My personal hero in my life doesn’t know how to fly, have super strength, or wear a cape. She isn’t part of the avengers either. She’s extraordinary yet significant. My hero has known me for my entire life yet there’s so much more I have to learn about her. She is none other than my mother. Everyone as their own versions of their hero. Most people look up to people who are literal heroes or heroines, saving people and defeating villains. My mother doesn’t defeat villains, she encourages me to face my own problems despite her having her own problems. Even though we struggle to make ends meet, she makes sure that I get to enjoy what others have. Even though my siblings are much younger and need more attention than I do, she tries to make time for me amongst her working hours. Being a mother at 22 wasn’t easy on her end, she tries and stumbles, but never gave up to bring out the best in me.