Hazelin Ismail (qasehsu)

These is for you, Khairul Iskandar Tajuddin.

While life has always been just the two of us, me and my son, I have never lost faith that one day, Allah will send someone for us or at least for my son, when I am gone.

November 3, 2016, Khairul Iskandar Tajuddin became a part of our small family, from two, we are now three.

We have our ups and down.
We have our fights and disagreement.
We have our laughter and small sweet talks.
We have our tears and words of support.
No matter what, one we promised each other, no matter how bad things would go, we will be together though hardship or nor.

The decision he made and sacrifice for us has brought him to being there whenever I am not well, whenever I break down, whenever I have my fears and tears, whenever I have my worries.. it was never easy for him and I can see the struggles he goes through. Though I wish I can just hug and tell him that it's going to be okay but deep inside I know it's not going to be true.

With every pain that is hidden, I pray that time will be on our side. But if it's not then, these is something that I would like to have for him as my appreciation for all that he had to sacrifice for me and my son tajul, no it's not my son but our son.

Khairul Iskandar Tajuddin, my dear husband, I see and know how you struggle and I am sorry if I have not been that accommodating or supportive enough. Please bare in mind, that I never forgot to see and watch, I never look the other way. I just didn't know how to tell you that 'Thank you for being there for us, for being strong when you are not. Thank you for loving us with all your might and strength till you left of nothing more to give and share. You are in our hearts and prayers, and I know Tajul loves you much. I love you too. Thank you for being a loving husband and father'

These is for you Khairul Iskandar Tajuddin
Hazelin Ismail (qasehsu)