you are good or bad, nothing does.
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Muhammad Rizq
I would want to go to a secondary school of my choice, I would push myself to study everyday in order to get to a secondary of my choice. I would want to face difficult math problems, practise math problem sums in order to do the hard ones. Make studying your friend! Love studying! Study hard! My friends and family have been helping me and I would like to show my appreciation towards them, thank you!
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To all the teachers who have taught me throughout the primary school years. You’ve all joked with the class but when it is study time, you all are very serious about the students in class. You all should carry on teaching the little inquiring minds every year with your knowledge.
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Nila Balakrishnan
Be kind, give people what you can give. Be courageous, face your fears and problems, press on and go the distance. “I am part of all that I have met” First, you should know who you really are…… Be yourself Sometimes, it just takes some time.
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Yada Rouyee Chua
I will strive to be my best by practicing all my subjects and not being too sad if I do not get what I expected as that will affect my studies. Don’t compare with others at anything because everyone in this world of seven billion people are unique in their own way.
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Xin Yu
I am grateful for books to read and food to eat every day. I am grateful for a house I can stay in. I can give homeless people my savings. I will always take pride. Do your best in everything you do! Take pride, take personal responsibility in demonstrating excellence. Some people are not as fortunate as you.
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Stefanie Boey
Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life So keep trying and never give up!
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Hi! If you are going through something, just know that you do not have to listen to all those mean comments. You are yourself. No one in this world is as unique as you. Cheer up! You are truly special and though many people might not like you, just remember that the whole world love you.
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Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud, the big things take time. Be like water, enough to slip through fingers but strong enough to hold a boat.
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Mandy Chow Men Teng
Be nice to others. Talk politely Help those in need Donate money to the poor Say thank you to others when they help us Respect others Smile to others
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Sim Jie Lin
Stars can't shine without darkness.
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Ms Farisya
(drawing of super teacher)
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Dear everyone, I appreciate you for whatever you have done to me I just hope you have a great life, you must have all the luck you need. Please don’t do anything bad to people because you must treat others the way you want to be treated. Try to support others by what you want to do.
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Dong Qi Yuan
I appreciate everything I had and, how you make my heart positive! I can find you in millions! Not every flower is the same.
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I can be the best of me by showing kindness and helping them. I can give them things that they need to use. I will also be their friend. I will tell that person if anyone bullys them I will go to that person and tell them off. If I have a lot of money I will donate it to them.
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Tang Zi Feng
Thank you for cooking food for us, thank you!
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Ong Yu Jie
Thank you, we should help the poor people as they suffered more than us. For example, they do not have a proper family, or no proper house and less money, no proper work. We should donate some money and help them buy tissues.
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The best of me is that I will help the poor by buying the things they sell.
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Jing Ren
Break that chain that’s holding you & run forward!
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If I see someone poor or someone not wealthy, I would do something for them! I would do many things to make them rich, if I had lots of money, I would give them some of my money. I am always helpful! I love to be helpful it is the best thing I could to do. The best of me.
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Lucas Tan
If I see a person in need. I will give him some of my old cloths and afford him to go an orphanage or school. I will offer him some food, drinks and money. Helping them pay for the electricity bills also the water bills. I can bring poor kids to school and help them with the school fees. “Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says ill try again tomorrow1” Climb every mountain of Soul.
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To: My dearest mother Thank you for being there for me when I needed you most. Through the ups and downs. Though you scold me, I know it’s for a good future. Never forget that your children love you.
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Chloe Sow
I appreciate my mother for supporting me throughout my whole life. I appreciate my father for working hard even though you don’t feel well. I appreciate my brothers for protecting me from bullies.
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People come and people go but your faith will be with you forever.
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Dear Primary 1 & 2 teachers, Thank you so much for the care, fellowship and laughter in the midst of our busyness
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Joel Gan
Sometimes it only takes only one act of caring and kindness to change a person’s life. - Jackie Chan Do and be the best of you!
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Never give up even though you need help! Be brave to face your problems! Get back up and try again! Face your problems! And you shall never give up!
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Lee Xin Rou
I want to improve on my English and to achieve that I have to work hard and study more. I can work hard by learning from my mistakes and never repeat it again. I can study more by studying for longer hours. In order for me to improve my English I need to study more by revising Work Hard! By learning and not repeating my mistakes.
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Don’t worry too much. Don’t be sad. Use positive words. Have a smile in your face. Be a good person. Use growth mindset to achieve your targets. Be happy with what you have.
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Never give up. Great things take time. If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl. By all means, keep moving - Martin Lether King Jr Just remember, In the middle of difficulties lie opportuinities. - Albert Einstein
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Never let your fear decide your future
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Ng Xin Rui
It is never too late to do the things you love, do it no matter who or what is stopping you!
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Giving up should NEVER be an option. For every action comes a consequence and a reward. Life may be tough but dying is tougher. Everyone has dream, although it sometimes does not come true because we do not put in enough hard work. Dreams exist because they are meant to come true.
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Celebrate the Small wins Appreciating what you’re doing in the present gives you the motivation towards your goal!
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Valentine Tan
There is always a story behind each action!
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Yi ran
To : My little sister Thank you my little sister because when I was sick and when I needed help you were always there listening to what I need. And when I got nothing to do you will always help me turn on the tv for me to watch.
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If someone needs help, go and help and take actions. Be nice, kind and helpful, believe in yourself! You can do it!
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Find the courage to be the best of you!
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You are capable of being the best, you just need to prove it. Be brave, have courage, compassion, resilience and courage.
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Izzah Marie
Bring out the best of you! Let the light shine! I can show out the best of e by being grateful for everything I have and enjoy the little things. Also simple actions like giving some money to the poor can bring out the best of them! Be brave, the world is yours to explore!
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I'm grateful that I have a house a nice family lots of friends and food to eat, toys and clothes to play.
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Ashley Ng
Make yourself a priority! Be the best version of yourself!
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Face your problems. (face your fears) Stand up for yourself. Be bold, being open is the first rule of bravery. First you should know who you are, be yourself!
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Don’t compare, You are your own benchmark! Don’t complain! Some things are beyond your control. Accept people, situations and outcomes. Do what you can and do it well!
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Joyce Ye
Start Each day with a grateful heart full of gratitude. Every day may not be good but there is something good in every day!
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Justin Yeo
Dear Nurses, If you’re seeing this – thank you for all of your kind, compassionate care for patients everywhere. Caring is not an easy job, but it definitely is an important one. Without you we wouldn’t be able to get the care that we all need.
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Jia Jin
Hey guys, not sure if you’ll ever let this message but thanks for making our time awesome! Miss those days where we go to the soccer field in between breaks
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Tan Shek Lan
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M.Fadheela Zainab
Save trees! Save lives!
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Juliana Soh
Dear bus drivers, Thank you for always bringing e from one place to another safely. Thank you for waking up at ungodly hours to serve the people!
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I feel that we can promote community spirit through a simple greeting whenever we see people around us, after that we can slowly lend a helping hand and be friendly towards each other
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I am grateful to the people who have accepted me for where I am, unconditionally. In today’s society where there is much emphasis on material attributes, I am grateful for individuals who sees the best of me, even when I don’t. I hope that the community and society we live in continues to see and accept the differences in each and every of us, cheers!
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Thankyou. To all who made this event possible! Kudos to you for all the hardwork, planning and time that went into the activities. It is really meaningful to give the community a way to express themselves and connect. To my family and loved ones, you know who you are. Thank you for standing by me even in my darkest valleys and always pushing me to be a better version of myself than yesterday. As Jonathan Van Ness would say “You are strong, you are Kelly Clarkson song, you’ve got this!” sending lots of love your way!
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参加了旧时70年代至80年代的展览品, 让我回味儿是甘榜生活的苦与乐,也让我感恩今日所成就的现代新加坡,很想再重回到童年时光那苦辣的生活以及那些年代的人刻骨耐劳的精神非常使得我们去学习值得我们去感恩!祝愿新加坡美好,展望的未来!
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Thank you to my family and friends that are so supportive with everything I do. Thank you to my parents to help me have amazing opportunities like coming all the way to Singapore. And finally thank you for allowing me to show my gratitude to those I care about.
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Be Grateful! Be kind! In this era full of criticism and comparison, I always remind myself to be grateful for all the good things I have gone through and for all my loved ones. We are more blessed than we think, it’s a great habit to start noting down the things or event that we are grateful for, rather than blaming or complaining about a bad day at school or work. Also, be kind to others for we should share and spread our love to those less fortunate. It seems tedious and troublesome at first, but it truly brings joy to us when we offer a lending hand to others in need. Live life to the fullest with no regrets!
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Thank you for giving me this opportunity to give a message of gratitude. When you feel like it all gets a bit too much, step back and appreciate how far you’ve come. You can do this!
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时间真的过得很快, 从儿时到现在已经多过12年了,政府,人民的付出,才有现在的好生活,旧时的杂货店到现在的超市,就看打我们的进步,很感恩。我嗯大家加油,一起让我们的下一代生活的更好!
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Life can be challenging but there will always be someone who can listen to you just, REACH OUT!
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To Coach Diego: Thank you for pushing me past my limits constantly, and really teaching me what it means to fight. If it wasn’t for you, I would have never made it to where I am today. I will always cherish the moments and amazing times I had under your wing, thank you.
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Living life comfortably in the unknown frees us to be living out our own dreams.
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Dear _____, I always believe in the saying “You reap what you sow” luck will only get you so far, the rest will be deepened solely on you yourself. However, there are people that I would want to express my gratitude and love for, to those who have helped me to become me, to be a better person. My parents will always be held dearly in my heart for all the love, care and everything they sacrificed for me, their daughter. I will always strive to be a better daughter and to always be there for them like how they were always there for me.
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M. Fadheela Zainab
Be yourself! Be brave! Today is better than yesterday, tomorrow will be better than today.
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Dev Pillal
How can this tiny, hyper-modern country find in itself a cultural soul? Through these stories – of courage, family, bravery, sacrifice, love – the ones on display here and the ones that we tell our children at night. When I first came to Singapore from India in my head I pictured a cold, transnational business-centered people. But it is obvious to me now that behind this veneer lies a Singapore full of heart. I hope we can discover together!
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Mr & Mrs Iskandar
To: Julies I love my childhood life!!! Because it brings back so many memories of family and friends back in the 1950s, 1970s, 1980s etc. Bonding when we spend quality time together in Singapore. Such as playing police catching, flying kites and so on was all part of my childhood and life. So, a very big thank you for giving us this opportunity to see these stuffs again through the exhibitions.
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I am thankful to my parents for my legacy. I am who I am because my parents have done many sacrifices for me. I also hope to leave a great legacy for my kids.
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Thank you to AQ!! Thank you for teaching me that not everyone who promises to stay by you, eventually stays by you. Thank you for showing me how to be independent and most importantly how to love myself.
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Li Ling
Some crafts might be lost due to progress in the technology or even due to the lack of people to take over. These are part of our heritage and culture. Hope we can do our best to conserve and preserve them.
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I just want to express my thanks and remind myself of what I already have rather than what I don’t have. In love my family and my husbands’ family. They are the most important people in the world and at the end of the day, they are the ones with me through thick and thin. I want to give my deepest gratitude and respect to my mother-in-law. She has inspired me greatly with her selflessness and strength in adversity.
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Flora Wong
不必太纠结于当下,也不必太忧虑未来,当你经历过一些事情的时候,眼前的风景已经和从前不一样了。只要你清楚自己在寻求什么那就尽管按自己的意愿去生活,别人怎么说与你无关。The Best Of You!
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Always stand in your own power and trust that you are fabulous just the way you are. Never allow another’s opinion to define you. The greatness of your soul shall shine without the judgement of another. Just be you!
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Polly, Raymond
To all, we must remind ourselves how wonderful life is, no matter the stress, sadness, frustration just take it in your stride. You can overcome, as long as you can see the road ahead. Be happy! Be healthy! Stay healthy! Love your family! Say hi to a stronger you!
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Dear Julie, coming into your space, taking time to read stories of fellow humans that share the same space of the country with me – in always an incredible thing to do. Thank you for the voice that you are that we need and that means a lot to turn us into the truly us.
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Mary Tan
To Mr Hafiq and everyone who felt like him. You inspire e, you who refuse to stay down when you fall, you who felt your lowest and still kept going, you guys are the real warriors and the most beautiful. The best f you, is just really being who you are. Loads of love for a fellow human health.
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A big Thank you for the wonderful stories. They help me to know the current issues of life the unfortunate or low class folk experience. I'm deaf. I'm glad I'm not alone doing what I want for good causes. Pray everyone especially those in need, hardship will recover spirit
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I want to thank you and praise my friend Bobbie. For the whole time you have been alive you have been no one but yourself, and think that’s amazing. You’re witty, charming and extremely clever (most times) I adore that you’re unapologetic for who you are and what you stand for. I think you are so fascinating I would even go as far to say if I can choose to be someone else I would choose you. Cheers to you! Also not to mention I would like to thank Sophie. She’s a bit weird at times but she can be quite hilarious to be around. She is short but sweet thanks to Sophie for never judging me and having beats with me.
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The people who bring out the best of me are my parents! thank you for supporting me literally in my wildest dream of moving to another country and for always having faith in me despite what other people may say. I know it is not easy living so far away from me, but I promise to work hard and bring you to Canada with me as soon as possible I love you guys, and I know how much you’ve had to go through to bring me up. I know I’ll never be able to repay you, but I want to do as such as I can to let you enjoy your golden years with me in Canada.
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To my better half, Eric. I love you, you’ve seen me through ups and downs, never letting go of me all the way. Thank you for always listening to my problems and being proactive in finding ways to help me. You inspire me to dream bigger, go further, and to let go of my past. I hope to be as motivated as you to live life my way. Though the next couple of years may be tough, we’ve been through worse. I know now that nothing will be too big to overcome. Keep being my silly eric
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Nice stories of different people coming together to bring forward a positive message in Singapore.
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Working as a teacher of children with autism. I am reminded everyday of what its like to struggle with the little things I am always grateful that the young kiddos can teach me to be kinder, more patient and more respectful of those who are different. Everyone has a voice
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To: Priya You are the reason for my life. I am learning so much from you even though I should be the one teaching you. You always lift my spirits or encourage me to go after whatever I want. You bring out the best in me and have taught me patience, understanding and love. I love you with all my heart and always pray that al your dreams are fulfilled. From mummy.
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Mom I went across this exhibition at star vista (Do you remember the place we had a lot of good membership with Barry) and I thought of you, I hope you are doing well in the world with no pain anymore. Just want to let you know, every day we are inspired and encouraged by how you fight against disease and how you fight to the max every day.
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My late grandfather and current girlfriend brings out the best of me, part of e I have never seen. They taught me things schooling never could, support me in many ways no one else would and inspired me to pursue what I like. I am very grateful for them, they would live forever in my thougt and in my words and actions.
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Dearest Mum, you have been wonderful all of my life. You give me support, unconditional love every now and then without asking me ‘why’ or expectations to return! Here I am. I wanted to let the rest of the world know that I have the most wonderful and beautiful mum. The most precious gift given to my life. Thank you, I love you mum!
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As a person who has been an outcast since primary school. Now in polytechnic. I truly feel I have evolved in my maturity and character and I have learnt a lot about myself since then. Although I still have many problems I have yet to figure out the solution too. I tell myself, “its ok” I still have a long way to go. To anyone struggling: I got you! Stay strong! No one has life figured out! Take your time… One step at a time.
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To everyone out there, do not let anyone put you down. You are special and unique, be your own man!
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A very meaningful event. I love to join the activity and has been a supporter for a few years. Thank you to Melina for the internship collaboration workshop.
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Really enjoyed this exhibition! There are so many deep-seated issues and injection in Singapore that I think has been much too concealed that people simply can be brought about to come and take after to try to bring about change. I personally wish for there to be greater awareness on the structural factors that under-lie these issues, somewhere at the intersection of capitalism and state power and illuminating, these industries through narrative and art is an important step in that. Power to this movement and keep up the good work
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Sean Ling
Dear Hafiz Danial, “Bullied and broken but I'm still standing” …… I understand. Keep fighting!
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Its interesting reading through these inspiring stories of the people in the community. Hence, maybe I should dedicate more time working on causes I believe in too
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Malan Haugen
Truly inspirational. Individuals facing different challenging situations emerge strong with support from their friends and others. I enjoyed the exhibition tremendously.
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A yelo! I’m Candice. Here’s a brief rundown of my journey battling with depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. I was always one to condemn and punish myself ridiculously with the worst verbal abuse. I hated myself and pleaded others to pray for my death because I believed that I should die for the welfare of others. I cut, purged, bruised, and starved myself for years. However, despite it all, god saved me every time. Just like me, there’s redemption and salvation awaiting you dear. You are loved by the highest god and are worthy beyond measure. If god can deliver a wretched soul like me, I'm certain, that you can find solace from him. “But god, being known in mercy, because of the great love with which we loved us, even when we were dead un our trespassers made us alive with Christ – by grace, you have been saved!
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To the people I've met and have been incredibly lucky to befriend with, thank you each and every one you are such wonderful people – and you’ve shown me what it really means to be loved. Thank you for the jokes, the late nights talk, the long hours just sitting and talking because none of us wants to walk away from the conversation. You’ve all given me so much – and I hope we continue this journey on even after we’ve graduated, living and laughing and loving one another, I love you.
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To the people I've met and have been incredibly lucky to befriend with, thank you each and every one you are such wonderful people – and you’ve shown me what it really means to be loved. Thank you for the jokes, the late nights talk, the long hours just sitting and talking because none of us wants to walk away from the conversation. You’ve all given me so much – and I hope we continue this journey on even after we’ve graduated, living and laughing and loving one another, I love you.
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A big thank you! ‘thank you’ to all the foreign workers who have left their homes and families to come to Singapore to earn some money for their families. You have contributed so much to make life so much easier for us. And truly the success of this country could not be so easily achieved without your help. Probably you might not have received much appreciation or recognition from those but be sure there are those who value your presence with our results! Please continue to be the ‘best of you’ wherever you are, we appreciate you all those Singaporeans who work for you too! A big thank you! ‘thank you’ to all the foreign workers who have left their homes and families to come to Singapore to earn some money for their families. You have contributed so much to make life so much easier for us. And truly the success of this country could not be so easily achieved without your help. Probably you might not have received much appreciation or recognition from those but be sure there are those who value your presence with our results! Please continue to be the ‘best of you’ wherever you are, we appreciate you all those Singaporeans who work for you too!
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Priyadamrshini maniam
The people who have brought out the best in me is my family. Appa, amma, akka and Annae… A complete and a happy family. The reason for me to be strong and moving on with my love. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me and always brining me out the best in me. I pra that you all will be the family I am borned into in my next life.
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Jennifer Lau
What is ‘Best of You”? I believe it is in the becoming of a brand called ‘You” in every aspect of yourself. Through Arts & Crafts, I discover a spectrum of this – the creativity Best of myself. I truly believe everyone uniqueness in all forms of arts and crafts brings forth uniqueness and no one should be judged
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I've known Singapore since 1999, I've been PR for 16 years. I admire people in this country who always fight for their everyday lives continue to improve despite many limitations. Today I’m here to bring some agriculture product samples. My mission is to help my husband to keep his spirit of fighting to make his agriculture farm survived with tough challenges tat many farmers currently are facing due to global warming. Also whenever I'm in Singapore with my children. They’ll get to learn to see many cultures, hardworking people in this country. Hopefully one day the get to continue their school here too. Just like their mommy, in Singapore. “Start with a dream and persistency and everything is possible”
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As an engineer, I’m grateful to all the foreign workers I work with. They are underestimated and often locals look through them. I hope they know that work of us and sincerely appreciate their hard work. To all parents with children or without, grateful or bereaving, I hope they will continue to love or learn how to love and see the value of their lives. To all sons and daughters, I hope you love and respect your parents if you receive though love and learn to forgive those around you. To Christians who have fallen away from Christ, due to time, your sexuality priorities etc. I hope you find your way back to god to love. To all the really upset depressed roles, be it due to a job, results, relationships, love etc. I hope you distract yourself and try to find happiness again.
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To : Teachers O levels is near, I really thank you and appreciate all your hard work and patience to us. We will try our best and succeed for you. 谢谢各位尊敬的老师,O水准会考将近,非常谢谢您们。
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Being the daughter of a taxi driver and a housewife, I didn’t have the luxury of having Mcdonald, fanciful stationery and overseas trip but this is such a wonderful experience as it taught me independence, resourceful and resilience. When something is taken away from you, you’ll grow something more valuable. 爸妈,谢谢你们。
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Lee Li Jing
Dear Miss Wong Kah Wai, thankyou for teaching me for the past few years, I appreciate your help for me. I am sort if I disappoint you, I hope you will forgive me. I am still grateful for your help, thank you and you will always be in my heart.
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To the unknown you, who works hard behind the scenes making things go as they should, thank you for keeping at it. Despite no one ever realising that it takes effort to make things work. Thank you for keeping at it, even as others take it for granted
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Dear all inmates, stay strong and believe in yourself. No matter what you have been or are going through, always remember there are many out there for you. Be it family, friends and counsellors. Keep your spirits high we will always support and believe in you in the best way we can! Stay strong!
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No matter what people said, be brave and confidence to face the world as long as you have repent ad wants to live your life happily.
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The people around me bring out the best in me. It could be the bus drivers who drive me home even at 12am, the elderly aunties and uncles at Mcdonalds who have to stand and work for hours on end, the cleaners who make sure my school is clean, and many more people who I don’t see and don’t get to appreciate. They remind me that I am a beneficiary of all their hard work and kindness and I should remember, also, to all the people I've met and learnt from – my teachers, friends, schoolmates, and my parents – who remind me that I too must play my part to give back one day. I've learnt a lot from them and I am forever grateful for them, because they have made me who I am, also thank you for letting me know this exists.
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What brings out the best of me? Thankful of people who work hard daily to keep us safe and secure, making us happy and allow us to travel in and out of SG. These people often get neglected and under appreciated, which hopefully thee are growing awareness and gratitude towards them! Life might be difficult for us but let’s not target these people and be contented with what we have! Small gratitude means a lot for everyone so let’s all start with a simple “THANKYOU” and life is happier! Cheers to life and the people around us.
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A maid is not a maid at all. She is an enabler that makes it possible for children to grow up better and for parents to be greater fathers and mothers. An angle is disguise. A carer, a provider and sheer magic.
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Everybody makes mistakes, we are human, give them a second chance to continue with and acceptance we welcome you into our community circle
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The best of me is when I'm surrounded with beautiful people - family and soulmate. As well as friends. To be able to share our stories, anxieties, laughter, knowing they still care and love me. The best of me is whenever I opened my eyes, I thank god for this life bestowed
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Thank you for being there to listen, to give and to love me when I couldn’t love myself, like the words say “We are gonna love you till you love yourself” is so true. Thank you for being you and part in my journey.
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To Ryan, you are 2 weeks away before you could leave the SG boys home! I miss this conversation so deeply. We met when I was your trainer in Northbrooks! You’ve inspired me to give back to my children who are cause of courageous but just in need of guidance and support. I would want to make education accessible and inclusive to many students. I hope you still decide to be the social worker that you told me about. Thankyou! For being my inspiration
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The defining moment in my life was when I went through difficult period in 2017. It made me realize that I needed to take care of myself. I decided to start my journey towards a “Happy and healthy” lifestyle. It was not easy as I had to deal and manage the problems alone. I am very fortunate to have met different people from all walks of life, each with their own life story. I no longer have new year resolutions. Instead, I have fitness goals. A very big thank you to all instructors, administration and participants of lose to win 2018/HPB/T2FIT/Alpha Fitness/Team Nila/Sport Singapore/NDP 2019 marching contingent “OneTeamSg” “if you change nothing, nothing will change”, “You gotta move it, move it “ and “Love yourself”
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I gave 40 years of my life to a marriage that was like a prison to e. During that 40 years, I always felt trapped, helpless, lonely and angry with myself for the foolish mistakes of my youth. I smoke, drink, ran away from home, dropped out of secondary 2 and was like kicked out of a good school because my principal label me as a hopeless case and made my well to do parents believe that I should sent to a localised centre for girls, naughty ones, I wasn’t naughty I was always misunderstood. I have my own mind, strong in thinking, a little rebellious, free-spirit- that’s all. I had been through long stories but I always believe everyone deserves a second chance unless they give up on themselves. Life can be simple yet happy just believe in ourselves.
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My dearest Superboy, my beloved son, a gentle soul. I was only 16 years old when I was pregnant with you, you daddy asked me to marry him and I agreed to marry him because I wanted to keep you yet I know I will lose my freedom. Marriage was like a prison to me. It scares me, confines me and made me long for freedom again. Though the marriage was extremely difficult and challenging. I never think of giving you up or abandoning you because despite being strict and controlling towards you, deep in my heart I love you very much. Today you are 40 years old man married to a good women. I feel proud of you and never regret for being such a young mummy. Freedom at last.
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To all the mothers. You are what makes our life because you suffered the pain for nine months to bring us to this world. You taught us how to live and be the best for ourselves. I am teaching my life for daughter on how you live your life for me. To have faith, hope and love that will make all things possible and make everything beautiful. Become the Best of you is that you give unconditional love whether you will receive the love a not, you give all. Love you mama
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Dear Earth, thank you for letting me live on you, even though we harmed you in many ways and polluted you, you still gave us chances. Thank you ! Earth is the most strongest among all the other planets.
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Dear god, family and friends, thank you for giving me such a healthy life. When I grow up I would love to be an astrophysicist and a jockey combining two perfect jobs you like. A person who studies stars and planets, I have always wondered, are there aliens, are they real, what’s beyond universe, so many questions in my busy little mind. A jockey, a person who rides horses. I always wanted to ride a horse in the peaceful forest, but I am afraid of insects. I hope there are no insects in my journey!
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Ray Choo
Thank you. Thank you to whoever gave support to me during the difficult period. I will help others who need help and spread the love in the world.
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‘The best of you’. Here I am, on my way back home, and I stumbled upon this gallery – on its last day. And in these 18 yeas of my life, I believe I have truly lived. A featuring I will always be proud of. This achievement is no doubt thanks to my friend of 13 years. You’ve always been such an inspiration to me since our childhood days. Selfless. Affable. Kind. Your appearance in my life has been nothing but a blessing. Serving as a listening ear in this noisy world. A driving force in this stagnant world. It is only because of you that I am the best version of myself today. Taking great leaps in terms of my passion, and also relining my morals. To anyone out there, if you believe in your friends, there is no doubt they will too. Go far in life. LIVE! Stop worrying about ‘what if’s . Be the Best of You.
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Be not, a easily extinguished flame, but instead find the energy and light to burn bright, like how a phoenix reborn from its ashes, you too can burn bright and show the whole world your light.
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The best is yet to come. Time may not be there. Tide will flows by always. Today is the day, take it or leave it. The choice is yours. Train your mind to say trust or distrust. Thank you for who you are. Trim or fit, thinking always of who you are.
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I am autistic and has ADHD. Fortunately, or unfortunately I only found out last year when I went for a diagnoses. The awareness is important and I need to learn to manage the situation. The awareness is important and I need to learn to manage the situation. I struggled with mathematics and anything that required ore ‘logical thinking’. But I went through university and have a job. Maybe the ignorance was a blessing. Life must go on.
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What do I fight for in my life? I fight for passion and interest. I fight for family, love and friends. I appreciate each and every of my friend who bring out the best in me and accept for whoever I am. No matter what the future loads, I will be receptive and appreciative.
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Shi Yun
Hello! I want to say thank you to all the strangers who have showed or given acts of kindness to me. You, who complimented me on my dress while I was walking alone in the library, you who let me go first in the queue because you saw that I was rushing for time, you who gave me a plaster because I needed it. You make the world a better place!
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For me, I think that different types of movies and TV shows allow me to truly realise what type of person I am. They are able to inspire hope in people as well. When a show teaches their audience, young or old, realise the different aspects of being a good person. Other than that, shows are able to let you feel an array of emotions from joy to anguish. Hence, I believe that any type of movie or show is important for the growth of a human being.
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Dear Sir, in life, one has to embrace unexpected crisis or events happening to us. Most important, stay positive and have something to believe in – your religion. Be mindful and take one step at a time to overcome your challenges. We can make us!
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I’ve been here in Singapore for 3 years and I’m struggling with a stressful life. The first one and half year was so tough. Whenever I feel so lonely and so empty inside my mind, I just think of my future with my family, my cats, my boyfriend. To be back to the place where I belong, I’m trying my best. And also, I realised that everybody is fighting for surviving. All these suicidal thoughts, loneliness. Not only you, not only me …… everybody is struggling with their own problems. I feel appreciated and pleased for having their ow problems. I feel appreciated and pleased for having a strength to keep me moving. That might be the best of me and the best of you as well. Remember that you’re always amazing to someone. Thank you for making my day with this card!
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This is my second time joining “The best of you” event. And I enjoy the activities very much. I could try and experience new way of art expression. The art session by Artist Barry Yeow was very therapeutic. Thanks.
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It’s okay if nothing is going according to plan right now. Because everything is actually happening for a reason, greater than you can imagine, and at only later where you will realise. Note to self (and anyone who needs it). You just need to look up t the stars and have faith. Believe. Everyone in this world is a star, but just how bright do you want to be?
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Once upon a time there lives a knight. He was very brave. People asked him how does he improve himself so fast. He said, “I only have 1 goal in life, no one is better than me and I am no better than anyone. The person I must be must be a better person I was yesterday.” Now, that inspires me.
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We are grateful for our friends and family.We would like to thank everyone in our lives. Us
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Ladies in my life,My 2 ladies, wife, Smita and daughter, Priya, are the main reasons why my “best of myself” constantly tries to be so.All my challenges, endeavours, goals, objectives are geared towards their happiness. I love them fully and my best is always for them.
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Everyone reading this,Life is one direction! It goes on, not back. The things you have done right, or done wrong, don’t define you, and they never will. Adversities are your best friends, they teach you lessons no teachers can, so the good news is if you’ve made mistakes, make the best lessons out of them.Thank you for reading and encourage that one person going through a hard time!
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Thank you to the inmates for helping me to see life in new light, alternative lens. Your resilience, creativity, courage amaze me and I have so so much learn from you.You have so much to offer. May you find the strength and support to start your lives afresh and break the cycle of offending. If there’s anyone that deserves a second chance, it’s definitely you. Make the change for you and not anyone else.
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To whom it may concern, be you, be uniquely you. Don’t fret thatthe society would not accept you. Accept yourself. Be there for yourself first.Trust yourself, for you only have yourself. Always strive to achieve beyondwhat you think you are capable of. You are your only competition. You are yourstrength and your very own weakness. That’s the first step to success.
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Danial, Izzati, Amal
Move onwards with your life. Never look back and think about your past. Use your past as a lesson for tomorrow. It’s ok to fall, it’s ok to cry. Tomorrow will be a new day, a new you, a stronger you.
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There once lived four rabbits at the skirts of a mountain. At the top of this mountain was a carrot as big as one can imagine. It is so large it could feed ten rabbit for a lifetime. Every day, the rabbits would train hard to climb to the top of the mountain where the giant carrot sits. All but one rabbit. Jamon had no interest in the carrot. He instead loved cherry tomatoes. Every day, he would visit the cherry tomato farm to have his meal, visit his friends, he laughed and played, living his life as jolly as one can. The day the other three rabbits reached the top of the mountain, they were old and grey. They died the next day, clinging onto the giant carrot. Jamon died smiling.
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Dear Amma, you are the only one who taught me everything in life. Thanks for bringing out the best of me. You are the best mum ever. You brought up kindness, honesty, compassion, love and passion in me.
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Helping others. Thank you, Dylon, my friend, for helping me with everything I need help with.
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Skye Lee
My father will always help me with whatever I do in life. I am very thankful that I have such a good father.
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Helping my soccer mates when they are injured.
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Aaron A. Goh
I am a champion. Whenever I fail, I simply get up. I will never give up!!
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Andre Lim Heng Rui
During the exam period last term, I helped the class by opening all the windows without being asked.
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Kristian Tan
Dear mum, you taught me to be kind to other people, to be generous like when my friend forgot to bring money, I should lend him some money. Thank you! The best in me is kindness and generosity.
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Thank you for sending me to this school.
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Isaac Ying
I helped my friend when he got hit in a soccer match.
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I scored a goal for my team and I did not boast about it. I just cheered my friends up and said, ‘Don’t worry, it’s just a game!” Do good things therefore the karma will come back to you.
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Calleo Tee
Dear mummy, Thank you for bringing out the best of me. Thank you for your love, kindness, patience, coaching my work and being my light when it is dark. Thank you for all you have done. You have brought out all these qualities in our family. You have made me a kind boy. Thank you.
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Benjamin Soh
Dear mother and father, thank you for caring for me and teaching me my work. Without you by y side, I wouldn’t be so perfect. Thank you for your love and care. I am lucky to have good parents. Thank you!
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Jaden Goh
Dear Gabriel, Thank you for bringing out the best in me. You have inspired me with your kindness and generosity. You have brought up these good qualities in me. With these qualities I have learnt from you, I will make the world a much better place.
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Matthew Lee
The best in me is kindness. Best of me! Dear Calleo, Thanks for cheering me up when I felt sad. After you did that, you brightened my life up and now I’ve become a better person, and you’ve made me the best for myself!
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Dear mom, thank you for bringing out the best in me. When I wanted to watch TV, you reminded me to do first thing first. And my mum forgives me.
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Dalton Nair
Thank you, all cleaners, for cleaning our school!
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Isaac Chew
Thank you, Yeh Yeh, for picking me up every day from school and taking care of me when papa or mama is not home, and teaching me how to cook rice.
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Kayden Yum
Thank you, Gabriel, for bringing out the best in me. You help me when I am lonely, angry and upset. Thank you for helping me since I was in P1. I am very thankful to have a friend like you! Thank you mummy and daddy for bringing out the best in me. You bought me a phone, food, water, clothes and so many other things. Sometimes I forget what you have done for me, but you still love me! I am very thankful!
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Caius Yeoh
Dear Mother, Thank you for helping me by not letting me go to tuition but help me on my English where I am far from ordinary. If you did not help me, I will not score 92/100. Thank you for making my studies fun for me.
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Aaric Chan
I am grateful of everything in school! What to be thankful of: Paper; writing pad Stationeries; pen, pencil, correction tape etc Whiteboard, chalk board, marker Tables and chairs
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I am grateful for my parents for giving me food, shelter and clothes, car and toys, a TV and a bed to sleep on.
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Ryder Olsen
I am grateful to my parents for juggling between spending money on me and themselves and also for raising me up to be who I am today. Without them, I won’t e competing in Pesta Sukan and I won’t be on my way to success. Like the song my mother plays on her phone: “This is me.” The first verse was: “When the sharpest words are gonna cut me down, I’m gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out. I’m not scared to be seen. I make no apologies, this is me.”
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Francis Wong Kai Hun
I am grateful for my family; they help me with a lot of things such as studying and being kind. I am grateful for my parents, brothers and sister. My parents teach me kindness, doing my best and education. If I could help the old folks, I would give them money and d what I can for them. When my parents are old, I would take care of the and help them when needed.
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I am grateful that my parents had provided me with education and a home to stay in. I can donate money, clothes and food to the ones in need of them.
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Alexander Wong
I am grateful to the police for arresting the bad guys.
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Maximo Toh
I am grateful for my parents for providing me a house to live in. I am grateful for a proper education.
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Marc Elias
I am grateful for my parents, teachers and friends. Without my parents, I would not be here. Without my teachers, I would not be smart. Without my friends, I wouldn’t know what friendship is.
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Lupus Heng
I am grateful for living a good life in a wonderful world. I am grateful for knowing how to draw.
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“Thank you.”
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Caleb Yee
On a sunny Thursday, my friend was getting bullied. Then he cried and I ran to him as fast as lightning. I brought the injured boy to the general office to put bandages. I told the staff about the bullying and the bullies got orange slips.
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I helped my friend because he fell down, so, I called my other friends to help him. We went to the office and he was ok. My friends and I were grateful for having friends.
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Randolp Smith
Be the best version of yourself. Don’t make fun of others! Don’t brag about what you have! Respect others! Say please and thank you. Be honest. Don’t lie! Tell the truth.
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Oliver Khoo Yi Kai
Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you.
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Be the best of you! Be yourself in whatever you do.
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Joel Ho
Stop beating yourself up. You are a work in progress; which means you get there a little at a time, not all at once. Do not give up, keep trying! Be the best. Respect others.
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1. Don’t worry about what you can't control. 2. Don’t take yourself of the world seriously. 3. Master yourself as best as you can. 4. Practice kindness and compassion 5. Make peace with fear and anger. 6. Love and approve of yourself.
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Tristan Lim
They may be different but they can still achieve their goal together.
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Kyden Ho
No matter what, you should never give up! No matter what, you should always try your best! Always be yourself.
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Xander Lee
“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” -Scott Adams
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David Angkola Kieran
We must have courage and not compare ourselves with others. “If you’re lucky enough to be different, don’t even change.” -Taylor Swift
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Be humble and kind. Don’t be proud, help others!
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Linus Lee
Being the best of you: Don’t complain and be grateful. Don’t compare with others. Helping those in need. People will “carry it forward”. Don’t be negative. Give you courage to do the right thing.
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Leo Chandra
Be humble and try your best to be the best, but know in your heart that you are the best.
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Joel Seet
Some people are less fortunate. Be kind. Be humble. Let’s all work together for a better Singapore.
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Ruben Krishnan
Thank you: I would like to thank my family for always being there for me! I would like to thank my teachers for teaching me! Thank you. We should never compare with others. Be yourself.
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How to be the best of you: 1. Be on your best behaviour 2. Respect your parents 3. Be yourself
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Travis Leong
The best of you: Don’t be easily discouraged Always try to be positive Have hope and courage Work hard to achieve your goals
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Ethan Lim
I'm really thankful for my family even though they are super fierce, I still love them. This is what I’ll be if I didn’t have them (not even alive). MY mother gave birth to me, my dad helps me cook, my JC2 sis helps me with work, and my sec 4 sis is my best buddy! That is why I really appreciate them for being there for me.
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Muhammad Sulaiman
“Sir, let me help you!” “Thank you!”
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I appreciate my mom for teaching me when I needed help with my work.
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Joshua Teo
About my dad: My dad does things with me. He play iPad with me and.. wins me.. But most importantly, my dad does things for me that is important in my life. He helps me wit my homework and play with me too!. And so.. that is why I like my dad!
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Ryan Ong Jun An
Dad: Come on! You can do it! Me: Thanks for cheering me on.
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Ian Ong
Try to understand what other people are saying before quarrelling or commenting and also help other people even if you are late for work or school.
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David Chong
Don’t do drugs, do hugs. A small kind action can light up someone’s day. Be healthy. Have a nice day. Be king, be greater.
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Kindness: “Kindness comes from the inside of your heart.” Be yourself. You have your own trademark. Be the change you want to see. Practice makes perfect Always a smile. The best of me!
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Lucas Wong
Kindness is a virtue. Always have hope. Be kind to others. Comfort others when they are feeling down. Don’t compare. You are the best of you. Help people with disabilities. Kindness. Helpfulness is also a virtue.
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Zacchaeus Seow
How to be the best of you: Never give up forever Think positive Help others Throw away negative thoughts Be generous Stay on the right side Be helpful Every time, think positive Stand up for yourself Think before you act
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Hi, my name is Samuel. I would like to thank my tutor. She has helped me through many struggles in life like me failing every subject in SA1 in primary 4. My dad and mum scolded me many times in the past. I was sad and scared of the real world. I wished I could just run awa from life but when my father had gotten me a tutor, I thought, there goes my free time, but she was fun to study with and learn. She was kind and funny and I passed with good marks in SA2.
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Dear mom and dad, Thank you for supporting me in my studies and always encouraging me to do my best and I can’t thank you enough for the things you have done to help me do my best. If it wasn’t for you two, I wouldn.t be here in school, learning and playing. You have taught many things and whenever I am sad or feeling down, you will always be there for me. Thank you for doing all these things for me. I love you! You are the best people in the world!
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Rui Qian
I am very thankful for this school for it has taught me many values, for example, kindness and integrity. Thank you!
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Thank you, Aunty Ena, for cleaning the whole house every day. I will help by not dirtying the house and when I am done with all my homework, I will help clean the house if you need help.
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Thank you, dad and mum, for raising me well.
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Lucas Chan
Dear Mrs Wong, thank you for teaching me math and English and teaching me fractions well.
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Kayden Tang
I am grateful for my grandaunt, she is very kind and sometimes also very funny. She teaches me math, English and Chinese. And every time I misbehave, she will scold me. And sometimes when I am irresponsible and lose my things, she will help me find it. I am grateful for her. Thank you.
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Thank you, Mrs Wong, for making me realise that teamwork is the best. That we need to synergize., even though I get angry at my friends some times. As my favourite saying is “You want to go fast, you go alone. You want to go far, you go together.” You have made me realise unity is the best.
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Dear mummy, Thank you for caring for me and paying so much money on therapy for me. These therapies really help me a lot. Thank you for helping me change the HCL days or I wouldn’t have met so many friends. I love you, mummy. I can help others by helping them when they fall down. I also can help others by bringing them to the general office.
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Dear Ragha, I know that at first, we were enemies but now we are friends and sometimes I even come to your house for study group but most of the time, I have a busy day as I have tuition so most of the time I only meet you in school.
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Matthew Yik
This letter of appreciation is about my mother. My mother is the best! She helps me with my work and cooks for me. She understands me, she lets me watch movies.. and that’s why this letter of appreciation is about her!
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Always stand up for yourself and be brave. Always encourage yourself and your friends. Be honest, be kind and be strong.
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Zephaniah Ng
When I am in a train, I saw an old man standing in the train so I gave him my seat.
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When I was 3 years old, I was playing soccer, I fell down and my forehead hit the concrete and it started bleeding. I had to go to the hospital for 3 days and I had to take the drip, but I was brave and it brings out the best in me!
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Thank you, mummy and daddy, for keeping me company and support and for giving food.
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Kavin Kannappan
Dear Mrs Ho, thank you for teaching me fractions.
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Ordinary acts of bravery. Be brave. Be bold. Take time out. First, you must know who you are. Be yourself.
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Find the courage to be the best.
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Aaden Koh Yuan Yi
All races, friends forever. Different races are different through many ways but we are still friends.
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Tyler Chua
Make our earth clean.
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I like everyone no matter the race!
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Lim Ming Yao
Chinese. Malay. Indian. Eurasian. A sunny paradise. A great city. One Singapore.
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Tan Jing Hao
These are the best of me: Embrace change. Try. It just takes some time. Face your fears. Do what you can and do it well.
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Use kind words. Be helpful. Be attentive. Be courteous. Be brave.
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Julius Chua
Please be patient. Wait for the bus to arrive.
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Phan Juin Er
Thank you: Mrs Ng, Mrs Ho, Mrs Shannon, my friend, father and mother.
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One day, I saw someone singing a song and asking for money. I helped him by giving him $10. He said thank you and I felt a spark in my heart.
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Evan Yeo
Colour your world. Everyone is equal. We will always be together as one nation.
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We can help the animals.
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Benjamin Wong
Thank you, Ms Phng, you have always been teaching us about being kind and much more. Hope you have a good life.
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I can help to teach my friend about something because he is struggling with it and he does not have a tutor to help him.
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I am brave. I overcome my fears and do my best.
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Heng Damus
Give money to the poor.
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Kok Yet Hong
I can donate money to the poor as they have no money so that the can eat.
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Dean Ow
I want to be brave and fight monsters bigger than me.
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Jing Hien
I will pick up my litter so the poor auntie and uncle don’t need to pick up my litter.
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Ethan Ng
Save the environment and tell others not to litter nicely.
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Don’t be afraid! Find the courage!
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Ethan Chan
Thank you, daddy, for hugging me before bed time. I love you.
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Isaac Lim
Dear Daryl, thank you for helping me when I cried.
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Shun Kai
Learn from mistakes, don’t give up, be kind, be brave, face your fears, choose the right choice!
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Leon Png
Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for buying stuff for me. And thank you for washing my clothes. Thank you, mummy.
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Be brave.
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Dear Father: Thank you for buying all my toys. I love you, Daddy. Dear Mommy: Thank you for looking after me. I love you, Mommy.
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I love you a lot. I forgive you.
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Gabriel Lim
Dear parents, Thank you for teaching me how to be patient and kind to my siblings. Thank you for making the best out of me.
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Benjamin Lai
Small actions with a big impact.
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Titus Lai
Help the less fortunate. No money, no problem! There are other ways to help the needy than giving money. Some ways are: Showing you care Moral support Hearing them out Being there for them Those are just some ways you can help the less fortunate. Even children can help!
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Zeeshan Iskandar
If I have friends who are struggling in their studies and I am good at that subject, I would help them if their parents are not well to do and cannot afford tuition. I would schedule my time and make sure I’m free. If my friend is having some issues a home, I would try my best to take time and talk to him and try to make him happy and encourage him to study hard. When my friends need time by himself, I would respect his decision and always keep an eye on him to make sure that he is feeling alright and able to learn well in school.
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Ewan Kum
“Thank you, Ah Boy!” “No problem.”
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Are you okay? Do you need help? I can lend you money if you need some. Talk to me if you need help. Do you want me to teach you? Do you need help with homework?
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Lambert Choa
We can help by… Donating money to them. Raise awareness Helping them by doing house chores Making them happy for one day Buying items that they need Keeping them company during lessons and recess Talking to them Not talking about their dirty clothes or shoes Giving them extra lessons if they do not know their studies Plying soccer with them Standing up for them Writing a card on their birthday
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Martin Ong
I would like to inform all the unfortunate people that: Do you notice that whenever we walk along a road, there are usually lighted light poles at equal distances apart. This helps us to see clearer despite the darkness. Similarly, the lighted light poles act like a guide and help along our way whenever we are caught in darkness, like problems. So please do not give up hope! Remember you are never alone!
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Julian Chan
I can volunteer at the old folks’ home and give the old folks food and beverages. I can put out a performance for them or just simply chat with them as most of them are lonely and do not have anyone to interact with. I can provide tuition for my neighbours who are not very well-off. They are not very good in their studies but their parents cannot afford them tuition. So, I can tutor them for free. I can also donate some money to the poor for them to buy their necessities.
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Cheng Jae Hin
To everyone: I am grateful; For food on my table; For my family, my friends, who have come and supported me, gave me courage all this time; For harmony and peace in this world. That now, times have changed, and there are less wars, and that many races, countries can get together and celebrate Racial Harmony Day; That Singapore is Multi-Racial and that we can connect with each other and make our red dot a better place; Everything.
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Kayden Lee
I am grateful for: Food, water, the world, family, medicine, education, a country.
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Anshuman Nair
I am grateful for: The things that Mr Lee Kuan Yew has done for Singapore, like making Singapore a proud nation and an independent country. My mother and father as they taught me how to be disciplined and be polite to other people. My teachers as they taught me a lot of things that are useful to me.
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Matthias Choo
Thank you, mum and dad, for taking care of me like cooking, teaching me homework and bringing me out to play. Thank you, Singapore for also taking care of the country. Without you, we will have a lot of trouble.
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Dexter Ng
I am grateful to my mother for giving me a house, providing me with food, and helping me in my studies. I am grateful to my father for disciplining me and teaching me to do the right things. I am grateful to my brother and sister for playing with me and annoying me. I am grateful to my teachers for teaching me.
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Joel Lim
Thank you, mum and dad for taking care of me in my life.
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Isaac Low
Dear Mummy and Daddy, Thank you for always teaching me when I do wrong and helping me understand my work. Ideas; Encourage when I am down; Help when I do not know a solution; Love when I still do wrong.
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Callum Lim
To: My father and Mother. Dear Father and Mother, thankful for giving me life and giving me a roof over my head. And for giving me education. Mother, I thank you for giving us meals to stay happy and healthy. Father, I thank you for getting me food too and buy us a house. I really appreciate all you have done for me.
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I am grateful for my life, my talents and my family.
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Matthew Yip
Thank you, family and friends, for taking care of me.
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Michael Ian Setiadi
You are the best! Thank you, Mama and Papa, for taking care of me. Mama you are so smart and you are so hardworking. You can cook, you can wash, you can teach. You are amazing! Papa, you are so smart, you love soccer and me too! I love you! The best is you! You will never walk alone.
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Ethan Ng
I am thankful for: My parents, schooling, my friends, Singapore.
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Ryan Nicholas Lim
Family; I feel grateful for living in a family that can afford anything I need and want, such as my education and game consoles. I hope to repay my parents by doing well for PSLE and getting into a good secondary school. Friends; I want to thank my friends for helping me whenever I am in trouble and cheering me up when I am sad. My 4 best friends: Ethan The, Craig, Ethan Ng and Dylan.
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Max Lee
Use the Talk, Spend, Take method.. I would talk with them, spend time with them, take care of them. Make lives better for the less fortunate.
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Matthew Allan Goh
We can help by donating money to them. We can help by befriending them. We can help by consoling them. We can help by giving them food.
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Joel Phang
If I had a chance to help the misfortunate, I would try to give them some money or I would start a charity to collect money for them. Together, save my world.
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Ernest Cheng
1. Will do volunteer work and prepare food for the less fortunate 2. I will help raise funds for the less fortunate 3. I will help the elderly clean their home as a form of volunteer work Be greater!
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When I see poor families, I will buy them some supplies (food, stationery etc.)
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Joshua Kuah
The best of you: I want to help the poor people by donating money to them. I hope the poor people has a good life.
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John Lim
I feel like giving a house to the poor people so they have a house to stay in and a car to move around.
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I want to help the poor! I will donate. I target to make all the poor get a house. Be brave.
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Isaac Ng
If I see an ex-prisoner trying to turn a new leaf by selling tissue paper/stationeries/luggage tag, I would buy from him. It’s all about kindness.
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Iain Chew
Don’t compare. You are your own benchmark. Don’t complain. Kindness.
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Ryan Sng
The best of you! Don’t compare.
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Act of courage is a small one.
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Don’t show off! You might be in that state one time, you never know.
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Sam Michael Leow
The best of you! Done make fun of people.
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Ryan Hendricks
The best of me: Don’t complain or compare, focus be kind, let the light in, be brave, kindness, be active, it just takes some time, your thoughts, find courage, be curious, mindfully, be strong, practise, peace. Change the world.
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Ethan Oon
Dear family, thank you for bringing out the best in me. Thank you for helping me to do well in my studies and thank you for being the best family ever.
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Xavier Tan
Dear grandpa, thank you for bringing out the best of me and help me with my homework and always comforting me.
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Thank you, daddy and mommy, for inspiring me to show and be myself and not hide myself and helping me with my work when I don’t understand what to do. Thank you for bringing out the best of me.
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Kenston Kok
Thank you, Ms May Tan, For giving me the knowledge to focus and not wonder. I love being your student.
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Leroy Tan
Dear Joel Han, Thank you for drawing and helping me in my work, although we fight sometimes, our friendship is still there. What you still show me is kindness, compassion and forgiveness!
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Mikhael Muhammed Ridzwan
Dear uncle, Thank you for cleaning the canteen and reminding to pick up our litter especially me! Let’s help the uncles and aunties clean the canteen.
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Ethan Francis
Dear Mummy, Thank you for helping me with my work, telling me to do the right thing when I do things wrong and being patient with me. Because of you, you help me to be patient with my friends. Thank you!
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Deng Kaile
Dear Mummy and Daddy, Thank you for cooking for me and caring for me every day. I appreciate you for the things you do for me. You are a great mother and father and you are hardworking people. Thank you for making me an appreciative, hardworking and caring person.
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Jotham Png
Dear Mrs Tan, thank you for finding my wallet and giving it back. I will learn to take care of my things.
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Travis Yan
I thank Ethan Francis for being a good friend to me. Even if I feel sad, he will comfort me and help me in my work when I am in need. He gave me the habit to do that to Jotham, I really feel happy when I do that. I hope he will pass my kindness on.
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When I see somebody fell down, I help them.
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Isaiah Koh
Thank you coaches for teaching me how to play soccer properly and also thank you for your kind offer to teach me.
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When someone is hurt or injured, I bring them to the General office and help them up.
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Jeric Choo
I helped my friends.
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Cut down on usage of phone. Keep up with revision for various subjects. (Time management) Have a positive mindset and attitude to cope with challenges.
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Personally, I think that there are many solutions on how to be the best of myself. Firstly, I can push myself outside of my comfort zones. Through this, I can learn how to seek and endure pain and hardship in the future. Secondly, I can put up my best behaviour everywhere I go. By putting on this great sense of attitude, people shall start admiring your personality and effort.
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Bryan Leong
To: myself, You’re more than what you are. Be strong. Be resilient. Be courageous. Road to O levels: Exercise frequently (Play ball) Prioritise study over leisure time Practice, practice (Other school papers, TYS) Eat more (meat, complete meals, fruits) Study smart (pick out tricky and common questions) From, myself.
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Do not give up easily. Have higher esteem. Be courageous. Wake up earlier. Do not procrastinate. Be more physically fit.
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By being optimistic and know my limits: Look from different perspectives. Have reasonable goals. Think of different possible outcomes, not just one; manage time properly; always plan ahead. Look for the good in the bad. Learn from where you went wrong; “if there’s one benefit to losing, it’s that you get to learn from your mistake.”; learn from the past Push yourself to do better; have the courage to explore the unknown; don’t stay in your comfort zone.
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“The two most important days of your life, is the day you were born, and the day you find out why.” I will not give up no matter how long it takes for me to reach my goal.
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Zhang Chen
To gear up for the O level exams; keep at the study pace; continue doing the work; do whatever I can do to wait for the best results; be happy with the joy of accomplishment, but don’t be defeated by the temporary failure; be diligent, kind, and humble. The future will be bright. To live a life that I am proud of, not for anyone, but myself so that there will be no regret.
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Huang Tungen
Be yourself. Don’t let people judge you.
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“The moment you push yourself is the moment you go far in life.”
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Running away from your problems won’t do you any good.
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Siti Hajar
Be positive. Don’t be lazy. Put in effort.
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Be brave, accept truths and handle it slowly, being alone to sort things out, push myself to be positive, throw away those toxic behaviours that I have! Most importantly, think and be positive.
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Take things slow and be bold.
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Hasif Nazim
Things I love brings the best out of me! “Love what you do, don’t force what you hate to do.”
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Yeo Jia Jun
Think positively. You are not alone, be happy, smile!
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Samantha Kho Zi Qin
I am grateful that I am able to study in a school and live in a country protected by our people. I am grateful that I am given the opportunity to work at Mcdonald’s as a part-time barista. I am grateful for everything that I have. I am really glad that I am still alive. Personally, I feel that we should not take things for granted. Instead, we should be grateful and appreciate what we have. I am grateful for having a school counsellor who is willing to listen to my worries and guide me through my challenges. In life, no matter how hard life gets, we should never give up.
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Mohd Solihin bin Khamsan
I am very grateful for a lot of things. I am thankful that I can walk, talk, listen and see things. I am thankful that I can go to school to study, able to eat variety of food and to travel to other country. I am thankful for my teachers and friends who has supported me in my studies. I am thankful that I am living in a country with a strong economy and living in Singapore without any racial incident. Last but not least, I am thankful for my family. Each one of them plays an important role to make me a better person. With their support, I am thankful to live with a proper lifestyle.
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Gao Xue
My mum left me when I was four, I live with my grandparents and my grandparents are not rich. So, I need to wear the clothes which other people do not want and have thrown away. My dad needs to work outside and it has been 7 years I did not see my mum. I almost forgot how she look like and when she came back, she wanted to take me to Singapore. I’m grateful that I can study in a better environment.
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I am grateful for being mentally strong. Throughout my primary school life, I have been heavily shamed about my hairy body, what I wear and what I do and I have broken down a couple of times to my mother or sometimes on my own. I f you heard what they called me, you would’ve been shocked that kids/teens my age know cruel words like that. I used to be really confident and care less about what I wore or did last time as I was young but now I wear covered clothes such as jeans or sweaters but I gained some confidence and wear short sleeve shirts. In primary school, I used to have low self-esteem and depend on others for compliments and how good I look but from then I learnt that no one will love you if you don’t love yourself. If you see models or instagrammers, their pictures, it takes self-love and confidence to post it because they know that there will be negative comments posted on their pictures.
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Nothing and no one is perfect so don’t try to be the best in the world. Be the best of you.
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Be thankful for whatever you have: Education, health, parents, things you have, family, shelter, wealth, food, and clothing.
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Ashley Ng Lin Xiang
When I see someone’s wrong, ill be the one who stand up and correct them even if they are my friends. This is the value of integrity that everyone needs to have. Besides, to show gratitude, I’ll always say ‘thank you’ to others. It’s always good to think positive which makes you think life’s better. Sometimes, just change your mood ad everything will be wonderful.
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Showing gratitude: Appreciate the little things by saying “thank you”. Show your appreciation by giving back (e.g. get them a gift, write them a card, etc). Do the same for them (Do what they do to you). Thank you for stuff.
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I would like to think before I do and think of the consequences of my actions.
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If you see anyone in danger or need help please don’t stay there and watch. Come forward and help. I am grateful to be in Singapore and study here as I got an opportunity to study. Some people do no have it. If you have courage, please help and do not expect anything from them as they can only give you happiness. Be helpful and be kind.
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Maisarah bte Rosli
Stay discipline, stop procrastinating. Only 4 more months or less than that. Start following the timetable.
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Indah Fitri
I could show gratitude by giving back to people that I appreciate such as my teachers, my parents and friends. For teachers, I could give back to them by succeeding in my studies. For my parents, I could always help them by taking care of my siblings. For my friends, I could help them if they need help.
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To show the world who you are!
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Ivan Munez
I’m grateful for being able to live healthy and have loving parents that brought me up to wat I am today! Without my parents, I could not have been great! “Climb your mountain, conquer it”
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Ramasamy Azhagurani
I am grateful for being able to live in Singapore. I am able to mix around with many different people with different backgrounds. We are able to be with each other without offending another.
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Blessie Michaela Malapitan Nareiso
I am thankful for the things I have especially education and food. I am thankful for that because many children in the world don’t have access to education or food. Many children in the world are malnourished because they don’t have food and are eager to go to school to achieve their dreams only for it to be turned down because their parents don’t have enough money to send them to school. I am thankful for the things I have because I am fortunate to have access to the things I have and my family and friends that are here to support me so I could achieve my dreams. I am thankful for having a family that is there for me through my ups and downs in life. I am thankful for everything.
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De Silva Celestine Bernadette
Dear Arkar, All the best in your preparations for your O levels and also all the best for your examination. I know that you and I are friends and I hope that by then end of this year we can build a stronger friendship bond and I know we may be from different streams, I’m sure we can be friends or even best friends. P.S. Thanks for the photos we took during the barbeque and I hope that we can take more photos in the future!
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Chantel Yeo
I think we should look out for one another more often because sometimes your friends might look happy and fine on the outside, but actually, they are facing a lot of stuff at home. And when we know that our friends are having trouble at home, we should also help them to overcome their circumstances, and be with them, and let them know that they are not going through all that alone.
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Never give up, no matter what you are doing, think that you are almost there. Enjoyment awaits! Know yourself first! Be brave! Be yourself! “Don’t be afraid, stay strong.”
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Jihan Fahirah
The best of you: Be supportive Be grateful Donate food to the needy Never give up Help one another Don’t judge a person Always be kind Be caring
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Don’t worry, be happy as there is always a chance. Things can change eventually. Have hope.
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Sri Noradilla
Your struggles now will get you prepared for the future.
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Caelyn Raso
If you find someone who is struggling finance wise, don’t be afraid to help them in the little things like getting them a small snack once in a while, or help if they are struggling in their studies. Small actions will seem big when it’s really needed.
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I am grateful for the harmony between races in Singapore! We have come a long way and are privileged to be able to celebrate Racial Harmony Day today.
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JC Gabriel
I’m grateful for Singapore being a safe country with low crime rates and for the government taking initiative informing citizens of the dangers of terrorism so that we are well-informed on what to do if an attack happens.
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Puah Pin Chen
I feel grateful for all the things the school has done for me, for the teachers I have, the food that the canteen provided, especially with the new Chinese food that was especially tasty. The school also gave us new facilities which me and my friends can try out too.
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I am grateful that I am studying in a school.
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Jovelle Woo
I am thankful to have a great life. Many people out there are suffering from hunger. I am happy that I am able to eat and drink. I am also grateful that I have a house to live in instead of sleeping on the streets. I am also grateful that I am able to go to school. I am thankful to have my loving and supporting family. Without them, I do not know what I will do!
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I am thankful to have parents that take care of me. I am also thankful for those who has helped me with life. Nothing is a waste of time! Everything helps you move a step forward into your future.
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Eli Elzra
Show the world what you are good at and prove to yourself you can be better than before! Don’t let anyone’s opinion bring you down, you know yourself better than anyone else!
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I am thankful for my friends and teachers’ support and not giving up on me.
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Believe in yourself.
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Xuan Linh
Who are you, what are you; find it and you will be invincible.
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Remember only one thing when times are hard: “All bad things come to an end.” You can do it! Stay strong!
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Xin Xuan
Seek help, tell someone, trust the person as that person is your friend and also remember you are not alone. You can always find light in the darkest nights.
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Mei Shiyi
Dear father, The first year in Singapore. It was really tough for me. I only could work hard on my English. I only could keep going forward. I was really trying my best to learn English. My mother always scolded me for not improving my English. I really felt disappointed. When I called you, I always told you the happy things happened over here. Your words and voice always encouraged me. I had several times wanted to get up on this and even wanted suicide. It’s your encouragement always reminded me to persevere on it. In the end, I did it. When I look back, I am really proud of myself. Through this experience, I had learnt that persistence is victory.
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Dear family, I want to thank you all for supporting me in my studies or even if I have school competitions. Especially to my parents, thank you for everything. You two have been with me when I am in the hospital for surgery or even when I am receiving awards. You guys are always the ones who will take care of me when I am sick. I love each and every one of you.
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Jiun Hong
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Goh Le Xuan
至:亲爱的母亲大人, 你是我这声中见过最能干的妈妈。你不止能干,你也是一位最能包容我的坏脾气和我所犯下的
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Qi En
Thanks for being there when someone is in need. No matter how hard is the task, sometimes yes you would give up but sometimes you would sit and reflect on what’s going on before doing improper stuff that could cause harm and rage in/for the family.
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Thanks for being there for me.
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To those who are sad, “You are not alone!” Depression is something that saddens me to see from teenagers and friends in school. Talking to others can help express your personal thoughts in a productive and meaningful way. Others can listen to you expressing yourself and help provide advice to you. To whoever reading, take care of yourself and when in need, approach someone. Life is short.
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“It is okay to cry” - Baymax
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Nuri Haqilah
Dear mother, First of all, I want to thank you for staying strong till this day. Our lives haven’t been easy ever since your divorce. We had to live with no electricity and had to rely on corridor lights to do homework. It was hard for the 4 of us, but it must be harder on you. From a 5-room HDB flat to a rental flat. However, never once did you give up. You continued to stay strong for the sake of us, and I honestly still wonder how you did that. I adore you so much. We had a dark past, but thankfully, we are living our life to the fullest now and are finally moving to a proper home in 2-3 years’ time if it wasn’t for all your sacrifices, we wouldn’t be surviving and having proper education. Thank you for everything, you mean so much to me. I promise to study and work hard to make you even prouder, mom. Things still aren’t going too well now, slowly but surely, we will get over this. I'm sorry for all the things I've done to disappoint you and for being selfish at times. I just want to see you happy and healthy. God willing, our lives will be better in the future. Allah is here with us. I love you, mummy.
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Angeline Ng En Qi
Someone who has brought the best in me was my late grandmother, even though she may not be around anymore, she will always be my reason to keep going. When she passed, I was devastated and it was my end of year exams in secondary 2. I remembered she wants me to do well in school and get good grades. So, I worked very hard and managed to get first in my class and in my level, also transferring to the express stream. She will always be my driving force and to never give up. Thank you, Ah Ma. I love you.
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Thank you for helping, assisting, and supporting me so far in life like my parents, friends, sisters, brothers, Aqmal and Yusry for always being there for me. Love you.
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Nurafiqah Shazlyn
Thank you To my family (and my cat, Chika) Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for teaching important life skills. Thank you for showing love and care for me. I appreciate you all so much. To my friends… Thank you for bringing a smile to my face every day. It encourages me to come to school.
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Sufyan Atsavri
A thousand miles, you would walk for me, faced a thousand obstacles but still continued. My mother my love, still walked even though your legs, were full of blood and pain. Like the air, the love you have given me, there’s no way I can ever repay. Mother.
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Sanjini D/O Raju
I am thankful for my mother, for the wonderful life you have given me, things you sacrificed for me. I came from a broken family. My mother is my biggest support and is a strong woman to me. Everyone wishes to have an entire family. My mother is my father to me, she raised me and I loved her all my life. She is my life.
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Tan May Ying
Dear all (who read this), I would like to say thank you for loving yourself and are for yourself, as you can't love others if you don’t even love yourself. I know that in this world no one is perfect, but what we could expect is to work hard to strive for your goals. Sometimes you may think that you’re alone but actually you aren’t. There’s darkness everywhere but one kind act of yours can make that place brightened up. Please spread love or colours everywhere you go. You may think that it is hard to do so but just give it a try. Yours sincerely, May Ying
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Lim En Xi
I wanted to thank my mother, father, and my brother. Thank you for always encouraging me when I'm feeling upset. Thank you for my parents who are working hard and tired just to give us better education and always bring us travel to different cotry. Thank you to my brother who always teach me science homework although we can fight easily, and help me in doing housework.
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Dear best friends/friends, Thank you for supporting me through my darkest times, helping me when I’m down, and always entertaining me. I really appreciate your help and hope we’ll still be friends. Love you all.
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I want to thank the construction workers and helpers. Although their jobs are really tough, they still come to our country from their countries/home town (which is really far). They have to work for long hours every day around an average of 80 hours per week. Nevertheless, they had done their parts like constructing, clean, and a lot more. When you think about it, they are earning for a living, for their family and working long hours for less than a thousand. For construction workers, they have to carry heavy things around dangerous job site, which is risky, whereas for domestic helpers, they helped clean the house, do the dishes, cook and a lot more. I thank them for helping us, although their jobs are tough. Thank you so much! They’re really underappreciated by people, which is why I'm writing this to them.
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Dear me, Thank you for not giving up on yourself. Even if you are sad about your grades, you still try your best to pass and you have to learn how to forgive. You can't keep everything to yourself. Try to be more happy. Love yourself and others.
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Haidy Danial
Dear Umi, Thank you for always supporting me whether I am feeling down or not. You have always made effort for me and my brothers. You thought of “how t not make my children suffer” so that we could live happily. Sometimes I felt upset because sometimes you don’t even have time for yourself and always made time for us only. Most of the time, I feel really blessed to have a mum like you because you sacrificed a lot for our happiness. I also would like to say thank you for quitting your job just to make sure all of us would get good grades and feel loved ad thank you for pushing me to work very hard and making me top 10 foundation people to go to Normal Academic. I am glad to say that I am very proud to be your son.
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Muqry Aqid
Dear Ibu, Thank you for being the kindest person I have ever had in my whole life and for being the strongest person I have ever seen. You were the glue that held all of us together, that kept us from separating. You may have left this world five years ago but all of us still miss you. I am deeply sorry for putting you in pain when we were going out, I hope you will forgive me. We may be separated but I can still feel your comfort when I sleep. Yours sincerely, Aqid.
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Chiamara Nirwana
Thank you! To my grandparents and my best friends since primary school and in secondary school for always being there for me when I'm at my lowest point, always giving me advice on life and also stop me from slashing and killing myself as it would hurt my loved ones and I know that my grandparents will be very devastated as they have taken care of me since I was small and thanks to my cousins’ parents who always had my back when times were tough and I do not want to lose you guys because if I do, I don’t know what would happen without you all. Remember to always love yourself. Love you guys!
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Thank you! For surviving the journey and not giving up during hardships and always putting your effort into the things you like/dislike. Also, most importantly, making an effort to better yourself as a person each and every day while learning and discovering things. Thank you for all that! Love yourself.
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Esther Ng
Be yourself! There is always people caring for you.
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Someone who inspires me is my dad. Since young, he did not have a good childhood. He grew up liking to draw and every day, his dad would bring back some papers and pencils just for him. Even though his mother did not like it, he still continued that passion and turned it into a living. He is now making and designing shirts and designs for many people and would then get paid. He only does this as a hobby as he enjoys drawing. He inspires me to strive for what I want to become despite whatever happens. Thank you, dad, for everything you have done for me.
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13 years ago, I lost love and happiness. My home was the hospital and a foster home, but now, I got my love and happiness back from my uncle and auntie. Despite all the challenges, I am currently learning in the express stream. I'm here just to say this life you are living is your storybook and it is up to you to make your own chapters and it is your decision to end the story.
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Muhammad Hazrul bin Selamat
Thank you, teachers, for being my pillar of support, for teaching and educating me, and always being there when I am in need of help. Thank you, friends, for being there when I needed you. In secondary one, I was an introvert in the class, but now in secondary two, they made me communicate more and I appreciate it. Thank you for everything.
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Shariffah Maryam
Thank you… Thank you to my friends and family for constantly being there. For always motivating and believing in me even though I sometimes don’t believe in myself. I think we all need someone in our life to remind us once in a while that we as an individual have so much potential. So heres to my friends and family for constantly being there. For never giving up on me. “It is important to cherish something while you still have it.”
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Dear family, Thank you: For raising me up into the person I am today! You may not know it but you have been a huge impact on my life. I am grateful for the opportunities you have given me! I am proud to be a part of this family! Love ya!
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I used to get bullied all the time ever since primary one. I used t get bothered and sad or angry about it all the time. One day when I was a little older, I started to ignore/persevere/be calm about it. I didn’t let a couple of small insults and teasing ruin my whole day, and it made my life happier and more meaningful. Be like me! Don’t let a small conflit ruin yur whole day/life. “Find the sunshine/rainbow behind every rainfall.”
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Be happy. I'm filled with gratitude. Dear teachers who had taught throughout my years of education, thank you for teaching me every single subject. You also taught me how to be independent as a student. I'm full of gratitude for all your effort of teaching me patiently. I wouldn’t have made it without you guys. Although at times I may be noisy or misbehave, I promise I would study hard. I hope that you can continue to pass on your knowledge to other students. Thank you! Appreciative.
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Nur Alia
Dear grandmother, Thank you for always teaching me when I need help. Thank you always supporting me when I need courage and when I need a listening ear when everyone is busy with work. You are always the only one at home when I come back from school.
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Thank you, dad. Thank you, mom!!! Thank you, bro!!! Thank you, family. Thank you, Iron man.
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Nicole Anne
Thank you, To all my friends and families. Also, teachers, for guiding me through all this journey. Thank you for supporting and caring for me and being there when I needed someone to talk to. I am very happy to know you guys and thankful you came into my life. I do not know what I would be now without you guys.
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Dear mother, Thank you for everything. I love you.
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Sarah Pong
Thank you. I love you, mummy.
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Dear teachers, Thank you for everything, for helping me in any situations, for encouraging me to be a better student, for supporting me, for teaching me. I love you, teachers.
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Dear mummy, I love you. Thank you for being there for me, mother.
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Ryan Teo Wen Hao
It has been a long time since you had left us. I still can't forget everything about you. I really hope that you could come back alive. I need to say thank you for letting me have a great childhood. I remember the moments that we play and chat together. I really missed you a lot. Please come back!! My dear grandpa.
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Yan Fei
15 ways to self love: 1. Go for a walk 2. Assert needs in all situations 3. Do the things you always wanted to do 4. Smile looking in the mirror instead of criticising yourself 5. Say thank you or well done to yourself for small accomplishments 6. Thank yourself for keeping healthy and alive till this day 7. Be more confident about your body 8. Take a day off to rest all by yourself 9. Develop a morning routine and stick to it 10. Try new things and be more confident 11. Laugh with someone 12. Stick to a healthier diet and choice of food 13. Clean out your closet and sell or donate unused items 14. Get rid of people who upset you a lot 15. Learn to trust your gut, it leads the way Practice self-love. Self-love is tough, know when to pick yourself up and when to be patiently kind.
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Nadhrah Sufi
Dear Food Panda/ Deliveroo driver, Thank you for delivering my Okinawa milk tea from Share Tea safely to me. I appreciate your service and I hope you have a great life supporting yourself and family. I also want to thank you for delivering my food and help me satisfy my cravings or when I am hungry and lazy to go out of my comfort zone. Thank you for your service, I appreciate you so much for your hard work. Sincerely, regular customer, Nadhrah Sufi
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Herny Elliani
Thank you, mom! You are the best person I could ever ask for. Even though you scold me because of the bad thing I did, you would talk to me nicely in the end.
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Tan Pei Jin
Thank you for staying with me and willing to hear the voice in my heart when I face some challenges in my life. Since you appear in my life, my study become excellent. Thanks for your support, if not because of you, I think I’m still the “6 marks girl” now.
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Nur Farzanah Fatin
Mom, thank you! I appreciate the kindness you have in you. You have been a good mom to me and I am glad that I notice how nice you are. I may have done stupid things but you will still love me, right? Love you mom!
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I love my family.
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To friends from OBS/school/outside, You are the best! You rock! Always being there for me and support me whenever I'm feeling down. I truly appreciate you being encouraging and hope the best for me. Let us grow together and hopefully we won’t lose our friendship and to your friends that has been supporting me all this while.
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Dear 10 happy pills, Thank you for bringing the best out of me. Thank you for always being there by my side when I needed help. Thank you for making me laugh and smile even when I did not want to. Thank you for always lending your ears to listen to my problems. Lastly, thank you for everything.
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I would like to thank Mdm Elisha for enduring our attitude in class, receiving complaints from other teachers and all. I know it is hard for other teachers to handle our attitude but I know that even though we are all loud and naughty, I still believe that Mdm Elisha still trusts us and she is a strong lady. This touches my heart.
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Dear Irfan, Thank you for being there for me when I was in the lowest state in my life. We all have problems be it being related to families, friends, or even education. I hope you will get through your problems like how I did with mine. Always remember that I will be there for you when you need someone to talk to. Be happy, don’t fake it.
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Aqil Idraki
Dear parents, Thank you for everything you guys did to me. Without you guys, I wouldn’t be where I am now. without you guys, I wouldn’t even be here and I wouldn’t have the money to eat. Thanks for always believing in me and always supporting me.
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Wei Hao
Thank you to my friends who are always there for me. I appreciate everything that they did for me. Thank you also for helping and guiding me with the challenges I faced and thank you for making me laugh and smile.
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Chee Wei Qian
Dear mummy, Thank you for accompanying me for 12 years. I am glad to have such a wonderful and powerful mummy. You mean a lot to me especially those years. I have the best childhood with you. I miss you in the last 5 months. I will get back to see you. Hope you take good care of yourself. You are the best mummy in the world! Miss you lots!
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Dear Mrs Tan, Thank you supporting me in doing my math. I was so shocked because I have not passed my math for a very long time. If you had not been supporting and motivating me, I think I would not have the courage to still learn math.
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Muhd Nukman Nurakid
I appreciate everyone who has come into my life but I appreciate my grandparents more. They took care of me when my parents couldn’t. my grandfather always buys me gifts even though he doesn’t work anymore. My grandmother cooks my favourite food and watches with me her favourite movies even though she doesn’t understand Tamil or English subtitles. When both of them fight, they remind me of me and my mother. At least a day, they forget and forgive. I love and appreciate them.
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Thank you, you are amazing.
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Felicia Li Yi Xuan
To my family, friends, teachers, and CCA members, thank you for: Believing in me, appreciating me, trusting me, helping me, taking care of me, teaching me, staying with me, caring about me, encouraging me, loving me for who I am, being there for me and inspiring me.
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I love you! You bring out the worst and the best out of me. You encourage and motivate me to do better. You stayed by my side during hard times. Now it’s my turn to show love and care for you and to support you till the end. I love you, Ibu!
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Wong Jing Ni
Thank you! To whoever is reading it, don’t forget to thank the people who deserves to be thanked! To my friends and teachers who helped me through tough times, I thank you once again for your time and patience to me even though you’re busy! Smile as always.
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Ilya Qistina Putri Moham. Isa
Mom, Dad, Sisters. Dear family, Thank you for always staying by my side and help me go through my hardest and darkest days of my life. Thank you for making me smile when I can't afford to and give me motivation to cheer up. When I am placed in difficult times and feel so sad, my mind will always think of you so it made me happy. It takes one’s effort to put one smile on my face, which is you. Without you guys, I wouldn’t be who I am today.
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Thank you! For making me smile like crazy. For coming into my life. For making me happy!
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Muhammad Irfan Indrawan bin Hayatu’llah
Thank you! For changing my life from start till now. I never thought someone like you could change my personality and my view on life. You helped me out of my shell and you cheer me up with your smile. Thanks, Carrot!
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Toh Yong Sheng
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sunshine. I wish you enough sorrow to appreciate the goals you have reached. I wish you enough loss to appreciate the things in life. I wish you enough ‘hellos’ to get you through the ‘goodbyes’. I wish you enough.
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Yim Qiao En
Dear cleaners, Thanks for cleaning our school every day. Thank you!
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To the 911 bus driver, I’m truly thankful and grateful for your presence. Being present in your bus every day, every morning in specific is an enjoyable and enlightening journey. The silence and comfort have greatly supported me to pursue life-long learning. The pleasurable and heart-warming seat has enabled me to feel the great sense of happiness. Without you, I will not be able to commute to school and pursue learning. I will not be able to enjoy the sense of comfort. Furthermore, I will have to walk long distance and hours to commute to school. Full of sweats. Thank you.
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Jia Yang
Dear Hawking, You are a genuine genius and your discoveries has greatly contributed to mankind. Your work is outstanding, it’s spectacular and it’s almost like a piece of art. There is no limit of how much that we can learn from you. I never get to see you in real life but I couldn’t be more familiar with your life story. Through your books and your biography. You inspired mankind not just with your work in physics, but also you showed us that determination and hard work can overcome all the obstacles that would make our lives difficult. So every time when I face difficulties in life, I would think about you. If you are capable of what you have accomplished despite facing all those difficulties, then why can’t I overcome my problems.
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Love you. To all my loved ones, remember that I love you and you guys will always be in my heart. No matter how many times we fight, I hope we forgive each other. I just want to let you know, always love yourself and embrace yourself. Don’t let negative words hurt your heart badly. Let it go. If you think you’re ugly, let me tell you something. You’re beautiful in your own ways. And this is just a temporary world. Your appearance doesn’t matter, only your soul. I'm sorry if I have done any wrong doings. Love you.
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Hello Mr Tan! I want to thank you for being such an understanding and determined History teacher. Althugh you only tght me in Sec 1, you still make me want to continue to learn History. History is quite a difficult subject to ace but you make it much easier and more enjoyable. I appreciate you finding time t teach me so that I can achieve my ‘A’s in History. Even though I am struggling to cope in History for Sec 3, I am still passionate to continue learning from my mistakes, thanks to you. I hope you stay as an amazing History teacher and you are able to still connect with your students like how you connected with us during Sec 1. Last but not lease, again, thank you! Best teacher ever!!
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Hi! Hope you are doing well! I just hope that you won't be defeated by all the difficulties that are coming your way. You just have to know that there are people out there who cares for you. To: whoever suffering for any reason.
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Thank you! Yes, thank you for contributing to Singapore. Have a wonderful day ahead, many good things are sure to come! Always stay happy
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Thank you.
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To everyone I have met so far, Thank you for shaping me into the person I am today. While I was initially cold-hearted to everyone and harboured a deep resentment for friendship, I have now come toterms with the fact that no one survives in this world alone. And from that, I have built a few meaningful friendships with some of my classmates. I also have to thank my current class of 5N1 for accepting me as one of their own. As a repeater of the O level Examinations from 4E2, I was initially afraid of my new class and their reactions. However, I was accepted with open arms and wasn’t judged by them. With help, I was able to decently up my grades to a relieving level. However, I still have a lot to learn.
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Eugene Gwee
Dear our loved ones, Thank you for all the things that you have done for me throughout these 17 years. Despite all the difficulties that we had been through, we are able to get pass all these obstacles as one. I may not be the most filial son in the house but you guys are always tolerating my behaviour towards you. You guys are always giving me advices on how to be a better self and supporting the decision I make, through this, I want to thank you, my parents, for all the things you had done for me. Thank You!!!
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Mom, Thank you for believing in me… for always being there for me when I’m feeling low, always giving me hugs to show that I'm not alone. I would not trade anybody for mum. Thank you! The best of you.
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Thank you! To those who has helped me for the little things they do. For willingly sacrificing their time and effort they spend for me. Thanks for entering into my life.
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To my family, Thank you mummy and ayah for being a listening ear when I have problems. Thank you for working very hard. Without you, I am not able to be where I am right now. not forgetting my brother and little sister. I love you to the moon and back.
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The needy among us: I am aware that you are facing challenges. I just hope that you will stand strong and strive. Do not ever give up. You can reach out for social help if you have to, don’t be ashamed, don’t be afraid. Let it all go, if it needs to be said. Reach out to anyone, no one said you can't. try your best and do what you want. Together strong.
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No matter the background, everyone is special; hero!!
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Amber Aludra
The needy amongst us: Low-income groups, needy of important necessities, donation drive and fund-raising, and FAS for students eg. Pay meals using ezlink
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Ahmad Ryan
Kepada nenekku yang dicintai, terima kasih kerana telah menjagaku sejak kecil lagi. Susah senang, mak dan bapak telah bersusah payah untuk menjagaku, menjaga makan minumku dan sebagainya. Jasamu akan ku ingati selamanya! Yang dikasihi, Ryan.
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Srikandi Anindita
Who are the needy among us? Certain elderly, people in poverty, disabled people and blue coloured foreign workers. What could be their needs? Food aid, financial aid, moral and emotional support. How can they be helped? Individuals: They could do something as small as giving a small donation and that could help someone in poverty in such a long way. Government: They can help by raising awareness on this topic by spreading the word e.g. flyers, posters, advertisements.
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Daniel Hakimy
Reach out for the stars. Be brave and be yourself.
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Aimee Tan
I want to improve my character and add more joy to the society: Help others Smile at others Encourage others
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Hannah Ng
The best of you: To be responsible To know who “me” is To love myself To be bold Be caring, kind, and a blessing.
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Esther Soon
Best of you I will strive to do my best even in the toughest situations. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Be considerate, love those around us.
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Angelina Yeo
I want to bring joy to the people around me by trying my best to lend a helping hand and help those in need.
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I will be there for my friends when they are facing difficulties and challenges. I will listen and hear them out. I will take responsibility of my own things so that my parents will not have to worry about me and what I do.
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Lau Li Jade
I will continue to study and work hard to do well in my studies to help me learn from my past mistakes as well as not worry my mother if I do badly in them. I will also continue to lend my mother and grandmother a helping hand when I have free time such as doing house chores and coking for my family. This way, I could be able to lessen the stress of my mother as she will most likely be tired from work and it will bring her joy in knowing that I care about her and she will know that I have responsibility in and for the things that I do.
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Chloe Yeo
Love yourself before loving others. I want to bring joy to others by helping and supporting them in whatever they do. I should appreciate what I have and the people around me. I will help my parents with house chores to show my appreciation towards them for giving me food and shelter.
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Daren Tan
I am dedicated to my studies and work diligently, so I can be the best out of me, while also helping the community and be a good role model.
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Win Khant
I am going to start volunteering to help the people and be a blessing to society.
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I will stop bullying… Through asking teachers for help, planning activities to educate others about bullying and standing up to bullies by not being by-standers. This way, bullying can be stopped.
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I am determined to bring joy to my friends and family by entertaining them. Entertaining them to turn down their negativity. And bring up the positivity. Happiness.
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Sharon Tan
I want to bring joy to people around me by helping them when they need. I am committed to study hard so that I can have a good job when I grow up and earn enough money to support my family.
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Tan Jiaqi
I will bounce back from failure through learning from mistakes that I make and try to improve. Trust yourself, believe that you are the best. Do not give up.
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Jaymee Ong
I would aim to be passionate aout caring for others through encouraging them. I aim to bring joy in people around me by telling them jokes.
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Namrata Gounder
I am committed to study hard so that I will succeed. I want to bring joy for the people around me by making them laugh.
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Goh Wheng Ting
Work hard and believe and you can achieve your dream.
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Chloe Yan
I pledge to help out more and thank the people who helped me. Being compassionate and happy are the keys in life for a better us. I want to bring joy to the people around me by helping them as much as I could. For a better world.
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Alexus Chan
Try my hardest and do the best I can no matter the situation. Remember that most bad times come to an end. Don’t dwell on the past, move forward.
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Erin Tan
I want to be someone who can always be there for my friends. I want to be someone people can trust and rely on. I will be the best by being there for everyone, no matter what.
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Ryan Irfan
There is something blocking me from my goal. I should not give up and find a solution to the problem.
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Chew Jun Le
Work harder for better results in studies and everything else. Do your best in everything.
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Yeo Mei Zhen
I want to be a better person by study hard and get good results and also never give up despite obstacles.
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Being myself: Focusing and improving my negativity. Learn new things. Teach others. Don’t care about what others say. Brave. Empathetic. Helpful. Caring. Versatile.
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Xin Ying
Help others when I can.
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Think out of the box. Be curious.
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Valerie Valentine Wu
Study hard: Study for exams Work hard: So that even if you fail your exams, you will know that you have tried your best. Play hard: After the exams, play after all your hard work, really take time off to relax after all your hard work.
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Arini Fabriana
Continue learning from all your mistakes and failures because it will eventually lead to your success! Never give up. Never be afraid of hitting rock bottom because the only way out is to go up!
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Kyra Khoo
No one can dim my light because I shine from within.
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Yap Shu Ling
Chase your dreams and follow your heart. I would encourage people to chase their dreams.
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Cai Zhiyan
I will aim to be more confident and sure of myself by speaking out more. I am committed to study hard so that I would have a better future and make my parents proud. I want to help everyone by teaching and explaining things that they don’t understand to them.
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Nicklaus Ho
I pledge to always help my friends in need regardless of their race or personality. I can help them with their homework if they are not so certain about the topic. I hope to bring joy to others so that this place would be a happy place.
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Wang Xichen
I would aim to work hard in terms of studies so that I feel accomplished and not make my parents worry. I will bounce back from failure through learning from the mistakes I made and make sure I do the right thing next time. I will be myself at all times and not get easily affected or influenced. (I won’t compare myself with others). I will be brave and try new things when given the opportunity!!
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Oh Wei Qian
I will bounce back for my failure through learning from the mistakes that I have made so that I wont make it again. Also, to be a better version of myself each time.
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Turn off your negative thoughts and start thinking positively. Don’t give up in whatever you do, no matter how hard the situation is and be stronger.
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“I can't do it! I should just give up!” “That is not the attitude! Never give up!” I promise to never give up, even when things are difficult, I will always try my best!
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Jaylyn Wong
I will bounce back from my failures. When I fail any of my tests, I will not be disheartened and will not give up. I will try harder for the next test.
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Abiana Pharamond
I will work my hardest and do my best. Not just academically, in sports and my hobbies too! I'll also do my best to be a good friend! Hello! I am: A hardworker and a good friend.
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To show the best of me, I must not give up when challenges. I will aim to show kindness to the people around me. I will shoe respect to my teachers and try my best in all my work. I will aim to be more positive and help others feel joy. Success through diligence.
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I want to bring joy to people around me by encouraging them and helping them when they are in need. I will try my best to help them when they face difficulties. I will donate money to charities as it help and bring joy to the people who are in need of money.
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Zelyn Chua
I would bounce back from failure, learning from my mistakes by studying harder to get better grades.
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Tan Alethea
I want to bring joy to people around me by creating more smiles.
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Efa Adlina
I want to aim to study hard and pass all of my exams so that I can go to university or even poly and can find a good job so that I can support my parents.
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I want to bring joy to people by not being negative, helping people in need, accepting people for who they are and not judging them, being respectful and forgiving towards people.
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Nur Hawa
Try to step out of your comfort zone! Try something new! Don’t be afraid! Stand up for yourself! Don’t give up.
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Genevieve Chua
I will bring joy to others by: Helping teachers to carry stuff for them. Help do chores. Making them happy etc hang out with them.
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Hui Chen
Be yourself is the best.
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Danial Aiman
I want to bring joy to people by helping the if they are in need, because I know that 1 day, people will help me when I am in need.
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I want to bring joy to people around me by talking to them or spend time by going out to the mall!! I also will care for others through their challenges that they are going through. Stay strong.
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I will bounce back from failure by revising my work and making sure I don’t repeat the same mistake.
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Kar Min
I want to bring joy to people around me by playing games with them, talk to them. Be kind.
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“Stand up for yourself” Instead of helping others by not telling teacher because they did something bad and you are scared. Be brave and tell the teacher instead of being scared.
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Today’s me, tomorrow’s me, they’re all still me, I'm learning how to love myself. Embrace change.
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Jaden Chan
I am committed to study hard so that I can get my degree and get a good job to earn a lot of money for my parents.
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I would aim to help to care for those people in need through helping the by getting them affordable items. I would help keep the environment clean and green through throwing rubbish in the bin and helping to save the Earth.
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I want to bring joy to people by telling them to think positively. Joy and positivity.
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Aspen Chua
Lending a helping hand won’t hurt.
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Chen Zhen Xi
Be kind I will try to help out when I can and find someone else if I cannot. I am committed to study hard so that I can help others in terms of study. I will learn from past mistakes and bounce back from failure to become better.
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Ho He Zhang
The best of you: Aim to be passionate about caring for others. Be grateful for what you have. To get a better future, we must study hard. I am motivated to bring joy to the people around. Be considerate to other people’s feelings. You are the best at being you.
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Ang En
I want to help those who are forced to suffer silently in the dark. I want them to know that there is at least someone who cares about them.
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Mabid Tahamid Hossain
I am committed to study hard so that I can do well and support my family in the future.
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Goh Hui Li
I would like to help the victims of bullying to be heard by the world so that the number of bullying cases might decrease. I would like to bring joy to others by showing that I care and that they are never alone. Most importantly, with all actions taken, I hope that there will eventually be justice for the bullied.
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Jeremiah Noel Lee
Kill negativity. Revive positivity. I will bounce back from my failure through learning from the mistakes that I made.
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After watching the show, I have a deeper understanding of Singapore’s poverty. If I have a struggling friend, I would help them by understanding their situation clearly first. I would aim to be passionate about caring for others through treating others the way I want others to treat me. If I want to be respected, I would respect others first. Therefore, that is how I will be passionate about caring for others. Thumbs up to caring.
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Louise Lim
How to be the best of me: I will commit to achieving my goals, despite the many challenges and setbacks, commit to study hard, so I can make my parents proud when I achieve good scores. I will aim to build a good character, so I will be a better version of myself every day. I will aim to be kind to everyone, and to never judge anyone without knowing them, as they have their own story no one else knows.
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Samantha Jaclyn Widjaja
BElieve in YOUrself. You are unique just the way you are!
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Jessica Lam
I would aim to be passionate about caring for others so whenever someone is struggling with their studies or have problems in life, I would do my best to try to help them. I am committed to study hard so that I can make my parents and teachers proud. Lastly, I would learn and bounce back from all the mistakes I made.
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Thang Xuan
I will bounce back from failure by learning from the mistakes that I made. Don’t give up! Just move on! Believe in yourself.
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Hu Zong Qing
Success consists of going from failure without the loss of enthusiasm.
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Megha Narayan
I pledge to… Take care of my friends when they are unwell or feeling disappointed. If my friends are financially poor, I can help them by providing food and money. When someone is getting bullied, stand up for them and tell the teacher immediately. When my friends do not do well for their studies, encourage them and even help them if they don’t know how to do their homework. Encourage and spread positivity. Be you.
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I am committed to study hard so that my parents and teachers will be proud of me.
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I want to bring joy to people around me by lending them a helping hand.
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Ang Yu Xin
I want to bring joy to people around me by doing what I can to help them, and doing it well, giving my very best in everything! Sometimes being extra thoughtful can make a difference in the community. I will bounce back from the failure through learning from the mistakes I made, reflecting on my actions and give thoughts on how to improve, becoming better. “The BEST of you”
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I want to bring joy to people around me by not bringing others down and also by encouraging them.
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Self-love is important! Stand up for yourself! Never give in easily. Your physical appearance doesn’t matter, true beauty is in your character.
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Yixi Tiong
Courage Accomplishment Responsible Empathise Always help others in need.
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Spread positivity. Treat others how you want to be treated BE CURIOUS! Say kind words. Set goals. Accept yourself. Set goals. Be bold. Be brave. Learn to be grateful.
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Don’t judge people by their looks.
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Let your heart turn into a kind heart as you grow. Don’t turn down on yourself. Be kind.
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Bullying is bad. It’s just that sometimes people don’t care about people being bullied. They just walk by and don’t stop like a late train, but I will do something different.
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Brigid Leong Zhi Rui
I will put money in the donation box. Help the poor. “Thank you.” “You’re welcome.”
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I would help people who are bullied and ask him/her if she /he is feeling ok. Be brave, face your fears! Do the right thing! Display your virtues! Always help people who needs it. Always care for other people. Have kindness, Love.
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Nadya K.
The best of me! “I will be very polite and help people to get through challenges! I will help my peers!” “OK! Good contribution!
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Everybody can make the world a better place, even you!
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As one person, I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.
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I thank her for being by my side. She is considerate towards my feelings. “Thank you.”
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No one is charge of your happiness except you.
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Share your courage! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!
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Victoria Yun
Be happy! I wish that the poor have money and have food and have a home.
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Gemma Lu
Help make the world a better place.
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“I love you”
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Leong Shin Lyng
Be happy always.
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Adeline Yan
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Happy always. I'm thankful for you.
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Be happy always. “I love you.”
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Kaelyn Tan
I’m grateful.
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To Mrs Lee, Thank you. Be happy always.
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I am grateful for having the best mommy in the word, for giving things that you don’t need, things that are pretty to me.
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You are my best mummy.
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The girl is helping the old ma cross the road.
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Hsien Chyi
I show appreciation to Loafie, my helper. I thank her for helping my family, taking care of us and caring about everyone. I also treat her as my sister. I call her sis. Every night, I say good night, hug her tightly, and kiss her a lot of time.
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My appreciation note: The people I want to show appreciation to are.. teacher; Mrs Sharon Chua and Mrs Fong and other teachers. Without them, no children can learn how to study, do not know good values and can’t grow up studying. Without them, children can’t have a proper job when they are older. Thank you, teachers for being the people we can rely on and remember today and forever more.
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Dear Mrs Chua, I am thankful to be in your maths pull-out class. When I first joined, things were hard but I learned a lot of things that I didn’t know! Being in your class was fun! I appreciate your hard work in class. And thank you for putting all your heart in teaching me. Now, I'm back in the main class. I'm sad but proud of myself! I promise I will study harder and strive for better marks for year end!
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Eva Natasha
Thank you, Mrs Chua for teaching me and being my form teacher. Thank you for encouraging me to come to school more often. I will try my best to come to school every day and hand-in my homework more often. Also thank you for making the class laugh and making learning more fun.
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Kayle Kang
When life seems to beat you down, dare to fight back.
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Rychelle Koh
Have a heart, do your part.
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Serene Song
When you see others in trouble, don’t treat them like they’re transparent. If you can be opaque, so can they.
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It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognise, accept, and celebrate those differences.
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Corrinne Lim
At the end of the day, love and compassion wins!
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Ong Jing Tong
Explore unchartered waters.
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Lim Zhi Zenn
Never stop doing the little things for others. Sometimes those littlethings occupy the big part of their hearts. Expect nothing. “Please help me.” “Thank you, young girl.” “No worries, I can help bring these to your house.”
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Trisha Lim
Let’s reach out a helping hand to the needy!! Any act of compassion can make you smile!!
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Antara Guha
A smooth sea never made a skilful sailor.
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Tan Jann
If you can't feed a hundred, then feed one.
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Venice Ching Zi Xing
Be bold. Be great. Be the best of you. Have a heart, do your part.
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Yong Zi Qing
I can be the best of me by being positive and optimistic. Be brave and have the courage to face your problems and fears. Build up your own confidence and be yourself!
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Maisara Mazlan
Kindness is a language the blind can see and the deaf can hear. – Christian Nestell Bovee Have courage Be kind to everybody. Be the best of you.
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Kerensa Kee
How to be the best of you • Do not let things around you affect you • Do not be racist • Do not judge a book by its cover • Think positive • Appreciate those who love you, help those who need you and forgive those who hurt you • Be bold, be brave, be courageous
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Chen Siyi
Keep calm and be kind Help someone in need and help will come to you when you need it. Don’t be shy to lend a helping hand, and make this world a better place!
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To my family and friends, Thank you for being with me and also for helping me when I'm in need of help. Through hard times, we will always be together. I apologise if I did anything bad or wrong. I promise that I will not repeat my mistakes and I will always appreciate all of your help. Thank you <3 “At the end of the day, a loving family should find everything forgivable.” – Mark V. Olsen “My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.” – Henry Ford
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Ang Kai Han
Best of you· Courage --> “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you truly want to become.” – Steve Jobs--> “All our dreams will come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney--> “Any fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent.It takes a touch of genius, and a lot of courage, to move in the opposite direction.” – Albert Einstein· Bravery --> You can't always be strong, but you can always be brave--> The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it. – Thucydides
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He ZhaoJin
The best of me • People may doubt what you do but they will always believe what you do! • Being humble • Failing is another step to success! • Great things take time, don’t give up • People tend to look at how far they still have to go instead of how far they have gotten • Do what is right, not what is easy! • Being yourself • Dreams don’t work until you work! • Be true, be you • Do what you love and love what you do • A little a day goes a loooong way! • The harder you work, the luckier you’ll be! • Respect is earned, honesty is appreciated, trust is gained, loyalty is returned • If plan ‘A’ didn’t work, the alphabet has 25 more letters
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Lee Jing Xuan
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” Appreciate Harmony Be bold, be brave, and have courage
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D. Subikshaa
Tissue paper $1 You may not believe this, but there are people who do not have three full meals in Singapore! Why? They might not be well-educated, poor or they may be selling tissue papers to earn a living. Obviously, it is not enough to eat proper meals, right? Well, I have heard of a story that is similar to this. A man lives with his granddaughter and his children. Although he was well-educated with a high paying job, he was unfortunately fired. To carry on with life, he started selling tissue paper packets for a dollar each. However, that was not enough to pay for his bills or for the granddaughter to even go for an excursion with her friends. Another man bought four tissue packets for $4. This was enough for the granddaughter to go for the excursion. See, small steps can make a difference.
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Kai Xiang
Dear Yu Cheng, You are kind, nice, friendly and lively. Thank you for being my best friend and helping me in my work when I needed help. I am happy because we always play basketball and walk around together during recess. You also buy me things as a gift and we play it together. I am looking forward to your birthday party. Good luck for your PSLE!
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Dear aunties who sell food at stall 7, Thank you so much for cooking amazing tom yam on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I really like and enjoy eating your tom yam together with my friends. I really appreciate all the hard work you have put in to cook such delicious meals for us! If only we could eat tom yam every day during recess. When I leave the school, I would surely miss the food you cook. Thank you so much!
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I would like to show my gratitude to my family, teachers and friends. They have helped me a lot. My parents work hard to earn money for me and my siblings. My teacher had helped me whenever I had a problem. My friends would make me feel better and comfort me whenever I was feeling down. Thank you!
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Yu Cheng
Dear Kai Xiang, I want to thank you because you have helped me a lot for the past few years. You also play with me and cheer me up when I'm sad. I think you are my ultimate best friend. All the best for PSLE!
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Dear Mr Teo, You’ve always helped me with my homework or even other problem sums. From the start of last year, you were also really kind to everyone including me. Usually, most of the teachers just give the homework without discussing it with the students, whether they are able to do it or not. But, every time we say that we have a lot of homework, you will try to lessen the workload you give us. I will make sure that I try my best for the upcoming exams to show my appreciation for teaching me my homework and problem sums. Thanks a lot! I will not let your hard work go to vain!
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I would like to appreciate my neighbours, family members who have supported me and my friends. Firstly, my family members. They’ve always been by my side, encouraging me to do well in everything (sometimes they compare my results with their friends’ children which is kind of irritating.) But all human beings are not 10/10. There are flaws but humans can learn from their mistakes. Next, my friends. They’ve always supported me. My friends would tell me my mistake and advise me what’s wrong and what’s right. Also, my teacher who is like a ‘GPS’ which shows the right way. Lastly, my neighbours. When we left for overseas for 1 month, our neighbours helped look after our pet, Ramsey, and our plants, without us asking for help as they have a spare key. I'm willing to appreciate these three categories of people plus my ‘GPS’ teacher.
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Dear Mikki, I'm Chloe, I want to thank you for all the great things you have done for me. I was so thankful for 2 weeks ago. Remember when I was crying while we moved to the hall for oral arrangement? I loved how you told me not to cry and all the helpful words you said. I went home and reflected. I remembered whatever you told me and you motivated me to not be so afraid of losing friends, and Mikki, remember to always be happy and if people bully you or hurt your feelings, don’t care about them!
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Kendrich Oh
Kindness is a language even the blind can see and the deaf can hear. As the saying goes, what comes around goes around
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Mikki Tai
Dear Chloe, Hey!! I know PSLE is giving you a lot of stress, so try to relax for one hour when studying and study hard, okay? Thank you for being my friend when you came to 6C, you’ve been a great friend. I appreciate you as my best friend forever!! Btw, I love you forever!!
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Cai Ying
Dear Charlette, I am writing this letter to tell you how I appreciate you as a friend. Thank you for being with me all the time and never abandoning me:)
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Geralyn Tan
Dear mother, Thank you for caring for me for all these years. You were always there for me when I needed you the most. And whenever I was scared, you would be there to calm me down and tell me that everything was going to be alright.
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Dear Charlette, Thank you for comforting me whenever I feel down. I wish you all the best for PSLE! You are dino-mite
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Nor Alisya
Dear people whom I see every day, Thank you for being a part of my life. Without you, my life would be different and empty. From the bottom of my heart, I just wanted to say thank you! Thanks! Because of you, I look forward to a brand-new day
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I would like to thank my mom because she is always there when I am sick, she would give me medication. I would also like to thank my father too as he provides money to cook food and give me proper education.
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Bernice Tan
Dear Vivenne, Thank you for being my best friend. You have helped me a lot. I have no idea how to repay you for your kindness. You have always been a caring friend. You will comfort them no matter who it is. I am very lucky to have you as my friend:) I hope we can go to the same secondary school. HUAYI MAN haha. Most importantly, good luck for PSLE. Xoxo
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Sonia Alyssa
Dear Alisya, I just want to let you know that I appreciate whatever good deeds you have done for me. Thank you for putting a smile on my face, always cheering me up and making me laugh:) Whatever arguments we had in the past is forgotten. I'm sorry if I've ever hurt your feelings or said something unkind to you. Let’s just forget about the past conflicts and move on from here! Once again, thank you Alisya!
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Qiu Jia En
Dear teachers, Thank you for helping us throughout our years and motivating us for our PSLE and helping us on what to do before PSLE. You’ve taught us how to prepare before PSLE and gave us some ideas to help us in our examinations and I've gained new knowledge because you helped me. Thank you.
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Joyann Lim
Dear aunties from stall 7, I am writing this letter to express my gratitude to you. I love the tom yam you cook on Tuesday and Thursday. The prata on Friday too. I love how you cook. When I go to secondary school, I will miss your food. Thank you!
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I want to thank the strangers I meet in my daily life, my friends, and my family. For strangers: I wanna thank them whenever they give up their seats for me, I wanna thank my friends as they’re always there for me even when I am too difficult to understand or whenever I do not know the easiest questions, yet they still teach me and help me to understand. I also want to thank my family who never fails to be there for me too. I am glad that they allow me to get educated, food to eat, and a shelter to live under
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Dear mum, Thank you for standing beside me when I need help. You will also say that “Happiness is not something that is ready-made. It comes from your own actions”. When I hear that, I will be smiling and giggling as I find it really funny. Hence, thank you for being such a nice person. Thank you! <3
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The play I saw was about resilience, and I want the world to be respectful. To never judge a book by its cover
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Matilda Lim
Best of you Never give up! You are what you want to be! Be positive in everything you do! You are always a bright student Be the best of you every day! Be positive
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Kayden Tan
BE POSITIVE Turn on the positivity Bring out the best in you! Be yourself Don’t care about what people say about you
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Bella Koo
The best of you Try your best Let the light in Stand up for yourself Don’t compare! You are your own benchmark Face your problems, face your fears!
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Alicia Yiew
Inspired by Amelia Lee They say it takes a village to raise a child, it also takes a village to overcome depression. It wasn’t the job conditions or situation that was bad which made me leave my precious jobs, but it was an existing question struggle I was asking.
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Face your problems, face your fears Find the courage to be the best version of you Believe in yourself “courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes, courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow” Be brave Practice gratitude And you are stronger than this. You are going to get stronger Stand up for yourself Take time out. First you should know who you really are. Believe yourself Share your courage Don’t compare Find courage “Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!” “Unfold your own myth” “I am part of all that I have met” “Never give up” Be positive
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Nandini A.
I would help people in need by comforting them in times of trouble. I will lend them money if they really need it. The drama represented how people live when they do not have enough money to survive.
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DO NOT underestimate what you can do !!!
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Relkel Yee
I was poor in my Chinese in primary 2 and 3. I always tell myself to get better results each year. I was given tuition and I paid more attention when my teacher was teaching. This year my mid-year examination results was better than my expectation. From then onwards, I would always believe that I can achieve anything.
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Sofia Marissa
“We have education, food and a healthy living. When I see a poor person, I would donate $20 to him/her.”
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Angel Ng
Always move on, don’t think about the negative things you did last time. Don’t give up
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Chong Yushan
I will be kind to the poor and give them some money. I will invite them to my house to have a meal with them or I will buy them yummy food.
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Nur A’adawiyah binte Johari
I will help someone in need. I think it is good to help somebody. I would give some money and donate to charity to help those poor people.
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Thoughts: I felt sorry for the poor when I found out that their family is poor and the parents are always working 24/7. I learn that I have to be grateful for everything I have.
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Zhen Xuan
I will invite someone who is poor to my birthday party and give him my savings so that he could get more money for his family.
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Nikki Koh
“Always be the best of yourself no matter what”“Stop the negative self-harm / talk“Don’t be depressed or disappointed in yourself”“Never compare yourself with people you want to be”“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken”“No courage --> no success”(be the best of you)
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Javed Barzin
I can be the best of myself by 1. Facing my problems and fighting my fears 2. Don’t compare yourself with other pupils 3. Be brave and don’t run away from your problems 4. Climb every mountain you can even though it is hard 5. Turn off your negativity and know who you really are Be the best of you!
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Tay Hui Qi
Reach my goals and be my dreams! Face the problems! Smile every day!
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Be yourself and be kind Switch off negativity There is nothing you can't find Never give up! Always try Be the best in you! Everything is here
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Heidi Hong
Have faith in yourself When problems come your way, you just need to give it your best. Try. Try your best !!
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Ng Kiang Diang
Believe! Keep trying Never give up Think
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Find a way to solve your problems Believe in yourselves or in your dream Face your problems and fears Stand up for yourselves There is always light at the end of a dark tunnel Be calm! Keep smiling Be the best!
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I can help save the earth and study more, be more kind and speak out more as I am quiet in school, if I do all this, I will be the best of me. “I can answer this question” “Ok” “Stop using plastic as the earth is dying” “Let me help you with the bags”
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Accept people, situations and outcomes. Stand up for yourself Turn off the negativity Face your fears and problems
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Deveshkanna s/o Yogeswaran
Try to be positive and do not be negative. Face your problems so you know you are brave. Never give up. Time is precious. Try to live your life well. Let positivity in your mind and not negativity. Never stop climbing your dream mountain to achieve your dream.
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Urtiya Biswas
1. Do not give up, keep on trying something new 2. Do not listen to bullies when they say something bad about you 3. Do not compare with other people, you must think that you are lucky with what you have 4. You are beautiful no matter what, if you are kind 5. Remember to achieve you goal by being determined and everything is possible!!!
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Stand up for yourself and face the problem instead of running away from it. Find the courage to be the best of you! Let the light in!
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Peace and justice Success Turn off the negativity and turn on positivity If you try your best, you will reach success! Why did the teacher wear sunglasses in class? It’s cause her students were bright!
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Sophia Lee
Be yourself! Don’t always want to follow your friends. Be kind! Don’t bully others! Face your fears and overcome them! Be brave! Be the first to overcome your fears Always be nice, that’s the right thing to do Turn on your positive mind, switch off your negative mind If you want to change, change now!
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Don’t compare, you are your own benchmark Enjoy the peace in life Wipe your tears, face your fears Turn off the negativity Go the distance Joy
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Valencia Ong
Thoughts: I felt very sorry for the uncle as his granddaughter wanted to go for the excursion and her grandfather needed to earn money. So, from now onwards, I’ve learnt to appreciate the things we have now.
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Nae Li
I feel sorry for them. if I were them, I would start working to earn money. I would donate my old clothes and toys (that are in good condition). I would not make fun of them. We should make each other’s lives better.
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I will be helpful. If someone is selling things to earn money, I would help them sell things too. I won’t take the money I have earned from the sales but instead give it all to the person. Yesterday, I saw a man selling tissue paper, it was actually during assembly. It looked really sad. I felt like it was real, and felt sorry for him. I understand their feelings.
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Gong Yong Jie
Be yourself Know who you really are, do what you want and do it well. Be brave
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Ilhan Hadi
Positive thinking - Resilience - Grateful - Care - Peace - Share - Joy Negative thinking - Selfish - Ungrateful - Rude - Unkind - Uncaring - Unhelpful Be who you really are. Do not give up. Try your best. Believe in yourself. Don’t compare with others. Face your problems and fears.
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To be the best of you, you have to not compare and complain. Be brave too, don’t be afraid to face your problems. If someone keeps bothering you, stand up for yourself. Accept people’s situation or you get into fights.
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Being the best of you is making the world a safe place Being the best of you is to not give up on helping people
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Angie D.
I always feel heartbroken when a person who feels sad comes along. I don’t understand what’s so different about us and them. Be bold Being the best of you can make the world a better place and make it shine I hope good fortune will happen to you!
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Hui En
Be the best of you by, for example, - Apologising first when you argue with your friend - Do not complain but instead, finish the homework you were assigned The “best of you” means to be good hearted. Once you are good hearted, you are the best of you! Yay!
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Be fearless in pursuit of your dreams
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Tan Yi Xin
Be kind Be brave
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Hao Wen
When somebody is poor, I will help them. What will you do? Give them money Do not laugh at people who are different from us
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Thank you for visiting our school and the performance. It was a very touching performance. I am deeply thankful and blessed to have what I have. I hope you stay positive, don’t give up and let’s work hard together for our dreams! You are amazing You are brave You are strong
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Jared Lim
Dear Su, I know how you feel. Work hard. Ignore those who look down on you, and don’t give up! Today is you day! Your mountain is waiting so… Get on your way! Some things are beyond your control/ How to be the best of you! Let the light in It just takes some time.
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Don't hurt other people
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Genelle Lim
Dear performers, Thank you for putting up an amazing performance! Thank you for showing me that there are poor people who cannot afford to buy things around me. I should be kind towards them and help them if I can. I feel that I am very fortunate and I should appreciate the things I have. I really enjoyed watching the show very much!
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When somebody is sad or poor, I will… • comfort them and tell them it’s okay (if they are sad because they got bullied) • say “don’t be sad, you will see your mother when you are home” (if they are sad because she misses her mother) • say good things that won’t hurt their feelings like “please be happy!” • cheer them up by saying “don’t be sad”
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Work hard, Dream big, Never give up!
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Lim Rui Qi
Kindness is when I helped an old lady sitting on a wheelchair to cross the road
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Braedon Ang
Be grateful Hey! Please DO NOT look down on the poor I am happy for what I have… I should share it with others Even the slightest help is a big help Help the poor! If you have too much, donate to the needy Keep calm and be the best of me
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Chew Xiu Wen
I can help by donating food to them, encouraging them by saying “You are strong, you can do it! You are very inspirational to me. I will learn from your strengths.” If I see anyone without anything, I will try to raise awareness by posting it on social media. I feel very bad as I have the things they do not have.
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Sophia Wong
I believe that we should understand the people who have financial or health struggles, we should not talk bad about them behind their backs. We could hurt their feelings and they may start blaming themselves, which might cause things to take a turn for the worse. “I hereby promise that when I see someone struggling, I will try my very best to help them no matter what”
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Phoebau Lau
I pledge to participate in volunteer work. I will help to donate food to the food drives or donate old clothes and toys to those in need. I will promise to be a more caring and responsible person. To think about others first and just be the best of me, appreciate things more and be more grateful.:) BE THE BEST OF ME If you can't, you must. If you must, you can.
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Ashley Denise Ng
I would help them by using my strengths. For example, I love to cook/bake. The dishes I made can be placed in a container and be given to those in need. I know that many people are in need of help, yet they do not want to speak up. I can encourage and help them:) “don’t compare yourself with others, ignore what others think of you” Stay happy
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BE GENEROUS GIVE IN TO OTHERS STAY POSITIVE Put yourself in someone’s shoe Understand what they are facing Trying to help others as much as you can Be the best version of yourself It's simply humanity
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I can help the needy who really need help by donating money, and food, I can give them what they really need so that I can be a helpful person in a way. I will do my best to help and contribute as much as I can. Not everyone is rich, always help. Helping makes you a better person
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Lau Shienna
I would do volunteer work and help others in need. I would also help by donating canned food to food drives so that they can give it to those who are not well off. To those who are not well off, I hope I would have the chance to encourage them, tell them to not give up, that they would have a good future if they do not give up and strive to reach their goal. Don’t ever give up, reach for your goals. If you don’t give up you will eventually reach your goals:) Don’t give up, and be the ‘Best of You’
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Sheyenne Toh
If I know someone who is going through urban poverty, I will help them by giving them food if they do not have three meals a day. I pledge to be a better person by being kind and helping anyone in need. The best of you
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Goh Junkang
Don’t compare yourself with others. Compare against yourself. Be the best version of you
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HAVE DA COURAGE! You are stronger than you think. Believe in yourself, you can do it! Try your best and never give up! Put your full potential in what you do. Don’t compare others with yourself. You are greater than you think BE BRAVE!
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Nur Alesya Alia
I will try to do something to help others by volunteering, and donating food and money All I need is determination, resilience and courage Spread happiness not sadness Sharing is caring Spark joy Spread love not hate All they may need is a helping hand
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Choo Yi Xuan
I would be a more caring person and help those in need by minding the words I say, showing concern or my friends/classmates and if someone I know is in need of help, I would do my best to help them and lend a listening ear to them. Be brave:)
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Roshna Shan
I know that there are many people in this world and even in Singapore. I have never thought that I could help them. but now I believe that there are many ways to help them. I can just put a smile on their face and they might be happy. I don’t think I can help them financially but I think I can help them emotionally. I am really grateful that I don’t have any mental illness or family problems. So, I promise to support them emotionally. The pain you are experiencing now can't add up to the joy that is coming:)
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I will share food with them. I will talk to them nicely, encourage them to think positively. Solve problems together, not leaving one another behind as they need our help and we can give them a helping hand. Find the courage to be the best of you
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I will talk it out with the person who is going through a hard time. Other than being a problem solver, talk to them, encourage them to make them feel better about themselves. Stand up for them when people make fun of them for their current situation. Make them feel brave, confident and make them think positively. Be there when they need you. Be a pillar of support. Every action matters. ‘it’s a bad day not a bad life”