I am pretty fine here
I am pretty fine here
When their faces come before my eyes, my hardship knows no bounds, My eyes could not hold the salty rivers.
This tearful eyes are kept hidden by many tactics,With many agonies.
I don’t want anyone to be sad after looking at my eyes with tears.
That is what I say when someone calls from home. “I am pretty fine here”
My mother admits the bounties of the world God gave us. All with a prayer.
My father smiles a smile of joy and goes to work. And my sweetheart goes to bed with a full happy four-square meal. Nobody never wanted to discover or search- how much affliction I have in here. Here in my heart.
I never let me get to know my grief and pangs. Every breath of my heart is an exhale unheard! Thereupon no sleep in my eyes. The torments of the expatriates like me are manifold.
It is about not taking care of the parents, Not having the love of beloved,
Not to hold very dear the child that had born, Not to hang out with the friends, And have a cup of tea with them, Not to look after the relatives back home.
Never have I ever wanted to tell anyone,About my woe.
This expatriate life is the reason –
Of all my tribulation and anguish.
This life itself is a boon.
It is a jinx.
“I am pretty fine here” – if this sentence makes them happy, let it be.
Let it flow the fountain of happiness.
Why torching the happiness of others! Expatriate’s life is full of agony.
Let this agony be with us.
Let it be private.
Just let it rest with us.
(Omar Faruque Shipon working Shipyard as safety coordinator since 2010..
His favaurite hobby is reading and writing..
He is one of the winners in the inaugural migrant worker story telling competition last may 27th,2018.
Some of his article and short stories are published in Bangladeshi leading newspapers and online news portals most of article about migrant worker issues..)
Omar Faruque