Divian Nair

We have a perpetual purpose to continuously add positivity and reinforce communities.

We Are Majulah' has been a vehicle for my team and I to explore the concept of identity not just on a social and national level, but as individuals. It has been one of the most important undertakings for any of and it has certainly taught us the most about our environment and how best to contribute to it. All in all, we hope this sense of belonging and purpose translates to the community. We don't really have an ultimate landing point or defined goal because it's not a KPI driven project. Rather, we have a perpetual purpose to continuously add positivity and reinforce communities through our storytelling and on ground initiatives. I guess you could say we are achieving what we set out to do every single day.

When we look back from where we have come, it seems like we've done a lot. So far we have released over 70 episodes of the good word project, grown about 13 thousand on our Facebook page, interacted with thousands of Singaporeans with our Eraser Cup game. A substantial amount of that impact was generated this year because it took time to gather a momentum and capitalize on the opportunities available.

Identity is a complex thing and it involves many components. Being a heterogenous society only adds to that complexity so while the identity is there, it's just more difficult to label it definitively. This is also why we are suggesting something holistic and positive to represent our complex identity.

The Eraser Cup are just one of our efforts in We Are Majulah. We really want to continue testing and developing it until it becomes as large as a game like "Are you smarter than a fifth grader" so we are spending most of time now on the ground.

When I think about it, I think my family is my primary motivation. In my mind, contributing to my nation in the capacity I can eventually leads to a better Singapore for them and people I care about.
Divian Nair